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ACO Passavant - Sydney Water Approved Product

ACO stands out from other grease trap system companies, manufacturers and suppliers with Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane’s most reliable installation of grease interceptor and separator range fit for your commercial and restaurant kitchen. Discover the above ground, in ground and underground automatic grease trap sizing and system today....http://www.acopassavant.com.au/en/home/

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ACO Passavant - Sydney Water Approved Product

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  1. Product Data Sheet ACO PASSAVANT Sydney Water approved product EcoJet above ground separator The oval separator has been designed to enable easy installation in awkward and tight areas and can easily be manoeuvred through narrow stairs and door openings Rigid one-piece roto-moulded tank construction Maximum overall width of tank 1050mm Manufactured from durable polyethylene: Excellent corrosion resistance properties Environmentally friendly and recyclable Inspection window to view grease level (optional) Maintenance is simple due to the smooth wax-like internal surface Lightweight for easy transport and installation Product Table Part No. Description Extension Stage 142090 EcoJet NS 5.5 / 1000L capacity Basic model 142091 EcoJet NS 7 / 1500L capacity Basic model 142093 EcoJet NS 10 / 2000L capacity Basic model Visit the Sydney Water website at; http://www.sydneywater.com.au/SW/your-business/managing-trade-wastewater/grease-traps-and-treatment-equipment/listed-pre-treatment/index.htm For more information on Lipumax collars and covers, refer to Product Data Sheet No.: PDS201405 www.acopassavant.com.au MAPM / SW_PDS201408

  2. ACO PASSAVANT Sydney Water approved product Lipumax below ground grease separator Load distribution plate, collar and cover to suit up to Load Class D applications (AS 3996) Manufactured from durable polyethylene: Excellent corrosion resistance properties Environmentally friendly and recyclable Rigid one-piece roto-moulded tank construction provides structural strength to withstand the rigours of on-site handling and installation Maintenance is simple due to the smooth wax-like internal surface Built-in rib structure provides positive features to key into concrete The Lipumax can withstand hydrostatic forces generated from changing ground water levels Lightweight for easy transport and installation Product Table Part No. Description Extension stage 142095 Lipumax NS 4/1000L Basic model 142096 Lipumax NS 7/1500L Basic model 142098 Lipumax NS 10/2000L Basic model Lipumax accessories Part No. Description 142120 Rhinocast ® Class B cover and collar 142119 SAKU Class B cover and collar 142299 Rhinocast ® Class D cover, collar and load distribution plate 142350 Lipumax riser tube kit 84306 Short handle universal lifting key (SAKU) 84654 Short handle lifting key (Rhinocast ®) 84854 Long handle lifting key (Rhinocast ®) Visit the Sydney Water website at; http://www.sydneywater.com.au/SW/your-business/managing-trade-wastewater/grease-traps-and-treatment-equipment/listed-pre-treatment/index.htm For more information on Lipumax collars and covers, refer to Product Data Sheet No.: PDS201405 www.acopassavant.com.au MAPM / SW_PDS201408

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