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7 Pranayama is internet based yoga and pranayama learning app. Right now here we are sharing some yoga asanas to create good health, happiness and joy in your life. Let us see what Yogasana brings: Sukhasana Happy Pose, Paschimottanasana, Gomukhasana, Surya Namaskar, Natarajasana (Dancer's Pose).
Yogasanas– Creationof Health,Joy,andHappiness BioLink: https://sites.google.com/view/7pranayama/blog/yogasanas-creation-of- health-joy-and-happiness Look at how Yogasanasare a powerful process to experience happiness, creating health,joy,andblissfulnessas wellenhanceperception. After a deep exploration of the human system, the science of yoga defined 84 asanas as Yogasanas. Yogasanas can make a greatdifferencein the physical and mental healthofapersonforultimatewell-being. The 84 yoga asanas represent 84 alignments, the memory of these 84 creations is reflectedinourbody,itinsomewaycorrespondstothe cosmicalignment. If you master any one posture and keep the posture correct, it somehow reaches the remaining83.Ifonefallsinthese 84posturesthenhecanknow allthat. 84 Yogasanasarealevelofphysical,spiritual,mentalimprovement,thatisa powerfulprocesstocreate health,joy,andhappiness. Yogasanas “Yoga” is the only way to improve health, develop the body’s immunity, stay away from diseases and get physical, mental, social, and spiritual benefits, By adopting the principlesofyogaasana,humanscreatehealth,aswellasbliss,imbibessalvation. From the point of view of yoga, yoga asana is that position of the body in which you can remain peaceful and happy with your body and mindfor along time.According toMaharishiPatanjali,itisasanatoexperiencehappinessstably,thatis,inthe positionofasana,youwillremainsituatedandalsoexperience joyandhappiness.
SwamiSwatvaatmaramhas described16 asanasin HathaYogaPradipikaandin Gheranda Samhita, Maharishi Gherand Muni has described 32 asanas; Which is good fromthepointofviewofhealthcreating,joy,happiness,andgives salvation. Yoga Asana lead to physical, mental, and spiritual development, the various asanas are:Padmasana,Bhadrasana,Bhujangasana,Sarvangasana,Vrikshasana, Gomukhasana, Vrikshasana,etc. YogaAsanastoCreatingHealth, Joy,andHappiness Scientific research into the benefits of yoga is incredibly beneficial to our overall well- being. Most of the evidence so far will naturally create a chemistry of health, joy and bliss. Before starting the yoga asana, move out of the negative thought and start aimingatself-worth. If you area serious yogapractitioner, yogasanas are transforming yourbody and mind into a possibility. However, it requires a certain determination, strength and perseverance. let’slookatwhatyogasanabrings joy,happiness,andblissfulnessinlife. SukhasanaHappyPose Sukhasana has a positive effect on mental, physical, emotional and mood, which increases self-confidence. With yoga, you feel spiritually calm, which also enhances yourexternalbeauty.Generallyitisagreatnerveposewhichisaone-stopsolution toliftyourmoodandfillyouwithhappiness.
Paschimottanasana Paschimottanasana isagoodyogasanafor thespine,shouldersandhamstrings, which inturn makesyoufeel energized. Itreleasesthe lowerback.Improves digestionalso.Thisasanaalsohelps incalmingthe mind,reducingfatigueand relievingheadaches,stressandanxiety. Gomukhasana By doing yoga asana, both your body and mind remain healthy. Along with this, the ability to workis developed and the immunesystemis also strengthened.Forthis, youcando Gomukhasana.Gomukhasanahelpstokeep thebodyflexibleand shapely. It is also considered to be a calming pose that enhances your state of peace andtranquility byimprovingmoodandconcentration.
SuryaNamaskar By doing yoga, one gets relief from fatigue and there is effective communication of energy in the body. Surya Namaskarasana brings youthfulness to the whole body. Surya Namaskar can prevent the effect of aging on the body and it proves to be helpful in preventing the effects of old age postures on the face as well as on the wholebody. Natarajasana(dancers’pose) The dancer’sinvigorating and forcefulposeiscompletely in charge of theirown happiness. This pose also releases those happy hormones by relieving stress. It is a beautifulblendofgrace withdeepinner wisdomtoour strengthandpower.
Conclusion Thepracticeofyogasanahelpsdevelopthebodyandmind,althoughitcannotbe used as a substitute for any medicine. The results confirm that yoga is beneficial for our overallhealth.Investingin a yogapracticeis investinginyou! SourceLink:https://sites.google.com/view/7pranayama/