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Marketers use personas to develop target content and predict online behavior. Personas also exist right within our own workplace, from your conservative executives to you most open minded artists. See more stories and their interactions in our new United Flush comic series. http://unfunnel.com/uflush.
Episode 1 theleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.com A G I L E M A R K E T I N G I N M OT I O N May 2014 UFlush William Mark Copies unoriginal Harvard MBA and CEO for Hire - goofy ties, orange tan and loves beach shirts Counter Bills CFO and gambler addict, overweight sleeping with Exec. Assistant Leigh Anne Lofton Ivy League grad, short boufant style highlighted hair-don’ts Georgia Bovine Heafty & Bitter Smiles alot but never told a joke in her life Barbara Smith- Thompson No brains, no personality, paperwork Nazi Burton Weezy Lives in Excel and overcomplicates every project with theoretical Widgets-Gadgets Joe Dirt Dressed as Lil Wayne designer / programmer DIGITAL MARKETING - PRIVATE - DO NOT CROSS LINE - PRIVATE DO NOT CROSS LINE - PRIVATE - ADVERTISING - DO NOT CROSS www.unfunnel.com/uFlush © 2014, Unfunnel.com, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Episode 1 theleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.com UFlush May 2014 INTRODUCING THE CURRENT WORK FAMILY UFLush - Series for the business unStupid The leader in digital fow modeling and toilet water logistics... and a guide to who you're really selling as a B2B persona. The COO* sets up the all employee mandatory town hall speech announcing a new marketing focus. WELCOMETOTHEANNUAL NATIONAL SALES MEETING - THISYEARCALLEDTHE “UCARE CONFERENCE” *Georgia Bovine, COO - Former secretary to Bills, hefty and bitter, Smith-Thompson helped resolve an issue with her direct that led to upward mobility in a position that has no function, makes a lot of calls and never misses a meeting, smiles a lot but has never told a joke in her life. www.unfunnel.com/uFlush © 2014, Unfunnel.com, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 A G I L E M A R K E T I N G I N M OT I O N
theleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.comtheleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.com Episode 1 INTRODUCING THE CURRENT WORK FAMILY UFlush May 2014 DJ Webb – newest design mind on the iDoodle web team – steps up… THISYEARWE AREOFFERINGAN OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE BONUS. (CMO RAISESHISHAND) “I KNOWTHESESTATSLOOK GOOD, BUTYOU CAN’T PROVE SOCIAL MEDIAREALLYWORKED FORSALES” IT’SANEWWORLD, OVER 80% OF ECOMMERCE TRANSACTIONS CANBE ATTRIBUTEDAT SOMEPOINTTOA SOCIALPOSTOR SHARE. www.unfunnel.com/uFlush © 2014, Unfunnel.com, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2 A G I L E M A R K E T I N G I N M OT I O N
theleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.comtheleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.com Episode 1 INTRODUCING THE CURRENT WORK FAMILY UFlush May 2014 CMO, THANKSFOR THELEADIN. THIS UCARE CONFERENCE DEMANDSANEW FOCUSONCUSTOMER SATISFACTION. The COO and CEO proceed to roll out yet another restructuring plan. LET’STOAST, ASOFTODAY, EVERYONEHASANEWTITLE – “MINEIS CEO, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” www.unfunnel.com/uFlush © 2014, Unfunnel.com, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 3 A G I L E M A R K E T I N G I N M OT I O N
theleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.comtheleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.com Episode 1 INTRODUCING THE CURRENT WORK FAMILY UFlush May 2014 THEREWILL BEA NEW CUSTOMER INSIGHTS OPTIMIZATION TEAM* FOCUSEDON MEASURINGCUSTOMER SATISFACTION. *clueless overpaid PHD silo, with no connection to real CRM data, introducing new studies that they farm out to Forrester – i.e., where the money went) THERE MAY BESOME LAYOFFSINTHEMARKETING AND IT DEPARTMENTSTO ACCOMMODATIONTHIS RESTRUCTURE. WENEEDTOMAKESOME BUDGETCUTSBUTTHERE WILLBESOMEADDITIONAL BONUSINCENTIVESTO BALANCEINCOMELOSS. www.unfunnel.com/uFlush © 2014, Unfunnel.com, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 4 A G I L E M A R K E T I N G I N M OT I O N
theleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.comtheleaderindigitaldigitalfowmodeling&toiletwaterlogisticswww.unfunnel.com Episode 1 INTRODUCING THE CURRENT WORK FAMILY UFlush May 2014 The CEO calls up the current and clueless IT team* for the next blow.. CUSTOMER CONCEPT BOXESWILLBEADDEDTO EACHFLOOR, EACHTICKET FILLEDOUTGOESSTRAIGHT TOTHETOP!!! COMMENTS WEAREALSOCREATINGANEW IT DIVISIONFORCUSTOMEREXPERIENCE CALLED “UPRODUCT DESIGN.” SEE WHO CEO WILLIAM COPIES PUTS IN CHARGE OF THE NEW UPRODUCT DESIGN TEAM IN: APPLAUSE EPISODE 2 “THE EPIC AGILE BUSINESS FAILURE” APPLAUSE www.unfunnel.com/uFlush © 2014, Unfunnel.com, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 5 A G I L E M A R K E T I N G I N M OT I O N