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Town Hall Presentation

Town Hall Presentation. December 5 & 9, 2013. National Attendees. 12/5/13. 12/9/13. Winona Bontrager Nancy Porambo Jeff Smoot Rachel Mann Nathan Nordstrom Chris Deery Pualani Gillespie Maureen Hoock John Kelley Dolly Wallace Richard Wedegartner. Winona Bontrager Rachel Mann

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Town Hall Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Town Hall Presentation • December 5 & 9, 2013

  2. National Attendees 12/5/13 12/9/13 Winona Bontrager Nancy Porambo Jeff Smoot Rachel Mann Nathan Nordstrom Chris Deery Pualani Gillespie Maureen Hoock John Kelley Dolly Wallace Richard Wedegartner • Winona Bontrager • Rachel Mann • Nathan Nordstrom • Chris Deery • Maureen Hoock • Dolly Wallace • Chris Voltarel • Mark Tyle • Gilda Mitchell • Laura Sabransky

  3. Chapter President Attendees 12/5/13 • Kerry Methot (CT) • Becky Schwoebel (IL) • Terri Brandt (IN) • Marla Hieger (KS) • Collette Wilson (KY) • Julie Finn (MI) • Leslie Kiernan (MO) • Julie Ripley (MT) • Lisa Bradley (NE) • David Otto (NV) • Rick Wiles (NM) • Joanne Lozy (RI) • Maj-Lis Nash (TN) • Marybeth Berney (WA)

  4. Chapter President Attendees 12/9/13 • LaDonna Ward (AL) • Lil Hackett (AZ) • Michael Roberson (CA) • Deb Hatch (CO) • Karen Roth (FL) • Terri Barton (GA) • Dan Schmidt (IA) • Mary White (MA) • Cindy Rankin (NC) • Julie Smith (NH) • Lori Keith (NJ) • Cindy Allen (NY) • Marla Cohen (OH) • Brenda Schuck (PA) • Rena McLendon (SC) • Hugh Bofenkamp (TX) • Melissa Hall (DC) • Mya Rose (WI) • Sara Warner (WY)

  5. Chapter Fee Change • BoD decision • Chapter Fee optional -Members have option to pay: • Previous fee • Another amount (more or less) • None at all • Can provide financial support in any denomination at any time • Can also give financial support to other Chapters Chapter will still receive same percentage of dues

  6. Reason for Decision • AMTA in competitive environment for members • Board looked at how we can be more competitive • Varying Chapter fees confuse potential members • Same price nationwide will help us be more competitive and increase membership • Currently $2.5M in reserves at Chapter level • As 501C6 need to put $$$ back in to members • Chapters underspent $580,000 • Most Chapters could continue with normal operations with no impact This decision does not increase the National budget

  7. Additional Services • National will provide additional services at no charge to the Chapters (these are optional) • Website hosting • Electronic Chapter newsletter costs • Online voting • Online meetings • Chapter phone number • Chapters will still be responsible for content • Sample budgets to help with the change

  8. Benefits of the Change • Enhanced member value and loyalty • Increase in members = more money for Chapters through portion of dues

  9. decision FAQ’S

  10. FAQ’s • Q: Who made this decision? • A: The National Board of Directors voted on and approved this decision. • Q: Why was this decision made? • A: The decision was made in order to have one consistent membership fee to competitively position AMTA membership at $235. • Q: When was the decision made? • A: In executive session at the meeting in Ft. Worth.

  11. FAQ’s • Q: Why was the decision made in executive session? • A: For competitive reasons, the board did not want the information to be released until the appropriate time. • Q: Why did the board make this decision without Chapter input? • A: The board carefully considered the data and determined that they had sufficient information to make an informed decision. • Q: How is the National budget impacted by this decision? • A: Over $250,000 has been allocated to provide additional services and bridge money.

  12. FAQ’s • Q: As a member driven organization, it doesn’t seem that this decision was made in a transparent manner on behalf of the members. Can you please explain? • A: Transparency doesn’t mean that everyone gets to know everything. Transparency is defined as knowledge about how decisions are made and who makes them based on the structure. • In addition, this decision gives all members the opportunity to decide if they want to contribute to the chapter in whatever denomination they chose, rather than the decision being made by only those who attend the chapter annual meeting.

  13. FAQ’s • Q: Chapters were told that the reason given for taking away the chapter fee is to be competitive [with ABMP] so the new price point of $235 across the board is to accomplish this. However chapters are being told we can not only now charge the chapter fee but that there is no cap on this fee. Is this not a contradiction to saying the new rate is $235 yet  across the nation different chapters will be charging different fee’s yet with no means to collect them? • How are we going to compete with the $99 dollar liability insurance for therapists that only want insurance? • A: The Chapter Fee has not been eliminated, it is optional rather than mandatory. The main reason for the change is not to compete at the lowest price point with the competition, but rather to have a consistent price for all members and a cleaner marketing message. In the past, if a member or potential member did not want to pay the chapter fee they were turned away. That will not happen with the optional chapter fee. • Chapters cannot “charge” a chapter fee. They can ask for additional monetary support, but a set fee cannot be imposed.

  14. FAQ’s • Q: Did the board consider reducing national expenses? • A: Over the last 5 years the national budget has been decreased by over $1 million dollars. • Q:Did the board consider increasing the chapter portion of dues as an offset to the reduction in chapter fees at the chapter level? • A: Yes. However the business case did not support this at this time. Many chapters have reserves, underspent on their budgets annually and have very healthy reserves. For those chapters that need additional financial support, bridge money is available for those specific situations.

  15. FAQ’s • Q: Does the Board know how this impacts Chapter budgets? • A: Yes. Information on Chapter budgets was reviewed. Based on the amount of money currently in reserves at the Chapter level ($2.5M) and the amount of money that Chapters underspent last year ($580,000), Chapter-by-Chapter strategies were developed and are now being discussed with each Chapter

  16. FAQ’s • Q: Does the Board understand that services provided by the Chapters may be impacted? • A: Many Chapters will be able to provide the same services they are currently providing. The new services offered by National at no cost to the Chapters will assist those Chapters that haven’t been able to provide services in the past. • Q: How will National support those Chapters that do not have sufficient reserves? • A: Bridge money has been approved for two years to support Chapters with low reserve amounts.

  17. FAQ’s • Q: Why was this made effective January 1 instead of at the beginning of the fiscal year, March 1? • A: Several Chapters will have their annual membership meeting prior to March 1 and will ask their members to approve their budgets at that time. • This timing will also allow AMTA to offer the optional fee to a large member renewal group in the March time frame. • In addition, January Chapter revenues are based on December. February is based on January participation so only one month of the fiscal year occurs under this change.

  18. FAQ’s • Q: How does this affect Chapter budgets in Jan/Feb. since those budgets were approved before the change? • A: Minimally. The number of members renewing in January/February is minimal compared to the rest of the year. • Q: Will National help Chapters with their budgets? • A: Staff has already worked with 25 chapters to help them review their budgets. They will continue to support Chapters by reviewing their current budgets and helping them develop budgets for FY 14/15 and beyond.

  19. FAQ’s • Q:Will National honor contracts that the Chapters have committed to? • A: This depends on the Chapter’s financial situation. Contracts entered in to by Chapters are the responsibility of the association. If a Chapter is unable to honor the terms of the contract and it cannot be cancelled or the services are still required, National will provide support.

  20. FAQ’s • Q: What if a Chapter needs additional funds for legislative activities? • A: National has increased the LLAP budget line item to support chapters that need assistance. • Funds are also available through the Legal, Education, Advocacy and Defense (LLEAD) fund.

  21. FAQ’s • Q: What we are gaining in Chapter benefits is not equal (in dollars) to what we are losing in Chapter fees. Why are we at the Chapter level having to adjust our budgets? • A: The intent of the free services is to provide all Chapters with the ability to meet the mandatory deliverables per Policy. Many Chapters will be able to reduce costs by taking advantage of the tools provided by National.

  22. FAQ’s • Q: If Chapter fees are eliminated, then we will at some point have to cut back on the benefits that our Chapter offers. What will the benefit of having a “Chapter” be at that point? Is AMTA planning on eliminating Chapters completely and moving to a business structure such as ABMP operates? • A: Chapters can and will still be the grassroots connection with our members. Chapters should not have to cut back on things such as education events, newsletters, websites or community service which surveys indicate is what members value most. • Many Chapters have already found that they can still provide the same services. • Other areas of importance include GR which will continue to be subsidized by funds in the National budget through LLAP and LLEAD.

  23. Operational FAQ’S

  24. FAQ’s • Q: Will the member retention and recruitment department be “marketing” new/renewing members to pay a Chapter fee? • A: Yes • Q: What will the renewal page on the website look like (will it show Chapter fee optional or be completely blank)? • A: It will have a description about the value of Chapter that encourages them to support the Chapter financially and they can choose the amount and the Chapter before going to the shopping cart.

  25. FAQ’s • Q: How are members being informed of this change? • A: At the time of joining/renewing member will be given the option to support a Chapter at whatever amount they like. • Q: Can Chapters notify their members? • A: Yes. National staff can assist in creating messages Chapters can use on their websites, at their meetings and in their newsletters.

  26. FAQ’s • Q: What are some things that other Chapters are doing to encourage members to pay the optional fee or “earn” money? • A: An operational committee comprised of Chapter Relations staff and Chapter Relations Committee members are already compiling ideas to provide to Chapters. • Q: Will the renewal form identify where the “optional” dollars may go? i.e. your option gift will help the Chapter support L & L? • A: We cannot set that up separately for each Chapter since each Chapter would most likely have different purposes for the funds. The Chapter can identify in their messaging where any additional money is being used as part of the benefits from that specific Chapter.

  27. FAQ’s • Q: Regarding fund-raising, can National supply a list of suggestions and restrictions to protect our 501C6 status. • A: Yes, National staff is currently working on those parameters. • Q: When can the Chapters access the templates for the website and newsletter? • A: Mid December • Q: What third party will be handling these? • A: Word Press and Constant Contact

  28. Presenter, title, email, phone

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