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It is beneficial to include stretching exercises in your daily routine. It is very beneficial for keeping your body and mind healthy and functioning. And It will stimulate your organs, brain, muscles, and focus, giving you a fast boost for the day.
15-Minute Stretching Routine to Reset Your Mind and Body Bio link https://7pranayama-yoga.tumblr.com/
A 15-minute daily stretching routine can be a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be painful. Regular body movements and stretching exercises can increase your range of motion and coordination, improve flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, fatigue, pain, stiffness, and improve mental well-being. This is the time where you feel a little lighter, less foggy, and even more, energized as you focus on the breath. Even though we know the benefits of stretching, but few of us are able to incorporate it in the right way and regular routine. Stretching is especially recommended for warm-up before exercise. Stretching loosens and warms up the muscles, making them easier to expand.
Mental and Physical Benefits of Stretching Exercise While stretching the body regularly creates a physical reset, stretching in particular also provides positive mental benefits. Let’s know-how stretching routine positively reset your body and mind:
A 15-minute Full-Body Stretching Exercises for Beginners Try adding the stretches exercises for flexibility into your routine to help improve mobility, relieve muscle tension, and improve mental well-being—so that you can move live life more freely. Standing Forward Stretch (Uttanasana) Most effective - for neck, back, calf muscles, and legs. Stand straight with your feet about 12 inches apart. Soften your body and slowly lean forward while keeping your head close to the floor. While exhaling, keep the head, neck, and shoulders relaxed. Place your hands behind your feet. Hold this posture for about 30 seconds. If desired, repeat again for 30 seconds.
Downward-Facing Stretch (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Most effective - for the torso, legs, core, back, arm, shoulder, hips, and hands. Bend your knees and sit down. Keep both hands on the ground. Now stand on both hands and knees. With the emphasis on your palms and toes, lift your hips and keep your elbows and knees straight. In this pose, you will feel a stretch in the back of your legs. Stretching the arms and back, bring the head towards the ground. Feel the stretch in the chest and arms. You must make sure that in this phase your body is becoming like an inverted ‘V’. Focus your eyes on the navel. Stay in this position for some time or 40 seconds and Exhale and repeat if desired. come back to your starting position.
Butterfly Stretch (Titliasana) Most effective - for hips, back, and thighs. Sit with your back straight and your feet on the floor in front of you. Now draw the feet towards you and bend your knees. Join the soles of your feet with each other, just like when you greet someone with your hands together. Now place your hands on the toes. After this, push your upper body forward and keep your knees close to the floor. Keep this stretch for about two minutes.
Cobra Stretch (Bhujangasana) Most effective - For back, neck, glutes, and arms. To do this stretch, lie on your stomach and stretch your back. First Lie down on your stomach. Keep your arms at your sides and turn your head to one side; That’s all you have to do for this exercise. after a few seconds, move your arms so they’re still at your side, but you’ll have a balance on your forearms. Keeping your elbows and forearms together, slightly raise the upper half of your body like a cobra. While doing this, breathing slowly, stay in this position for one minute. Repeat this 3 times to get more stretches.
Low Lunge Stretch (Anjaneyasana) Most effective – Spinal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, and piriformis. Spread both the legs away from each other. Now sit with the toes of the right leg bent at the outside of the knee. After this, while inhaling, move both your hands together above the head, and while exhaling try to bend your upper body behind the back. Remain in this posture for some time or 30 to 60 seconds and then gradually become normal. Now repeat this stretch from the opposite side. For more body flexibility repeat these poses 3 times.
Conclusion It is beneficial to include stretching exercises in your daily routine. It is very beneficial for keeping your body and mind healthy and functioning. And It will stimulate your organs, brain, muscles, and focus, giving you a fast boost for the day. Source link https://7pranayama-yoga.tumblr.com