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ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM - 2. Strategic Stage -. Defining AIMS and STRATEGIES. Project Management and Coordination: Eladi Torres Gonzàlez Maresme Regional Council Manager Contact e-mail: eladi@ccmaresme.es Benet Maimí Pou
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 2. Strategic Stage - Defining AIMS and STRATEGIES Project Management and Coordination: Eladi Torres Gonzàlez Maresme Regional Council Manager Contact e-mail: eladi@ccmaresme.es Benet Maimí Pou Tourism Expert and Professor of EUM (Maresme University College) Contact e-mail: benet.maimi@parlament.cat Alex Vergés Pera New Technologies (ICTs) Expert and Nexo-Tech Manager Contact e-mail: averges@nexo-tech.com Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 2. Strategic Stage - Defining AIMS and STRATEGIES Where do we want to go? What do we need? Which tourist products do we want to create, extend, promote? Strategies to follow: • COMPETITIVENESS • GROWTH • NEW PRODUCTS - ICT-ORIENTED Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 2. Strategic Stage - Hierarchy of AIMS in the Cartagena Plan WORKING FRAMEWORK STRATEGIC MISSION To propose sustainable development for the tourism industry in Cartagena *SUSTAINABILITY: Economic, Social: social cohesion, Cultural, Environmental GOALS AND AIMS Prioritise investments aimed at improving the environment Promote heritage resources Position Cartagena in the cultural tourism sector Develop a business environment and sustainable management for tourist and cultural services PROGRAMME 1 Actions relating to basic infrastructure PROGRAMME 2 Adapting heritage resources PROGRAMME 3 Image and communication PROGRAMME 4 Economic management and promotion Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - General Aim To promote the sustainable economic development of towns near major tourist centres in emerging tourist areas through the application of ICTs for the promotion of tourism. Development Model Tourism and sustainable development mean: - Improved quality of life - Higher quality of experience - Higher quality of resources - Increased optimisation of areas close to major centres of interest - More research into and use of ICTs Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Specific Aims Tourism Diagnosis and SWOT analysis to detect possibilities with regard to tourism. Strategies Creation of working groups among tourism agents from each area to carry out diagnoses and define aims and possible strategies. Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Competitiveness Improve the positioning of the destination with regard to its particular segment (e.g. inland tourism) Develop a tourism culture and a competitive business sector Create and promote new products on the basis of the destination‘s own resources, i.e. a complementary and sustainable tourism infrastructure (natural, cultural and historical resources...) Strategies Adapt and promote the tourist area. Segment, diversify and reduce seasonal nature of demand Hold focus groupsamong public and private tourism agents to create a management system which integrates both Analysis of tourism operators Improve the quality of tourism services Study new proposals for adapting the space Focus groups / brainstorming Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - • Adaptation and promotion of the Tourist Area • Segmentation • Diversification • Reduce seasonality Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Develop a tourism culture and a competitive business sector: • Organise focus groups and meetings with public and private agents in the area • Analyse tourism operators • Improve the quality of tourism services Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Create and promote new products: • According to space and resources available • Research what environmentally similar, non-neighbouring areas do Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Create own tourist brand: • Positioning Map in relation to competitors • Image and positioning of the destination • How are we perceived? • How would we like to be perceived? • Design communication strategies Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ESTABLISHING AIMS- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Create Communication Strategies Who are they aimed at? • Segmentation stage DEFINE • Use of ICT’s What do we want to transmit? • Interpretation strategy • Communication strategy • Use of ICT’s Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage –Operational Stage–Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - Definition of ACTION PLAN Operational and Tactical Phase Action Plan • SHORT-TERM • MEDIUM-TERM • LONG-TERM Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - ACTION PLAN (Actions relating to the tourist destination) 1. Competitiveness Programme • INFRASTRUCTURES: signposting, urban renewal, accesses, car parks, etc... • TOURISM SERVICES/ATTRACTIONS: improving the range of accommodation, restaurants, • natural environment, etc... • ICT INFORMATION: implementation of IT systems • TRAINING: public service, private service, public awareness, exhibitions, tourism • and sustainable development... • IMAGE: corporate image, slogan or base line, study of demand... Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - ACTION PLAN(Actions relating to the tourist destination) 2. Programme for the Creation of New Tourist Products • DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURIST PRODUCT • CREATION OF ALTERNATIVE OFFERS • CREATION OF NEW TOURIST PRODUCTS (via focus groups or brainstorming) • What will we achieve? • More security • Value for money • Unite offer and infrastructures • Examples: • Sun and sand • Small-boat sailing • Golf Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - ACTION PLAN(Actions relating to the tourist destination) 3. Marketing programme :(on-line infoservice / after-sales service) Extend content • GLOBAL ACTIONS Publicise it THE BRAND Maintain reputation • CAPTURE NEW SEGMENTS Sun and Sand Cultural Touring Tour operators The elderly, ….. MARKET - PRODUCT Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - ACTION PLAN (Actions relating to the tourist destination) Examples of Tourism Websites SUPPLIERS INTERMEDIARIES PORTALS OTHERS Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - ACTION PLAN (Actions relating to the tourist destination) 4. Communication Programme :(on-line infoservice / after-sales service) • On-line information • Websites • Links • SMS routes • GLOBAL ACTIONS: • application of new technologies • ACTIONS BY SEGMENTS: • prioritising use Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- 3. Operational Stage - ACTION PLAN (Actions relating to the tourist destination) 5. Management Programme H.R. TEAMS:public sector, private sector, business owners/general population. POLITICAL LEADERSHIP CONTRIBUTION AND COLLABORATION OF TOURISM OFFICIALS BUSINESS OWNERS INVOLVED COLLABORATION OF THE 13 PROJECT PARTNERS (Exchange Of Experiences) Analytical Stage – Strategic Stage–Operational Stage –Conclusions
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Developing Tourism in X • Turn X into a tourist space 2. Create a tourist product How? www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - 1st Step:Turn X into a Tourist Space 1. Rejuvenate the city, the environment, countryside, etc. 2. Adapt means of access - signposting 3. Raise awareness of what we have 4. Communication and use of ICT’s www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - 2nd Step: Create a Tourist Product • Must be capable of making people travel -- (Magnetism) • To conduct leisure activities – (experiences which satisfy needs) • Act onresources, infrastructures and facilities • Create differences, competitive advantages-- (price, product, etc.) • If possible, turn it into a unique destination • Seek and promote the “Power of attraction” www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Resources + Tourist Product A combination of: Offer + Equipment and Infrastructure www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - Tangible + Tourist Product A combination of elements which are: Intangible www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations - A combination of services, infrastructures, equipment and management The Supply + Tourist Product A combination of elements: Developing experience from the feelings and expectations of the customer The Demand www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Components of the Tourist Product 1. Assets, Services, Auxiliary services 2. Tourismresources 6. Price TOURIST PRODUCT 3. Infrastructures 5. Brand Image 4. Management www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - • What is a tourist space or destination? • Intuitively, we associate the concept of tourist space with: • An space = place, location,… • An offer = accommodation, restaurants,leisure,... • But infact it is … TOURIST SPACE = … www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - What is a tourist space or destination? We propose the following definition of a tourist space or destination: www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Tourism as a Consumer of Natural Resources • ASSET IN SHORT SUPPLY • PERISHABLE • DIFFICULT TO RENEW ENVIRONMENT A sustainable environmental strategy must be based on the use of renewable resources www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Tourism as a Consumer of Natural Resources THERE ARE REAL LIMITS TO THE USE OF RESOURCES Any ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE (such as a natural area or land) allows for a limited LEVEL OF USE which, once exceeded, STARTS A PROCESS OF DECAY OR LOSS. The concept of CARRYING CAPACITY is therefore intuitive, as shown by these examples: How many visitors does Venice receivea year? How much building can be carried out around an estuary before the balance of its ecosystems is affected? How many vehicles pass over a bridge crossing a river? Underlying these questions is the idea that the resource is used for tourism, i.e.if access were prohibited, it would clearlyby unnecessasry to calculate the carrying capacity. 1 2 3 www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Benefits of Sustainable Development of Cultural or Natural Tourism • For Residents • Conservation and improvement of heritage • Conservation of culture and history • Strengthening of local identity • Economic benefits for the region • For Tourists • Unique experience: • Authenticity and uniqueness • of the region • Discoveryof the area’s history www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Destination Resources Attraction + Access and Services = Tourist Product Tourist www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - STRUCTURING PROCESS 1. Starting point 2. Real and future capacity 3. Factor selection. Key to success 4. Creating experiences 5. Selecting the competitiveness strategy www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - STRUCTURING PROCESS From one segment (target public) an END PRODUCTis selected and product “Sun and sand” product for young people who live with their family and have disposable income MAIN PRODUCT:beach, summer weather, low-price accommodation and nightlife PERIPHERAL PRODUCTS:sports areas, street entertainment, fast food, discos COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS: Cinemas, street markets, theme parks, water sports (sailing, windsurfing, jet skiing, etc.) 1 2 3 www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Developing New Tourist Products Stages of launching a new product go from searching for ideasfor the market launch, to the selectingand refiningideas, analysing profitability, developing the idea and testing. www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- New Products - TRADITIONAL TOURISM NEW TOURISM Maturity Looking to stand out Inexperience Safety in the group CONSUMERS Friendly and integrated Everyone is a user Unfriendly and isolated Limited number of users TECHNOLOGY Price competition Economies of scale Innovation Value for money PRODUCTION Labour: production cost Selling what is produced Labour: key to quality Listen to consumers MANAGEMENT www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Developing New Tourist Products Causes of Failure www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- Sustainable Development. Basic Concepts - Types of New Products • New productsthat create a market Thalassotherapy • New product that break with tradition Flight + hotel + car • Line extension NH Serie Oro • Partial product replacement A restaurant refurbished with an open kitchen • Repositioning Search for other segments of the population • Price cut www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- The Guggenheim Effect in Bilbao - BEFORE THE GUGGENHEIM AFTER THE GUGGENHEIM - 1998 tourism - Rise in service companies, tourism, high technology and dissemination of information and knowledge - Construction of new buildings - Revitalisation of the socio-economic fabric: Guggenheim - The Seventies: iron and steel industry, shipbuilding, abandoned chemical factories - Purely industrial city (grey) - Transformation of Bilbao www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- The Guggenheim Effect in Bilbao - * 1998 (October 1997 inauguration of the Guggenheim) 1,500,000 visitors, surpassing anticipated numbers * Change of image for Bilbao: - Modern city - Driving forcefor consolidating the tourism industryin Basque country - Improved quality of life for residents in terms of leisure activities - Stimulator for inbound tourism and commercial activity - Venue for congresses, seminars, courses, etc. - Generator of international prestige for the Basque country - International cultural tourism www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- The Guggenheim Effect in Bilbao - * In its first 12 months, 79% of visitors to the Guggenheim came to Bilbao exclusively to see the museum. * These visitors spent € 186 million, an average of € 168 per visitor. * Income of sectors benefiting most from the Guggenheim in the first 9 months: - Over € 63 million on hotels and restaurants - Over € 48 million in shops and businesses - Over € 39million on accommodation companies - Over € 22 million on the museum itself (tickets, purchases,...) - Over € 10 million on transport (petrol, tolls...) CONCLUSIONS 1 - ECONOMIC EFFECT: main reason for attracting and developing tourism in the area 2 - TOURISTS: tourist spending represents profits for business owners, jobs for residents and revenue via taxes (self-financing). www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- The Port Aventura Effect in Salou - BEFORE PORT AVENTURA AFTER PORT AVENTURA - Small fishing village - Sixties: urban growth leading to small-scale tourism - Coastal village, attraction for low volume of tourists - 1st May 1995 opening of PORT AVENTURA theme park - At close of first season in October 1995, 2,700,000 million visitors - New hotel complexes built www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- The Port Aventura Effect in Salou - * Change of image: tourist and residential town. * Consolidated as a leisure and service centre on the Costa Daurada. * Large diversity of tourism services/attractions, together with large number and high-quality of tourist facilities. * Broad range of leisure and cultural activities. * Consolidation of the Salou product with the Port Aventura leisure and hotel complex. * Leading tourist destination brand for families in Catalonia. * Major increase in employment opportunities for both residents and foreigners. * Stimulator for inbound tourism and commercial activity. * It has become a residential destination thanks to: - The large range of services and facilitieson offer - Modernised infrastructures - Territorial planning based on balanced criteria www.ticsyturismo.com
ICTs and EMERGING TOURISM- The Port Aventura effect in Salou - - Port Aventura revenue for the previous season: -Port Aventura closed 2005 with record profits of € 6.4 million, 128% up on the previous year - Sales of € 143 million, 11% up on the previous year - In 2005 it received 3.8 million visits, some 400,000 more than in 2004. All of this was thanks to: 1 - Consolidation of the national market 2 - Increased hotel occupancy 3 - Increased revenue per stay www.ticsyturismo.com