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Hatha yoga is a general term for any yoga that teaches physical postures. From this article you can easily learn hatha yoga and practice it at your home.
Hatha Yoga Guide:Science,Benefits,andInsights BioLink: https://www.hostnewsdaily.com/hatha-yoga-guide/ • Itisbelieved thatsincethebeginningof civilization,hathayogahasbeen practiced. The science of Hatha Yoga originated thousands of years ago, long before the first religions or faiths were born. Nath Yogis of the Hatha Yoga tradition include Matsyendra Nath, Gorakh Nath, Gaurangi Nath, Swatmaram Suri, Gheranda, SrinivasBhatt are some of thegreatswho popularized the practice ofHathaYogaduring500BC– 800AD. • Shadanga • Yoga of Goraksha Shatkam, • Chaturanga • YogaofHatha • YogaPradipika, • Saptanga
YogaofGheranda • Samhita • Were the mainrootsofHathaYoga. • Hatha yoga is a preparation process so that the body can tolerate higher levels of energy. The process starts with the body, and then comes the breath, the mind,andthe innermost. • In other words, hatha yoga is a general term for any yoga that teaches physical postures. "Hatha yoga" classes usually provide a gentle introduction to basic yoga postures. • TheScienceofHathaYoga • Hatha Yoga is a combination of two words. In this, the word 'Ha' is associated with the Sun. At the same time, the term 'Th' has been associated with the moon.Inthistype,yogaperformedtobalancethepowerofChandra(symbol of coolness) and Surya (symbol of energy) present in the body is called Hatha Yoga. • However, this is different from the ancient definition. Hatha in Sanskrit means pressure, forceful. That's why hatha yoga means such a yoga posture in which physical force is applied to physical stress, or yoga is the ability of the body to bear it by giving it pain. Under this, it is believed that increasing the stamina of thebodythroughsomespecial exerciseshelps increasethe AtmaShakti (immunity). • HathaYogaGuide • Hatha Yoga has an important place in various aspects of yoga. It is said that the relationshipbetweenHathaYogaandTantraVidyaiscloser;thatis,theorigin
of Hatha Yoga is believed to be from Tantra Vidya. It has been said that Lord Shivaisthecreator ofboth thesedisciplines. Today, themeaning of Hatha Yoga is known in the importance of yoga to be done by force, i.e., opposite to the body's power, but it is not proper. The meaning of the word Hatha is taken symbolicallyinthescriptures. • PrinciplesofHathaYoga • To achieve this union in Hatha Yoga is the six-limb yoga (Ashtanga yoga). They are: • Asana –steady,comfortable stateofbodyandmind • Pranayama–expansionofcapacitytoretain prana • Pratyahara–withdrawal fromthe sensoryinput • Dharana– bringingthesenseto one singlepoint • Dhyana – observingthe self • Samadhi –becomingfree from Maya • In HathaPradipika,mainly sixpartshavebeendescribed,whichareasfollows- • Asanas • Pranayama • Mudra • Bandhas • Kriyas • Mantras • Maharishi Gherand has also described the means of hatha yoga in his yoga treatiseGherandSamhita.
Afteranextensiveexplorationofthe humansystem,the yogic system recognized 84 asanas as yogasanas. With thehelp of these 84 postures,you can transform your body and mind into a greater possibility of your ultimate well-being. HathaYogaBenefits Hatha yogahasmore benefitsthanotheryoga asanas.Sinceitisa combination of many types of asanas, a person feels very quick and practical uses by practicing it. However, it is essential to practice Hatha Yoga regularly to reapthesebenefits. ReducesStress According to research, cortisol hormone levels decrease in those who practice hatha yoga,whichcalmsandregulatesthe mood. Itsregularpracticealso lowers yourblood pressure.Also,duetolowcortisollevels,your stress automaticallystartscomingdowntoa lowerlevel. RelieveBackPain Many types of research have found that practicing hatha yoga can get rid of backandbackpain.Someoftheprimaryposesofhathayogaactasmedicine to relieve back pain and provide relief from back pain. Apart from this, the pain ofthe spinalcordisalsoremovedbydoinghathayoga. StrengthenFlexibility Research shows that women who practice 90-minute hatha yoga sessions a weekfindanincrease inrangeofmotionin the spine andhamstrings. Healthe nervous system.
Along with mental and physical health, the benefits of hatha yogaalso include healingthenervous system.Forexample,itspractice improvesblood circulation,reducingthetensionofnerves. • BestHathaYogaPoses • Amongthe84traditional hathayogapostures, themostpopularposes are- • Vrkshasana –Tree Pose • Natrajasana– Dancer'sPose • Matsyasana –FishPose • Bhujangasana–Cobra Pose • Halasana- PloughPose • Paschimotthanasna–SeatedForwardBend • Sarvangasana– Shoulderstand • Mayurasana –PeacockPose • Shirshasna –Headstand • Gomukhasana–Cow-FacePose • There are many postures in hatha yoga, which you have to try in turn. So you have to try all themudras in different ways. If you have any problem doing these exercises, then you should do it under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor. • InsightsTakeaway • Hatha yoga is an excellent choice for all levels of practitioners. Like other yoga postures, hatha yoga also helps remove various disorders of the body, restore lostmentalpeace, calmthemind,improveflexibility,increasewillpower, removepain,andawakenthemysticalpowersofthe soul.
However,alotofpatienceisrequiredwhilestartingthepracticeofhatha yoga.