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ARE YOU READY? . Answer the following questions to see if your planning and preparation for college is on track. Click here to continue. The most important thing colleges want to know about me is my GPA. True False. Sorry, that’s incorrect! That’s only part of what they want to know.

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  1. ARE YOU READY? Answer the following questions to see if your planning and preparation for college is on track. Click here to continue.

  2. The most important thing colleges want to know about me is my GPA. True False

  3. Sorry, that’s incorrect!That’s only part of what they want to know. • Colleges are very interested in the types of classes you have taken and are currently taking. Are you in challenging classes or all basic ones? • Colleges want well-rounded students who are involved in their school and community beyond academics. Are you involved in clubs, athletics, music, community service organizations? • Colleges do place importance on your GPA and test scores, but they aren’t the only deciding factors. • Click here to continue

  4. That’s right! There are many other factors that colleges consider when reviewing applicants. • Colleges are very interested in the types of classes you have taken and are currently taking. Are you in challenging classes or all basic ones? • Colleges want well-rounded students who are involved in their school and community beyond academics. Are you involved in clubs, athletics, music, community service organizations? • Colleges do place importance on your GPA and test scores, but they aren’t the only deciding factors. • Click here to continue.

  5. Colleges will focus primarily on my efforts from my senior year. True False

  6. Sorry. • Don’t wait until your senior year to work hard! Colleges will review your work from all of your high school years. Remember, if you apply to college just as your senior year is starting, the only grades that will be available on your transcript will be from your 3 previous years. They will review what classes you are taking to ensure you have a reasonably challenging course of study and may even delay accepting you until they see your first quarter grades, but your efforts in your senior year will not be the sole focus of their assessment of you. • Click here to continue.

  7. That is correct. • Don’t wait until your senior year to work hard! Colleges will review your work from all of your high school years. Remember, if you apply to college just as your senior year is starting, the only grades that will be available on your transcript will be from your 3 previous years. They will review what classes you are taking to ensure you have a reasonably challenging course of study and may even delay accepting you until they see your first quarter grades, but your efforts in your senior year will not be the sole focus of their assessment of you. • Click here to continue.

  8. The best time to apply for college is during the late summer or early fall of my senior year. True False

  9. That is correct! • Applying to college early can be very advantageous. It indicates a high level of interest in a school, shows you are organized and even allows you to be considered for scholarships. As your senior year gets busier and busier, it is convenient and truly a “relief” to know you’ve done what you need to do to get into the schools of your choice! • Click here to continue.

  10. Think again! • Applying to college early can be very advantageous. It indicates a high level of interest in a school, shows you are organized and even allows you to be considered for scholarships. As your senior year gets busier and busier, it is convenient and truly a “relief” to know you’ve done what you need to do to get into the schools of your choice! • Click here to continue.

  11. Taking the PSAT is optional. True False

  12. That is correct but... • PSAT is optional but it is the only test you can take that will qualify you to be a National Merit Finalist. National Merit Finalists receive thousands of $$$ in scholarship money. Taking the PSAT also provides excellent practice for the SAT. • Click here to continue.

  13. That is incorrect. • PSAT is optional but it is the only test you can take that will qualify you to be a National Merit Finalist. National Merit Finalists receive thousands of $$$ in scholarship money. Taking the PSAT also provides excellent practice for the SAT. • Click here to continue.

  14. Scholarships are only given to the students with the highest GPAs and the highest test scores. True False

  15. Wrong. Read on... • There are millions of dollars of scholarships that go undistributed every year. Not all scholarships require that you be valedictorian. There are scholarships for people with red hair and for students that drive a Toyota Corolla! If you take the time to apply for a couple of scholarships a week, the likelihood of getting some money is excellent! • Click here to continue.

  16. You’re right. Go find somemoney! • There are millions of dollars of scholarships that go undistributed every year. Not all scholarships require that you be valedictorian. There are scholarships for people with red hair and for students that drive a Toyota Corolla! If you take the time to apply for a couple of scholarships a week, the likelihood of getting some money is excellent! • Click here to continue.

  17. Bright Futures Scholarships can’t be used if you take a year off to travel or join the military after high school. True False

  18. That is correct. • Bright Futures scholarships are available for students who qualified and applied in their senior year of high school for several years after they graduate. Even if they choose to attend a school out of state or join the military and return in the allotted time to a Florida post secondary school, they can access their Bright Futures money. • Click here to continue.

  19. That is incorrect. • There are millions of dollars of scholarships that go undistributed every year. Not all scholarships require that you be valedictorian. There are scholarships for people with red hair and for students that drive a Toyota Corolla! If you take the time to apply for a couple of scholarships a week, the likelihood of getting some money is excellent! • Click here to continue.

  20. You can go to college and be undecided about your career path. True False

  21. That is correct but... • If you have an idea of what field of study you may be entering, it may help you to graduate on time. For example, if you know you are leaning toward a degree in the business area but aren’t sure if you want to be an accountant or a marketing major, you can begin to take elective classes your freshman and sophomore years that are pre-requisites for getting into the School of Business at your university. Likewise, if you know you are heading into a field in the science arena, choose your electives from the science classes offered. If you have absolutely no idea, don’t panic! Colleges offer career counseling services that you should take advantage of. You may also want to sign up for elective classes in very diverse fields so that you can see what you like and don’t like. It is better to take an extra semester of classes than to choose an area of study that you don’t like. Remember, you will probably be working in your chosen field for many years to come! • Click here to continue.

  22. That’s incorrect. You don’t have to know but... • If you have an idea of what field of study you may be entering, it may help you to graduate on time. For example, if you know you are leaning toward a degree in the business area but aren’t sure if you want to be an accountant or a marketing major, you can begin to take elective classes your freshman and sophomore years that are pre-requisites for getting into the School of Business at your university. Likewise, if you know you are heading into a field in the science arena, choose your electives from the science classes offered. If you have absolutely no idea, don’t panic! Colleges offer career counseling services that you should take advantage of. You may also want to sign up for elective classes in very diverse fields so that you can see what you like and don’t like. It is better to take an extra semester of classes than to choose an area of study that you don’t like. Remember, you will probably be working in your chosen field for many years to come! • Click here to continue.

  23. I’ve been accepted to my dream school. I’m home free!!! True False

  24. That is incorrect. There is a lot more to do! • If you plan to live on campus, sign up for the housing plan asap. This is especially true for the state universities where housing is limited. • Don’t give up on your current school work. All acceptance letters are contingent upon you graduating in an “acceptable” manner. You are expected to fulfill your high school duties! • Get on the school’s web site and navigate every part of it. That way when you have to sign up for classes, find out about finances, get information about sporting events, you will be able to do so easily. • Click here to continue.

  25. That is correct. Read why below. • If you plan to live on campus, sign up for the housing plan asap. This is especially true for the state universities where housing is limited. • Don’t give up on your current school work. All acceptance letters are contingent upon you graduating in an “acceptable” manner. You are expected to fulfill your high school duties! • Get on the school’s web site and navigate every part of it. That way when you have to sign up for classes, find out about finances, get information about sporting events, you will be able to do so easily. • Click here to continue.

  26. How did you do? If you would like more information regarding college preparation, please sign up to see Mrs. Pressley or Mrs. Robertson in the Guidance Suite. We would love a chance to speak with you!

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