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8 Benefits of Eating Apples During Pregnancy

Apples are a great source of nutrition and highly beneficial for both the mother-to-be and the growing baby. In this slideshow, we have listed some benefits of apple during pregnancy. <br><br>Visit our website - https://windowtothewomb.co.uk/studios/peterborough-baby-scan-studio/

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8 Benefits of Eating Apples During Pregnancy

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  1. 8 Advantage of Eating Apples During Pregnancy

  2. Apples are high in fiber and are a good source of vitamins A and C. Plus, they contain potassium, and pectin. Pectin is a prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Apples are packed with nutrients to help a growing fetus,

  3. Prevents Anaemia: Applescontainsiron, whichisanessentialmineralthat yourbloodneedstoavoidbecominganemicduring pregnancy, Anemiaduringpregnancyisafairlycommon issue, soeatingapplesregularlycanhelptoboostyour ironlevels.

  4. Applescontain insolublefibre, which canhelppromote digestionaswellas aidingahealthy metabolism. Insoluble fibermayalsohelp reduceintestinal Helps in Digestion: disorders.

  5. Helps Build Immunity ApplesareagoodsourceofVitaminC, whichincreasetheproductionofwhite bloodcells, whicharekeytofighting infections.

  6. Provides Energy: Applesareagreatsourceoffiber, vitaminC, and antioxidants, andalsohavegoodcarbohydrates – everythingyourbodyneedsforaquickenergyboost.

  7. May Keep the Heart Healthy: Apple are high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. Apple contain polyphenols, which are linked to lower blood pressure and stroke risk

  8. Prevents Respiratory Problems Duetothepresenceoftheantioxidant quercetin, appleshavebeenprovento reducerespiratoryproblemsandalsoitcan lowertheriskofdevelopingasthmainyour baby

  9. Helps in Bone Development: Applescontaincalciumwhich isessentialforthe developmentofstrongbones inthebabywhichalsohelpin strengthenyourbonesduring pregnancy.

  10. Increases Memory Power: Applescontains quercetininitspeel, an antioxidantthat improvesmemoryand cognitivefunction. It preventsbraincell damageandreducesthe riskofAlzheimer’s diseaseanddementia.

  11. Brought To you BY Window To The Womb Peterborough

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