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Overview TRADOC G-3/5/7 Leader Development & Education Directorate. COL Chuck Rogerson charles.rogerson@us.army.mil (757) 788-5691; DSN 680-5691 19 November 2008. Leader Development & Education Directorate “Mission Statement”.
Overview TRADOC G-3/5/7 Leader Development & Education Directorate COL Chuck Rogerson charles.rogerson@us.army.mil (757) 788-5691; DSN 680-5691 19 November 2008
Leader Development & Education Directorate “Mission Statement” The Leader Development & Education Directorate provides TRADOC staff management of the Army’s personnel development and the institutional leader development and education programs; synchronizes proposed personnel and leader development policies and initiatives, and leader developmentresourcing priorities with CG, TRADOC, and other Command guidance; and coordinates with HQDA, other Army Commands, and other Services on issues pertaining to leader development programs. Director CES OES NCOES PDD 1
Civilian Education System Division “Functions” • Staff management: Foundation Course, Basic Leader Course, • Intermediate Leader Course, Advanced Leader Course, Continuing Education for Senior Leaders Course, Action Officer Development Course, Manager • Development Course, Supervisor Development Course • Constructive course credit • ACU stand-up and implementation • CHARTAS/Black Board/ALMS (w/dLD) • TRAS Reviews • ACT/PDM • BCG (Training Input) • CES Common Core • Civilian LD/DP 125 integration 3
Officer Education System Division “Functions” • Staff management: BOLC, CCC, ILE, SAMS, PCC, AWC • Quarterly Backlog Updates • TRAS Reviews • PME Early Release Requests • New Program Analysis/Pilots: Army Learning Model, Army Centers for Enhanced Performance, Captains in Command • GEN Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award • Annual German Army Cadet Training Program 4
NCO Education System Division “Functions” • Staff management: WLC, BNCOC (ALC), ANCOC (SLC), BSNCOC, SMC, CSM PCC • WLC and BNCOC (ALC) Mobile Training Teams (NCOES ARTAT) • Transforming NCOES; executing policy & guidance • One Army School System – lead for NCOA transfer from FORSCOM • and between installations • Quarterly Backlog Updates and implementation of way-ahead • TRAS Reviews • Provide NCOES information/briefings to other Services, allies, • and others 5
Personnel Development Division “Functions” • “Personnel” Domain Lead within TRADOC • Military Occupational Classifications: MOS/Structure Changes • AR 600-3 (Personnel Development System) • DA PAM 600-3 (Officer Professional Development) • DA PAM 600-25 (NCO Professional Development) • PDM for all enlisted MOSs • BN and BDE Command Slating Guidance • DA Centralized Enlisted Selection Board Briefs 6
Leader Development & Education Directorate “Stakeholders” • DA Staff (G3/G1/HRC) • ACOMS • CAC (CGSC, CAL, CALL) • ALDO • TRADOC Centers & Schools 7
Leader Development & Education Directorate “Lines of Coordination” (17 Schools) TRADOC Schools Army Commands Cadet Command OCS USASMA CAL ARCIC DA G-3/5/7 WOCC AAC CAC DAMO-TRI CGSC DAMO-TRL ALDO CASCOM LDD DAMO-TRC AWC AAC=Army Accessions Cmd ALDO=Army Ldr Dev Office AMEDDC&S=Army Med Dept Cntr & School AWC=Army War College ARCIC=Army Capabilities Integration Cmd CAC= Combined Arms Center CAL=Center for Army Leadership CASCOM=Combined Arms Support Cmd CGSC=Commanding General Staff College JFKSWC&S=JFK Special Warfare Center & School LDD=Leader Development & Education Dir OCS=Officer Candidate School USASMA=USA Sergeant Major Academy USMA= US Military Acaedemy WOCC=Warrant Officer Career Center DA G-1 (14 Directorates) TRADOC G-3/5/7 HRC USMA G1 Ldr Dev Directorate JFKSWC&S AMEDDC&S 8
Staff Management The responsibilities of the staff to assist and coordinate lead organization efforts by analyzing, monitoring, assessing, and developing recommendations for the commander on all activities affecting policy, organization guidance, developmental processes, and implementation or execution processes in support of the organization meeting its mission. The staff will facilitate the coordination and dissemination of plans, doctrine, and training with higher HQ and external agencies as appropriate. (TR 10-5)
TRADOC G-3/5/7 “Organization Chart” Command Priorities & Integration Dir TRADOC G-3/5/7 COL Mueller MG Turner DSN: 680-5792 Deputy G-3/5/7 G-3/5/7 SGM Staff Director LTC Lemons DSN: 680-5705 Mr Seger (SES) SGM Bercaw Dual-hatted Deputy G-3 (Training) Deputy G-7 (Advanced Concepts) Deputy G-3/5 (Operations & Plans) Special Assistant for Individual Training Dual-hatted Mr Riddick DSN: 680-5799 Ms Bailey DSN: 680-5388 Mr Seger (SES) Ms. Tovar (HQE) DSN: 680-5250 G-3 Operational Plans Directorate Operations, Mobilization & Readiness Dir Joint & Combined Arms Training Dir Institutional Training Dir Training Programs Analysis & Evaluations Dir COL Gallagher DSN: 680-5746 COL Watt DSN: 680-4253 COL Robles DSN: 680-3058 Command Provost Marshal COL Hain DSN: 680-5602 G-5 Strategic Plans Directorate COL Halstead DSN: 680-5720 Army Training Support Center (FOA) COL Blowe DSN: 680-3262 Mr Dodd DSN: 680-5041 Leader Development & Education Dir RC Training Integration Dir COL Rogerson DSN: 680-5915 Mr Iorizzo (Acting) DSN: 826-3305 LTC Slaker DSN: 680-3910 Training Operations Management Activity (FOA) Distributed Learning Directorate Security Assistance Training Field Activity (FOA) COL Morris DSN: 680-5500 Technical Oversight COL Miller DSN: 680-4361 Mr Baer DSN: 680-3800
Leader Development & Education Directorate “Specified TR 10-5-1 Functions” (1of 2) 1. Manage HQ TRADOC-level staff coordination, synchronization, and integration of the Army’s institutional leader development and education programs. 2. Review policy recommendations and provide HQ TRADOC position on leader development policy to HQDA. Promulgate approved policy and guidance across TRADOC and to appropriate external organizations and agencies. Monitor compliance with approved policy, guidance, and priorities. 3. Review, assess, and coordinate leader development-related products requiring CG, TRADOC; DCG/CofS; or DCS G-3/5/7 approval and make recommendations. Provide HQ TRADOC-level staff analysis of MSC input on leader development to the command group. Assists in coordination, assignment, and tracking of leader development taskings directed to MSCs. 4. Review MSC funding prioritization, provide analysis and justification to support the validation process, align requirements with command guidance, and recommend HQ TRADOC resource priorities for leader development and education programs. Advise CG, TRADOC and DCG/CofS on the operational impact of resourcing decisions affecting leader development and education programs, initiatives, and goals. 5. Assist MSCs in support of all PME courses through facilitation of resource programming, SMDR, and TRAP processes. 6 Assist MSCs in support of all PME courses through facilitation of resource programming, SMDR, and TRAP processes.
Leader Development & Education Directorate “Specified TR 10-5-1 Functions” (2 of 2) 7. Assist CAC with writing TR 350-10. 8. Review Training Requirements Analysis System (TRAS) documents for all leader development course POIs as part of the HQ TRADOC staff assessment process for POIs. 9. Monitor and synchronize policy issues affecting leader development initiatives to ensure leader development and education milestones are achieved. 10. Coordinate leader development and education issues with external agencies to include DOD, HQDA, other Army MACOMs, joint organizations, other Services, academia, and industry in order to provide TRADOC positions and receive taskings and requests for support. 11. Provides information on TRADOC’s leader development programs and plans by presenting briefings at conferences, senior leader orientations, and to visiting foreign dignitaries as requested. Advises allies in the development of professional development courses and participates in foreign army staff talks. 12. Issues TRADOC guidance for school participation in the annual German Army Individual Development and Advancement Phase Program. 13. Leads General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award process to include issuing guidance and conducting the general officer review board. 14. Provides staff assessment of leadership and education aspects of TRADOC G-7 concepts papers and program documents.