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Are You Ready to Live with Less

Read these ancient words of wisdom with the understanding that bad actors actively work against us daily. They intend to destroy your world and mine. Read this piece to the end, and you will better understand and grasp the enormity of the challenges we face.

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Are You Ready to Live with Less

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  1. Are You Are You Ready to Live Ready to Live with Less? with Less? www.1plus1equals2.com

  2. It’s positively diabolical. Organized groups of people plot our downfall under cover of Woke idealism and Climate Change. We’re discovering some of what’s happening, but not everything has yet broken the level of consciousness for all. In the 5th century BC, in The Art of War by Sun Tzu, he had much to say that applies to us today. Read these ancient words of wisdom with the understanding that bad actors actively work against us daily. They intend to destroy your world and mine. Read this piece to the end, and you will better understand and grasp the enormity of the challenges we face: www.1plus1equals2.com

  3. All warfare is based on deception.”— Americans don’t understand and generally cannot accept that we are at war with domestic and foreign enemies. Therefore, we seek peace with enemies with no interest in peace, only in winning. “When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct; when there are no fixed duties assigned to officers and men, and the ranks are formed in a slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganization.”— Our leaders are more dedicated to the acquisition of power, to survive and control rather than to defend the people they are sworn to serve. We are vulnerable and defenseless before our enemies. “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”— Sun Tzu’s penultimate tactic was to benumb those nations and people he coveted. Sadly, we seek pleasure and other distractions while our enemies plot our subjugation.

  4. Americans are known for many things worldwide, largely good until recently. Stability is the stablemate of conservatism. But today, we’ve moved from leading the world to the precipice of third-world status. Our global power and positive influence are on the wane, as we obviously can’t keep our house in order; the world has witnessed our decline and is justly concerned our guarantees can’t be relied on much longer. This is causing massive geopolitical changes in alliances which we see playing out before our eyes. Recently, perhaps for the first time, our country’s position as the world’s reserve currency has been successfully challenged by China. Why are countries hostile to the U.S. happy to substitute the Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) as the standard means of international exchange vs. the Dollar? Such action would end America’s world economic dominance, striking at us as the strategic protector of the world and destroying the American Dollar, which would be catastrophic.

  5. We will be forced to get by with much less as we live in someone else’s new reality. But remember, such a future remains a choice today, not an inevitability. Living on one’s back is still unacceptable to millions—time for new tactics. www.1plus1equals2.com

  6. Thank You! Read more interesting blogs on our website www.1plus1equals2.com

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