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Healthy Living Tips

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Healthy Living Tips

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  1. HEALTHY LIVING TIPS A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. In order achieve this goal, one must adopt healthy food habits and an active lifestyle. Mentioned below are some tips to maintain a good health. THE KEY TO A HEALTHY DIET Nutritional requirements may vary with age and lifestyle of a person. A healthy diet combined with physical activities can help to keep you active and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Taking sufficient sleep and rest is also important to achieve your health goals. You must consume a balanced diet to ensure that your body receives all the required nutrients. BASE YOUR MEALS ON GOOD CARBS 1 Consume food with intact nutrients like brown rice, whole grains, oatmeal, legumes, etc. Food items like white rice, pasta, white bread, crackers, noodles, tortillas, wraps, etc. are a rich in fats and may raise the blood sugar level. DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST 2 A breakfast must have appropriate concentration of fibre, calories, vitamins and minerals. Eggs, yoghurt, oatmeal, porridge etc. are the best type of foods to be taken in a breakfast. Add a dose of antioxidants to your breakfast with fruits like berries, apples or bananas. TIP 3 DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Water hydrates the body without adding any extra calories. So, make sure that you drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. You can also fulfil your hydration needs by eating fruits such as strawberries, pineapple, oranges, watermelon etc. PER DAY LIMIT YOUR TRANS FAT CONSUMPTION 4 Replace trans fats such as doughnuts, cookies, pastries and cheese with unsaturated fats found in vegetables, avocados etc. Trans fat increases your bad cholesterol (LDL) and decreases your good cholesterol (HDL). Too much sugar consumption may increase risk of tooth decay and also add extra calories, so limit your sugar intake. TIP 5 GET ACTIVE AND MAINTAIN HEALTHY WEIGHT Regular exercise helps to keep your body fit and increase the consumption of oxygen in your body. A workout routine enhances metabolism and helps to keep the body weight maintained. 6 EAT LOTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of minerals and vitamins. Include them as a major portion of your diet. Bright coloured fruits are rich in antioxidants and remove the cell damaging free radicals from the body. Consume vegetable and fruit salad in between the meals to avoid untimely hunger pangs. TIP Brought To You By www.alchemisthospitals.com Contact Alchemist Hospital Sector 21, Panchkula, Haryana, India Call at: 0172 - 4500000

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