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Luminis TM Channels for Banner TM. Academic Services Bookmarks (default uPortal) Bookmarks Plus Campus Announcements Luminis CMS Inbox * Luminis CMS Channel Browser & Previewer * My E-mail Inbox My Calendar (current edition) My Courses (current edition). My Headlines
Academic Services Bookmarks (default uPortal) Bookmarks Plus Campus Announcements Luminis CMS Inbox* Luminis CMS Channel Browser & Previewer* My E-mail Inbox My Calendar (current edition) My Courses (current edition) My Headlines Personal Announcements Published Channels (default uPortal) Tutorial Targeted Content Channels Word of the Day (default uPortal) Packaged LuminisTM Platform Channels *Only available to LuminisTM Foundation and Premier customers
BannerTM Advancement Channels Advancement Prospects– allows fund raising staff to monitor the progress of assigned prospects at a glance. The user can view a complete list of assigned prospects or a subset of high-priority prospects. The user can also search for a specific prospect. Navigation provided as follows: • The prospect name links to the Prospect Long Profile page within Advancement Self-Service where the complete, current prospect profile is displayed. • The notepad icon links to the Add a Contact page within Advancement Self-Service where a contact report can be completed for that prospect. • The most recent gift amount links to the Gift History page within Advancement Officer Self-Service where the name of the individual who submitted the contact and the date of the contact are displayed. • The most recent contact date links to a page of the full text of the contact report.
BannerTM Advancement Channels Advancement Schedule– provides an easy way for users to display details about planned prospect appointments and planned contacts. A date is displayed as a hyperlink if one or more appointments are scheduled for the user on that date. The date links to details regarding the scheduled appointment or contact on the Planned Moves by Date page within Advancement Officer Self-Service. To aid in planning, a user can navigate forward or backward by month or directly to a specific date. The display default always prompts with today’s date and displays the current month. Advancement Campaign– provides a visual overview of the progress of a campaign. Users can select the campaign or campaigns they want to monitor. A familiar thermometer shows progress toward the overall campaign goal. The sum of total receipts, outstanding pledge balance, and waiting matching gifts fills the thermometer proportionately. Displayed totals are derived directly from gift records within Advancement. The current status of the campaign is updated as gift entry occurs. The campaign total to-date refreshes as defined by channel setup or when the portal page refreshes. Navigation options take the user directly to the Campaign Gifts Form (AFAGIFT) or the Campaign Pledges Form (AFAPLDG). The campaign title links to the Campaign Header Form (AFACAMP).
BannerTM Advancement Channels Keep in Touch– provides links to the following pages in Advancement Self-Service: Find a Classmate, Surveys, Update Address & Phone, View Directory Profile, and Make a Gift. Career Network– provides links to the following pages in Advancement Self-Service: Find a Mentor, Search Posted Opportunities, Become a Mentor. Advancement Research– provides links to the following: Banner Research Comments Form (AMARSCH), Prospect Research Form (AMAINFO), Prospect Search Page in Advancement Self-Service, Query Moves by Prospect Page in Advancement Self-Service, Yahoo! Finance (finance.yahoo.com), Small Companies (www.wall-street.com), WealthID (www.wealthid.com).
BannerTM Faculty & Advisor Channels Faculty Dashboard– provides the faculty member with a quick, easy tool for viewing active classes, e-mailing class members, and accessing the following information within Faculty and Advisor Self-Service: Faculty Detail Schedule, Class List, Wait List (if applicable), Syllabus Information, Office Hours and E-mail Your Class. This information can be sorted by term or subject code. Faculty Grade Assignment– offers faculty members a place to quickly see their assigned classes that are open for grading. Visual cues show the grading status of each class (not gradable, no enrollment, started, completed or started but not completed). Grading pages for midterm, final grades, and grade book components are available via links to Faculty and Advisor Self-Service pages.
BannerTM Faculty & Advisor Channels Advisor Dashboard– provides advisors a quick, easy tool for searching for an advisee or student and displaying pertinent information. Quick access to accurate information helps advisors provide timely advice. • The Messages section includes visual cues for hold and relationship information: • A red flag indicates that holds exist for the student. The flag links to additional hold information if it is available. • Icons indicate the student's relationship (student, advisee, or both). The icons link to the student's schedule. • The Student/Advisee section includes the student/advisee name, class standing, and major. The Tools Section contains three graphics that link to the academic transcript, test scores, and e-mail.
BannerTM Faculty & Advisor Channels Faculty Schedule– shows faculty class and/or office hour commitments formatted in a weekly or daily view. The weekly view in focus mode shows all courses in the entire week. The daily view shows class commitments for the entire day. Navigational options provide additional details: • The left and right arrows navigate to the next and prior week or day (depending on the current view). • The Search feature navigates to a particular week or day (depending on the current view). • The course title links to course details: class schedule, enrollment, roster, office hours, and syllabi information. • The clock icon next to a course title links to the Office Hours page. • A clock icon with an "error" indicates a time conflict. • A clock icon with a "?" indicates the course has unassigned meeting times.
BannerTM Faculty & Advisor Channels Faculty Registration Tools– provides faculty and advisors quick access to registration-related information and activities. Using the single sign-on feature, they can directly access Faculty and Advisor Self-Service via the LuminisTM portal. When accessing any of the links displayed in the channel, the system will always prompt for the term, CRN, and student ID (depending on the task) to ensure that any changes made are for the correct term, class, and student, as applicable.
BannerTM Finance Channels Finance Alerts (Approvals)– notifies approvers that documents are waiting for approval. Approvers can navigate to either the Finance Self-Service or Internet-native Banner Approve Documents pages. When approvers sign on through the LuminisTM portal, they readily see what documents are waiting for their approval. By navigating to the chosen Approve Documents page, they can readily move the documents from unapproved to approved status or keep the documents unapproved. More frequent and easier access to the Approve Documents pages means that purchase orders can be approved sooner, resulting in the earlier receipt of goods, and that vendors/suppliers can be paid on time.
BannerTM Finance Channels Finance Alerts (Grants) – notifies Principal Investigators (PI’s) of grants that are due to end within a specified time frame. This channel allows PI’s to navigate to the Finance Grant Maintenance page. PI’s manage any number of sponsored research projects. When grants end, they typically have 90 days to wrap up any outstanding activity and produce a report for the sponsoring agency. This channel identifies those grants that are due to end within a specified number of days. Knowing which ones are about to end, the PI can begin to pull together the materials, activities, final expenditures, and other tasks needed to comply with the 90-day closeout period. Because the PIs know generally how long it takes to gather this information, they can specify the number of days in advance for alerting them about the end of a sponsored project.
BannerTM Finance Channels Req’s and PO’s– includes the ability to access either the Finance Self-Service or Internet-native Banner Requisition, Purchase Order, or Budget Query pages as well as navigate to the Vendor Maintenance page. Because these navigational links can navigate to either Finance Self-Service or Internet-native BannerTM, institutions can distribute these operations to departmental staff across campus. By placing these navigational channels in the LuminisTM portal, departmental staff can navigate to the appropriate application without having to wonder “Do I do this in Internet-native BannerTM, or in self-service?” With these routine tasks distributed to the departments, the central procurement staff can focus on vendor/supplier management for improved pricing and service, and the central financial staff can focus on analysis and stewardship to better manage financial resources.
BannerTM Finance Channels Financial Advisor– uses a bar graph to show budget versus committed and actual expenses for up to five preferred fund/organization combinations or organization codes. An associated table shows details as well as the available balance, percentage spent, and percent budget remaining. This channel supports navigation to the Finance Self-Service Budget Query page for further details. The bar graph allows department managers to quickly track their critical budgetary allocations in relation to the expenditures charged against that budget. Up-to-the-minute information supports proactive responses for budgetary transfers or follow-up on problematic activities. The department manager can define which organization or combination of funds and organizations to track. My Account– Faculty and staff as well as students can use this channel. It can present two outstanding account balances. One balance will include term related charges. Another balance will include non-term related charges. The channel display of the term related balance provides navigation to the BannerTM Student Self-service Account Summary by Term page for more detail and to make a payment.
BannerTM General Channels * My Reports and Personal Information channels not shown
BannerTM General Channels My Banner– provides a shortcut from the portal to a user’s most widely used Banner forms and processes, based on the user’s existing personal menu and preferences. This channel is available to users who have an Oracle login ID to BannerTM. It displays the personal menu (My Banner), created by the user in Banner, and includes the same menu choices that are displayed on the BannerTM main menu. Clicking an item in the channel opens a BannerTM session and displays the requested object. If the object is a report, the Job Submission Form (GJAPCTL) is displayed with the selected report in the key block. The My Banner Maintenance Form (GUAPMNU) is used to maintain items in this channel.
BannerTM General Channels My Reports– displays a user's completed jobs that had "Database" as the designated printer. Users can quickly see which reports finished running and easily display report output. Information in this channel refreshes each time the user leaves and then returns to the portal. This channel is available to users who have an Oracle login ID to BannerTM. Channel preferences control the number of reports listed, how far back to go (number of days), and the sorting preference. Clicking a link in the channel displays the report output in a new browser window. Features provided by the browser allow the user to scroll through the output, search for specific information, save it to the desktop, or print it. A channel preference can direct the output to the Saved Output Review Form (GJIREVO) instead of a new window. Personal Information– gives users quick access to view and update their personal information. As delivered, this sample channel has links to BannerTM Self-Service, where a user can change his or her PIN and update addresses and telephone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information. Administrators can use WebTailorTM to add links for updating a user’s directory information, martial status, security question / answer and responding to web surveys.
BannerTM Human Resources Channels Employment Details– gives employees quick access to important information about their benefits and employment. Using the single sign-on feature, they can directly access Employee Self-Service or BannerTM INB via the LuminisTM portal. The Benefit Summary Leave Balances and Pay Stub pages are a few of the links in this channel. Time Reporting– provides a link for employees to enter their time sheets, leave reports, and/or advance leave requests. The link highlights the time reporting period that is available for time entry by position, including a visual cue that the entry deadline is approaching. Employees can see at-a-glance in the LuminisTM portal, the pay event against which they need to enter time. They can then use the provided link to access Employee Self-Service to complete time entry.
BannerTM Human Resources Channels Time Approval– lists the time transaction events that the administrator needs to approve. Additionally, this channel provides a link for the administrator to update his/her proxy list and a link to act as a super user for the time transactions. A visual cue is included on pay events that have reached the time entry cut-off date. Preferences allow the administrator to determine when to display the pay period in the channel (for example, only show timesheets where the records have a pending status and require action). With this channel, administrators can see at-at-glance which time transaction events require their approval. Separate e-mails or other notifications to administrators are not needed because this information is readily viewable within the LuminisTM portal. From the provided link, administrators can access Employee Self-Service to complete their approvals.
BannerTM Human Resources Channels Employee Reviews – lists all pending reviews that require action by the manager. The name of the employee, the type of review, and the review due date are summarized. The employee name links to the Employee Review Form (PEAREVW) where the manager can view all records, regardless of status, or only those records that are open. With this channel, managers can see at-a-glance which reviews require attention. Separate e-mails or other notifications to managers are not needed because this information is readily available within the LuminisTM portal.
BannerTM Human Resources Channels Personnel Action Notices– provides summary data about pending personnel action notices that require attention by an administrator. The administrator can see the employee name, type of transaction (for example, promotion), effective date, and action required by the administrator. When an administrator clicks the employee name of a transaction that he/she originated, the Electronic Personnel Action Form (NOAEPAF) is displayed. If the administrator in the routing queue is someone other than the originator, the Electronic Approval Summary Form (NOAAPSM) is displayed. However, approval and acknowledgement of listed transactions can take place right in the channel if no details need to be viewed. Additionally, new personnel actions can be created through a provided link in the channel. With this channel, administrators can see at-a-glance which personnel actions require their approval or acknowledgement. Separate e-mails or other notifications to administrators are not needed because this information is readily viewable within the LuminisTM portal.
BannerTM Student Channels Academic Profile– gives the student an easy method for seeing their curriculum information as well as their Advisor(s) for a specified term. There are also links to Email their Advisor or view their Academic Transcript and Holds. Student Grades– gives students a quick look at their midterm grades and final grades. Navigational options provide additional details: A linked Course Reference Number (CRN) indicates that grade book detail exists for the course. A checkmark next to a linked CRN indicates that grades are assigned to components in the grade book details. The Midterm and Final icons navigate to additional course details: section, campus, level, credits attempted/earned, quality points, major, degree, etc. If there are holds on a student's grades, the channel displays a message stating that grades are not available due to the holds. My Account- shows account summary information for both students and non-students. In addition, students can access the Account Summary by Term page and the Credit Card Payment page. These options are institutionally controlled.
BannerTM Student Channels Registration Tools– gives student, faculty, and advisors quick access to registration-related information and activities. Using the single sign-on feature, they can directly access Student Self-Service via the LuminisTM portal. When accessing any of the links displayed in the channel, the system will always prompt for the term to ensure that any changes made are for the correct term. Financial Aid Requirements*– provides the ability for a student to quickly see the status of unsatisfied requirements or both satisfied and unsatisfied requirements from the Financial Aid Office. Satisfied and Unsatisfied requirements are easily identified and with a click of the mouse, students can access additional information pertaining to the requirement. At a glance, a student knows whether his/her financial aid file is complete or has outstanding requirements. Financial Aid Awards*– provides links to Accept / Decline / Reduce Awards page in Student Self-Service. *Financial Aid Channel
BannerTM Student Channels Work-Study Balance*– allows students to quickly see the balance of their remaining work-study and the effective date. Additional optional information includes: Total Authorized Available, Total Work Study Earned, Remaining Percentage of Total, and Total Hours Remaining to Work. If a student needs to communicate with a supervisor, the Directory link allows quick access to the supervisor’s telephone information. This is especially helpful for a student who has more than one job through the work-study program. *Financial Aid Channel
BannerTM Workflow Channels Worklist – displays the WorkflowTM user's worklist within the portal. Users can interact with, launch, and complete work items from the portal. Consistent with the traditional worklist access, work items are published and removed from the worklist as items are completed and as new tasks arise. This channel provides personalized work notification and one-click access for enterprise processes to the right people, at the right time, through the LuminisTM portal. WorkflowTM users can easily access information about their work, review process or activity details, graphically track work progress, update information, review or add attachments, open and complete individual work items within or outside BannerTM, or launch the full WorkflowTM interface. This channel provides WorkflowTM users with a simple, direct tool for completing their daily business. Shortcuts- allows WorkflowTM users to start workflow processes directly/manually from the LuminisTM portal. This feature is similar to the shortcuts functionality within WorkflowTM. Shortcuts in this channel provide a personal launch pad for starting common processes. Shortcuts are personalized, allowing users to launch favorite workflows from the LuminisTM portal with one click.
BannerTM Workflow Channels Workflow Alerts– notifies workflow process owners and administrators when workflow process errors occur. WorkflowTM users can quickly find and fix the process errors before they become problems for the institution. Similar to information in the other WorkflowTM channels, the alerts are specific to the individual and the processes that the individual manages. By selecting an alert, the process owner or administrator can go directly to WorkflowTM for the alerting process and fix the specific process issues.