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Amelia Organic Products is an leading Trade mark company Located at Coimbatore, India offers online sale of pure organic Soursop fruits, Juice, Leafs, Seeds.<br>www.cancerspecialistsoursop.com/<br>
DOCUMENT FOR www.cancerspecialistsoursop.com/ Title : Soursop Fruit Juice Sale India , Cancer Fruit Soursop in India. Description : Amelia Organic Products is an leading Trade mark company Located at Coimbatore, India offers online sale of pure organic Soursop fruits, Juice, Leafs, Seeds. Keywords : Soursop Fruit Juice Sale India. Soursop Fruits buy online in india. Cancer fruit soursop in india. Soursop fruit benefits in india. Amelia organic products in india. Cancer organic products in india.
Amelia Organic Products : Amelia Organic Products is an leading Trade mark company Located at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu since 2010. Providing FSSAI certified pure organic products. Whole sale Dealer for Fresh Soursop products, Avacoda fruit, Durian fruit, Dandelion product,Figs and etc., in Tamilnadu and also retailing all over world. We know what patient need text and we will give perfect guidance to cure from diseases. Our Soursop farm located inside and outside of Tamilnadu. We have 300+ matured soursop trees. All are more than 100 years older trees. Matured trees are our secret behind successfully curing cancer. We won’t use any chemical solutions to prevent from Fire Ant. We saw lot of smiling faces (patients) in our journey. Their is chance to Get relief from CANCER from 15 days on wards. Many Doctor’s also our regular customers who are know about the real face of Allopathy treatment. Soursop Fruit: Soursop Fruits & Fresh Leaves have proven to be effective in killing all types of cancer cells Naturally, thus preventing colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. Unlike chemotherapy, they can attack cancer cells without any side effects such as nausea, weight loss, hair loss, etc. Moreover, it is 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy and adriamycin in slowing the growth of cancer cells. The fruit contains annanaceous acetogenins which can stop the growth of damaged cells before they become cancerous and are particularly beneficial in fighting breast cancer. soursop leaves and fruits not only kill abnormal cancer cells but also allow healthy cells to grow normally. Soursop fruit contains calcium and phosphorus which are beneficial for strong bones and help to prevent osteoporosis. Soursop has a high content of fructose, a simple sugar (monosachharide). Being a good natural source of carbohydrates, it can keep you fresh and drain energy. This fruit also increases endurance because of its high vitamin C content. Soursop Juice: Graviola extract has shown an ability to help kill numerous types of cancer cells, specifically pancreatic cancer cells. A study conducted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that the extract can greatly reduce pancreatic cancer. Because cancer cells have more glucose, cell growth is typically enhanced as well as tumor growth. However, in this study, cells that were treated with graviola extract decreased their glucose uptake when compared to untreated cells.
Soursop Fresh Leaves : Research published in Food & Function reports that bioactive components of graviola leaf extracts may have a positive cancer-fighting effect due to the free radical scavenging abilities and antioxidant enzymes it contains, thus helping eliminate cancer cells. It’s believed that the graviola leaves kill cancer cells by blocking ATP production. ATP, aka adenosine triphosphate, is a usable form of energy for cells. This energy is contained within a chemical bond that, if released, can be used to foster other activity within the cells. However, the graviola leaf extract can help block this activity, which may reduce the impact of the cancer cells by breaking them down until they fall apart. This is known as apoptosis or programmed cell death. Additionally, scientists at the Tepic Institute of Technology (Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic – ITT) in Mexico discovered acetogenins in the soursop fruit, which hold chemotherapeutic properties. Laksami Tharu Leaves : Simarouba glauca has a long history in herbal medicine in many countries including Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Peru etc. It is taken internally for diarrhea, dysentery, malaria and colitis and used externally for wounds and sores. In Brazilian herbal medicine, Simarouba bark has long been the most highly recommended (and most effective) natural remedy against chronic and acute dysentery. Caceres et al. (1990) and Lidia et al. (1991),reported that the extract of S .glauca have been used in Guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. In Cuba, an infusion of the leaves or bark is considered to be astringent, a digestion and menstrual stimulant and an antiparasitic remedy. The chemicals present in leaf, fruit pulp and seed are known to possess the medicinal properties such as amoebicide, analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antidysenteric, antileukemic, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antitumorous, antiviral, astringent, cytotoxic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, skin hydrator, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge. Several studies published in 1970’s and late 90’s reported that extracts from Simarouba possessed antileukemic and antitumorous activities.
Dandelion Roots : Recent studies have shown that dandelion root extract can work very quickly on cancer cells, as was evidenced in Di Carlo’s case. Within 48 hours of coming into contact with the extract, cancerous cells begin to disintegrate. The body happily replaces these with healthy new cells. Further studies have concluded that the extract also has anti-cancer benefits for other types of cancer, including breast, colon, prostate, liver, and lung cancer! Dandelion root tea may not taste as pleasant as other teas, but it’s certainly more pleasant than living with the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Traditional cancer therapies harm the immune system by killing all cells, even the healthy ones. Dandelion root has the opposite effect –it actually helps boost your immune system and only targets the unhealthy cells. It’s definitely a win-win situation. dandelion root extract can negatively impact the effects of chemotherapy. Soursop Seeds: Plant your soursop seedling or purchased sapling in an area with full to partial sun and slightly acidic, well-drained soil, where it will be protected from strong winds. Place it about 20 feet from buildings or other plantings, and mulch it heavily with compost to keep the soil damp, as it has shallow roots. If your site is subject to flooding, choose a specimen that has been grafted onto pond apple (Annona glabra), since soursop won’t tolerate standing water once its trunk diameter reaches 1/2 to 3/4 inch, prune the tree back to 30 inches in height. When it begins to send out new shoots, choose the most vertical shoot to be the central leader, and three or four other shoots evenly spaced around the trunk to be the branches.
Soursop Plants: If your site is subject to flooding, choose a specimen that has been grafted onto pond apple (Annona glabra), since soursop won’t tolerate standing water once its trunk diameter reaches 1/2 to 3/4 inch, prune the tree back to 30 inches in height. When it begins to send out new shoots, choose the most vertical shoot to be the central leader, and three or four other shoots evenly spaced around the trunk to be the branches. OUR CONTACT ADDRESS : OUR CONTACT NUMBER : +91 90430 02321 / +91 9865602321 34,shakthi Garden, Sathy Road, S.S. Kualm, Mr.BalaMurugan (Proprietor) Kovilpalayam, Coimbatore – 641107, Tamilnadu, India. OUR WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.cancerspecialistsoursop.com/