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Europe France willing to use its nuclear weapons Headline France is willing to use its nuclear weapons, says Chirac Headline DT January 20 Event
France willing to use its nuclear weapons Headline France is willing to use its nuclear weapons, says Chirac Headline DT January 20 Event President Jacques Chirac gave warning yesterday that France would use nuclear weapons against any state that carried out a terrorist attack against it. Without singling out any country, he said the French reserved the right to hit back hard at a hostile nation’s centres of power and its capacity to act. During a visit to a nuclear submarine base in Brittany, Mr Chirac said France was extending the definition of vital interests protected by its nuclear deterrent to include allies and “strategic supplies”, taken to mean oil. Comment There are two things of interest here. Firstly there is a growing trend of nations to change their military doctrine regarding the use of their nuclear weapons. In all cases they are expanding the reasons when they could use them. Vladimir Putin has changed Russia’s policy on nuclear weapons allowing Russia to use them first in any exchange. It cannot be coincidence that nations at the time of the end are increasingly willing to use these most devastating of weapons. Secondly we note that France is concerned about energy supplies – especially oil. With Russia shutting down gas supplies a few weeks ago and with Iran making veiled threats about constricting oil supplies the tensions are increasing. Bible Quote Joel 3 9 ¶ Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears:
US & Europe at odds over Hamas Headline US & Europe at odds as Israel cuts Palestinian funds Headline – DT January 31 Event Israel cut off funds to the Palestinian Authority yesterday, as Hamas rejected a chorus of international demands that it renounce violence and recognise the Jewish state. The Israeli move came as America and Europe appeared at odds over how to respond to the election victory of Hamas in last week's Palestinian elections. Differences between the EU and American positions were betrayed earlier when the EU adopted a much softer position than the US, apparently waiting to see what kind of Palestinian government would be established. Comment It all eventually will boil (and is boiling) down to this…. Is it a nation that backs the Palestinian / Arab cause – or is it a nation that backs the Israel / Jewish cause. This is the fault line of the whole world. When it comes to it, almost all nations will back Arab over Jew. The exceptions are Tarshish (Britain) and her young lions (US, Canada, Australia, India etc). Europe (both political and religious) will back the Arab. Russia and her allies (including Iran, Libya and northern Africa) will also back the Arab. This may seem strange when Europe appears to be stirring up hatred amongst its Muslim population. However, Europe and Muslim will be united in their hatred of God’s people the Jews when the final great war eventually begins.. The fault line is detailed in the article above as the US and Europe already begin to differ in their response to the Hamas election victory. US with Jew / Europe with Arab. Bible Quote Genesis 16 11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. The Arab people were descended from Ishmael
Jerusalem: Muslim youth members of Hamas burned the French flag Muslim cartoon row Headline Cartoon row rattles France Headline BBC online February 3 Event On Friday the centre-left French newspaper Liberation printed two of the controversial Danish cartoons, describing them as "exhibits in the case". While criticising the caricatures as mediocre, the newspaper said its decision had been taken out of a concern to reaffirm values which were being damaged in France. "Liberation defends the freedom of expression," was the headline over the cartoons, one of which depicted the Prophet Muhammad on a cloud, telling suicide bombers to stop because heaven had run out of virgins. Comment In Revelation 16 we read of 3 froglike spirits that bring the nations of the earth together to the battle of Armageddon in Israel. These 3 froggy spirits came out of the French Revolution. The cry of “Liberty” came out of the Beast (West Europe / France). The cry of “Equality” came out of the Dragon (Eastern Europe / Russia). The cry of “Fraternity” or “Brotherhood” came out of the False Prophet (Rome / Catholicism). The declaration of the rights of man (published August 1789) says this about Liberty. “Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits”. You will note the French paper publishing the cartoons is called “Liberation”. Therefore this so called “freedom” allows anyone to do or say anything which INJURES no one else. We see this froglike spirit upsetting Muslims and therefore making a war in the Middle East more likely as anger will be vented against the Jews. Armageddon is near!! Bible Quote Galatians 5 1 ¶ Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Lessons on Europe Headline Lessons on Europe proposed by French Headline - DT February 27 Event Lessons on the European Union to give secondary school pupils in all 25 member states an "apprenticeship" as Europeans, are being proposed by France. The lessons would be based on a standardised "teaching module" covering EU values and history, a senior French official said. Many European children already study the EU's history, learn to draw its flag, celebrate "Europe Day" on May 9 or sing its official hymn, the Ode to Joy. The proposal is one of more than a dozen drawn up by President Jacques Chirac's government to create new "momentum" with a "Europe of projects". Comment This is Europe’s way of trying to create a new “momentum” within Europe. They believe if they can teach children of the “benefits” of Europe that this in the medium/long term will have a positive impact on the perception people have about Europe. Britain has said that introducing harmonised EU lessons in schools is a “non-starter”. Europe is a Babel project. It is trying unite peoples / races and languages. This may sound laudable but it has its roots in the Kingdom of Men which began with Nimrod. The European “project” is anti God’s Kingdom. It is centred on a mixture of humanism and Catholicism. Humanism says that Man knows best. Catholicism says the “Church” i.e. the Vatican knows best. Neither acknowledge God knows best. It is Europe symbolised by the beast that will attack Jesus and his saints when he returns. Bible Quote Revelation 19 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Finance Minister Mazen Sinukrot said it was a "wise decision" but an Israeli spokesman suggested it was misguided. EU to give $143m to PA Headline EU to give $143 million to Palestinian Authority Headline - CNN February 27 Event The European Union said Monday that it will give the Palestinian Authority $143 million in emergency aid before the newly elected Hamas leadership forms a Palestinian government. The EU package of 120 million euros comes as the Palestinian Authority struggles with a financial crisis amid the aid cut-off threats over a Hamas-led government. French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy told The Associated Press on Monday that the EU funds were needed to prevent "economic chaos" from paralyzing the Palestinian Authority. Israel, which considers Hamas to be a terrorist organization, has cut the Palestinian Authority off from revenue collected from taxes and fees on Palestinians, prompting Hamas leaders to appeal for international financial support. Comment And here is the evidence that Europe is opposed to the coming Kingdom of God. If Israel (though currently established in unbelief) is the nucleus of the future Kingdom of God we might expect Europe to side with those who want the destruction of Israel. And we do. While the USA and Israel withhold funds from Hamas – who they both claim is a terrorist organisation – Europe takes a different view. As the Palestinians largest donor, Europe has decided to continue funding. This division over how the nations deal with the situation in Israel will only continue to deepen and widen. Bible Quote Daniel 2 41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; Division is apparent not only in Europe but also in the world.
Violence in Paris Headline Violence flares at French rallies Headline BBC online March 16 Event Protests have turned violent in France as at least 250,000 people rallied against a controversial new labour law. The worst violence was in Paris, where riot police fired rubber bullets and tear gas, and was reported in some of the other 80 cities holding rallies. Protesters object to new two-year job contracts for under-26s which employers can break off without explanation. President Jacques Chirac has appealed for talks, but says the new law is important to fight unemployment. Comment More violence in France. It was only a few months ago when the country erupted in violence in nearly all their major cities. France, home of the French Revolution which created the Declaration of the Rights of Man. The French people are descended from the Franks a barbarian tribe. Clovis was king of the Franks. His emblem was 3 frogs. The Frankish barbarians believed in the rights of the individual. In freedom. In fact the word Frank means Free! And yet these rights brought slavery - slavery to sin. These teaching brought violence then. They bring violence now. Revelation 16 makes clear it is these froglike, Frankish, freedom teachings that will bring all nations to battle. In Galatians 5:1 Paul makes very clear that only Christ has made us free – free from sin! Bible Quote Revelation 16 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. PHAROAH, FROGS & FREEDOM – new CD coming out shortly!
Italian elections Headline Italy in limbo over vote counting Headline BBC online April 12 Event Italy is in a state of political limbo. The Italian Interior Ministry has declared the centre-left leader Romano Prodi the winner of this election, with a thin majority in both houses of parliament. But so far, Silvio Berlusconi has refused to concede. "There is a majority of just 25,204 votes in the lower house," said Mr Berlusconi. "And many disputed ballot papers. Only when the necessary legal double-checking is completed, shall we concede. "For the time being, no-one can say they have won." Comment "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” said Winston Churchill. How true those words are. In recent times we have seen the flaws in democracy laid bare. Italy’s elections may well be settled by the courts in a similar way to the election in the USA in the year 2000. What is interesting though are the 2 men running in these elections. The current Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi is very pro USA and Britain and is pro the war in Iraq. Europe is longing for a Prodi win. He is pro a federal Europe, he has promised to bring the troops back from Iraq and he is decidedly cool towards America and Britain. Italy is part of the beast of Revelation 17. Home of the harlot of Rome that rides the beast. It is therefore likely from a scriptural point of view that leading Italy is someone like Prodi and not Berlusconi at the time Europe invades Israel. We see God’s hand in this election – showing us the folly of democracy and at the same time putting the person he wants in power at this time. Bible Quote Revelation 17 7 I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
Plan to leave Britain out in EU cold Headline Prodi Victory to “Relaunch Europe” Headline Sunday Times April 24 Event Italy, one of the European Union’s largest and founding countries, now has an unrelenting Europhile at its helm. After Italy’s supreme court ruled on the much-disputed election results, Romano Prodi, former president of the European Commission, is now prime minister of Italy. Narrow victory aside, he is widely expected to provide new impetus to EU integration and reform. Romano Prodi, has unveiled a plan to speed up the integration of a core group of European Union countries that threatens to leave Britain on the sidelines. In his first newspaper interview since he narrowly defeated Silvio Berlusconi last week, Prodi told The Sunday Times he would accelerate measures to bind the main continental members into a tighter alliance and breathe new life into a European constitution. He promised that despite the close result, he would stick to his 289-page manifesto and give Italy stable government for a full five-year term. He added in English with a smile: “There is no alternative.” Comment And so the temporary situation of Italy being pro USA and Britain is at an end. Romano Prodi (former EU president) is at the helm of this important European country. A country we certainly expect to be part of the “beast” system of Revelation 17. In one of his earliest statements he has threatened to sideline Britain and push ahead with further European integration with “core” EU countries. We can see the angels at work in the election of this man. He won with less than 0.1% of the votes! Bible Quote Revelation 17 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. 14 ¶ These shall make war with the Lamb,
Merkel to revive EU constitution Headline Merkel Makes Case for EU Constitution Headline DT May 5 Event German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a "new foundation" of the European project during a key speech to the Bundestag on Thursday, and said Germany would work to revive the failed EU Constitution. The EU's greatest challenge is making it clear to ordinary citizens that they benefit from the bloc's increased integration and expansion, Merkel said in her first speech to parliament on European policy since she took power six months ago. To make the benefits of the EU clear, the German leader said Europe needs to flex its economic muscles and prove it is capable of acting on the world stage. "Europe has to show that it can mould world policy according to its own values," Merkel added. Comment Europe is a continued development of the Roman Empire. The iron legs of the image in Daniel 2 that still exist in some form from its beginning in about 30BC until Christ returns. The Roman Empire has gone through many phases. It became the Holy Roman Empire.(HRE) It lasted from 800AD to C1800AD. It was known as the First Reich (Empire). German kings claimed the right to rule the empire after Otto I of Germany came to the rescue of Pope John XII. Napoleon bought the HRE to an end. It then remerged in 1871 as the German Empire or Second Reich. This caused WWI. It then remerged as Nazi Germany or the Third Reich. This caused WWII. Germany continues to want a empire! It will lead to WWIII. The Bible describes all this in Revelation 17. Europe is the beast – it will go into perdition. Bible Quote Revelation 17 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
Prodi calls for Iraq withdrawal Headline Prodi calls for Iraq withdrawal Headline BBC Online May 18 Event Romano Prodi has said the war in Iraq was a "grave error" in his first speech to Italy's Senate as prime minister. "It is the intention of this government to propose to parliament the return of our troops from Iraq," he said. The previous government of centre-right PM Silvio Berlusconi had decided to withdraw Italy's 2,600 troops from Iraq by the end of 2006. Mr Prodi, whose centre-left bloc beat Mr Berlusconi in April's elections, did not confirm that deadline. The new cabinet was sworn in on Wednesday. Comment And so Mr Prodi the new Italian prime minister has confirmed his opposition to the war in Iraq and also the fact that he is going to bring Italian troops home. This is absolutely the opposite to Mr Berlusconi the previous Italian prime minister. He was a man who was a friend of Mr Bush and Mr Blair and supported the war in Iraq. But now this key European state – part of the dreadful beast that rises out of the bottomless pit – is back where we might of expected it to be. Anti US and UK & pro Europe. With Romano Prodi in power this now leaves Tony Blair very isolated indeed in Europe with no other major power in Europe on his side. Again something we would expect! Bible Quote Revelation 17 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world,
EU looks for greater world role Headline EU looks for greater role in the world Headline Daily Telegraph June 9 Event The European Commission yesterday called for national governments to join it in shared diplomatic and consular facilities "inspired" by the idea of an EU diplomatic service. Such a service would have been created by the moribund EU constitution and in the absence of that treaty the commission wants action now to increase the EU's "visibility" worldwide. Tony Blair and his fellow European Union leaders agreed last night to examine how to salvage elements of the European constitution in 2008 - ensuring that Europe will be centre stage at the next general election. Comment The Daily Telegraph wrote in its editorial this week. “There is never a Plan B in Brussels; Plan A is simply re-submitted over and over again until it is accepted. Indeed, with or without formal ratification, most of the policies and institutions proposed by the constitution have been, or are being, enacted anyway: the European Defence Agency, the External Borders Agency, the Human Rights Agency, the EU foreign ministry and diplomatic corps, the European Public Prosecutor, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Space Programme. The EU, in other words, is behaving as if the French and Dutch electorates had voted "Yes" and the constitution were already in force.” And so as the dragon develops so does the beast. It is rising out of the bottomless pit to make war on the saints. Bible Quote Revelation 17 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
Europe - school lessons on integration Headline EC draws up school lessons in European integration - Headline Daily Telegraph June 21 Event All children will be taught about European integration and the objectives and values of the Community under new rules, which have been branded a “demented Euro-curriculum.” Pupils throughout the 25 member states will be expected to master eight “key competencies” under the recommendations drawn up by the European Commission and approved by the British Government. Comment Europe is a project based on Babel. The first kingdom of men. Babel was a kingdom that set itself in opposition to God. It had rules and religions made by men which God bought to an end by confusing their language. Those different languages are found in the different countries of modern Europe. Europe has also made rules of men (The Rights of Man) and is also bound by a false religion (Roman Catholicism). It is trying to reunite people separated by God. With the re-emergence of the beast of Revelation 17 we see a re-emergence of the propaganda that comes with it. For it has to constantly tell the “community” why it is right to bring all nations together. What better way than to teach young children about itself and its ideals and what it stands for. Children (they believe) will then grow up accepting and ultimately worshipping it. This headline and report is a sign that Revelation 17 is being fulfilled. Bible Quote Revelation 17 8 The beast ….. and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder
Furious Bush defends US role Headline Furious Bush defends US role on world stage Headline Daily Telegraph June 22 Event President George W Bush told Europeans yesterday it was "absurd" to regard the United States as the greatest threat to world peace, as he concluded an EU-US summit overshadowed by disputes on Guantanamo Bay and trans-Atlantic trade barriers. A visibly annoyed Mr Bush was responding to a journalist's question about opinion polls, asking why most Europeans believe the United States is a greater menace than Iran or North Korea. "It's absurd, is my statement," Mr Bush snapped, taking the microphone ahead of the president of the European Commission in his haste to answer the question. "We'll defend ourselves, but we are working with our partners to spread peace and democracy around the world." Comment And so the following day (after switching on America’s missile defence system) President Bush visits Europe and is visibly annoyed. The relationship between the US and Europe is at a very low ebb indeed since the Iraq war. But again this is exactly what we would expect. Britain and her young lions (America, Canada, Australia etc) on the one side and Europe and Russia (and allies) on the other. The pivotal point of course at the time of the final war will be Israel. This war is described in some detail in Daniel Ch 11 verse 40 to the end. Bible Quote Daniel 11 40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind
EU warns Israel on Gaza attacks Headline (1) EU warns Israel on Gaza attacks (2) UN urges Israel halt 'violations' Headlines BBC online July 7 Event (1) The EU has accused Israel of using "disproportionate" force and making a humanitarian crisis worse during operations in the Gaza Strip. On Friday Israel consolidated its hold on northern Gaza, as air strikes killed at least three Palestinian militants. It followed the worst day of violence since Israeli forces entered Gaza over a captured Israeli soldier - 22 Palestinians and an Israeli died. (2) The UN Human Rights Council has passed a resolution demanding a halt to Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip. Twenty-nine of the council's 47 member states backed the resolution, 11 voted against, five abstained and two members were absent. The recently-formed council also said it would send a fact-finding mission to investigate the human rights situation in the Palestinian territories. Comment Europe accuses Israel. The UN HUMAN RIGHTS Council accuses Israel. This new council of Human Rights made no mention of the violence perpetrated by the Palestinians. America and Israel have accused this new council of bias. In fact “human rights” are part of the “frog like spirit” coming out of the French Revolution that are bringing all nations to the battle of Armageddon. Bible Quote Revelation 16 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
Bush defends Israel, Russia condemns Headline Russia, France Condemn Israeli Strikes in Lebanon Headline Moscownews July 13 Event Paris and Moscow on Thursday sharply condemned Israeli strikes in Lebanon as a dangerous escalation of the Middle East conflict but Washington, while urging restraint, said Israel had the right to self defence, Reuters reports. French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy called Israel’s bombardment of Beirut’s international airport “a disproportionate act of war,” adding the risk of a regional war “absolutely” existed. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mikhail Kamynin denounced both Israel’s attack on Lebanon and its on-going operations against the Palestinian territories. “The continuing destruction by Israel of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon and in Palestinian territory (and) the disproportionate use of force from which civilian populations suffer cannot be understood and justified,” he said. “The attack on Beirut international airport is a dangerous step on the way to military escalation,” he added, calling on all sides to stop a slip towards war. Comment The world is dividing along the exact lines the Bible said it would. Russia, Europe condemning Israel. America backing Israel. The UK tries to play the middle ground but Tony Blair has told the world to remember how it all started. With the kidnappings. i.e. He is supportive of Israel. As the conflict develops the nations will become more and more entrenched and open about which side they back. The judgement of the nations is nearing. Therefore our judgement is near too. Bible Quote Psalm 82 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.
French diplomacy Headline France takes lead in diplomatic race for ceasefire Article Daily Telegraph August 3 Event France is emerging as a lead player in attempts to solve the Lebanon crisis, offering its services as an honest broker in place of America and Britain. Paris believes it is better placed to deliver peace than Washington and London which it feels are mistrusted in the region for prosecuting the war in Iraq and offering strong support to Israel in the ongoing crisis. This view has been given encouragement by the deputy secretary general of the United Nations, Mark Malloch Brown. "This cannot be perceived as a US-UK deal with Israel," he said, urging Tony Blair to take a back seat in diplomatic efforts. Comment What has been little reported this week is a “pact” made between France and Iran!! French foreign minister Philllippe Douste-Blazy and his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki struck a deal at their meeting in Beirut Monday, July 31. They agreed that the disarming of Hizbollah was an internal Lebanese affair. France is also ready to form the bulk of any multinational force in Lebanon. France is fully exploiting the Lebanese impasse created by Israel’s failure so far to achieve the upper hand in 3 weeks of fighting Hizbollah. France’s deal with Iran takes us to the 2nd great rift with America in 3 years. The first being over Iraq. The stage is being set for Europe (excluding UK) to be actively involved on Israel’s border. God is bringing all nations together to war. Bible Quote Joel 3 2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel the gathering has begun!
Europe promises 7000 troops Headline Europe promises 7,000 troops to hold Lebanon line Article Daily Telegraph August 26 Event European governments yesterday promised to send nearly 7,000 troops to Lebanon, with a first wave of up to 4,000 men to arrive within a week. That was enough to provide the "backbone" of a "strong, credible and robust" peacekeeping force, the United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan said. Mr Annan confirmed that he had asked France to lead the force until February 2007. On Thursday President Jacques Chirac promised a contribution of 2,000 men in total. Italy, which has said it will provide up to 3,000 troops, the largest single contribution, would send a general to head a command "cell" based at the UN headquarters in New York, Mr Annan said. Italian troops are likely to head for Lebanon as early as Tuesday. A promise of 1,200 men came from Spain, while Poland, Belgium and Finland were among those pledging hundreds each. Comment Europe is moving towards the northern border of Israel! This week France finally accepted to send troops and lead the UN force to Lebanon. Israel initially viewed the international force in Lebanon as a force that would disarm Hezbollah. The European governments contributing contingents to this force have their own ideas and interests. They have said explicitly they will NOT disarm them. It may even end up as a protector and shield for them! We can surely see how this volatile situation could escalate at any time. Europe could quickly become involved in the war. Bible Quote Revelation 19 19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. Beast = Europe him that sat on the horse = Jesus his army = the saints
EU talks on Mid-East peace plan Headline EU talks on Mid-East peace plan Headline BBC online September 1 Event Finland, current holder of the EU presidency, is to propose talks on a renewed peace plan in the Middle East. Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja is due to put the idea to EU colleagues at a meeting in Finland. He said the recent fighting between Israel and Hezbollah had shown the need for reviving - and if necessary updating - the road map peace plan. He said it was time for the EU to consider whether it could enhance its role in the region. In remarks to the Financial Times newspaper, Mr Tuomioja said the EU should talk to Palestinian militant group Hamas, as part of its policy of having dialogue with every group relevant to a peace settlement. Comment Europe is becoming increasingly involved now in the situation in Israel. The war in Lebanon has forced Europe to send troops to the area. Having now agreed to send troops Europe now wants to have more say in the “peace process”. Europe is the beast of Revelation 17. It is the 4th beast of Daniel 7. The beast has always been against God’s people. It is against them now. The time will come when “the beast” will actually fight against Christ and the saints. You will note that Europe is now suggesting that they should talk to Hamas! Hamas who want to destroy Israel. When the crunch comes Europe is always against Israel. Bible Quote Revelation 17 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Italian task force sets sail for Lebanon Headline Italian task force sets sail for Lebanon Headlines Washington Post August 29 Event A five-ship Italian fleet set off for Lebanon on Tuesday carrying more than 800 soldiers bound for U.N. peacekeeping duties. The task force, led by Italy's only aircraft carrier the Giuseppe Garibaldi, assembled some 20 miles off the southern port of Brindisi for a brief sendoff ceremony. Premier Romano Prodi and Defense Minister Arturo Parisi arrived by helicopter to salute the troops. "We will follow you with trepidation because it is a delicate mission of huge historic significance," Prodi told the soldiers. "But we will also follow you with pride and trust, knowing that although you carry arms, you're going to Lebanon exclusively to bring peace." Marines and engineering corps specialists are included in the vanguard of a 2,500-strong contingent Italy is contributing to the expanded UNIFIL force. It is the largest national contingent so far committed to the force, which is to help the Lebanese army maintain a fragile cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah militants Comment We can surely see a future scenario (that may not be too distant!) of Europe becoming embroiled in a war with Israel over Lebanon. If the conflict starts again (which many say it will within the coming months) European troops will be caught in the crossfire. Europe then, instead of just being on the sidelines, would be totally involved. God has gathered them to the very border of Israel. The time of war is near Bible Quote Joel 3 1 ¶ For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them
Naval Babel around Lebanon Headline “Lebanese Security” Is the Pretext for the Naval Babel around Lebanon’s Shores DEBKAfile September 6 Event The extraordinary buildup of European naval and military strength in and around Lebanon’s shores is way out of proportion for the task the European contingents of expanded UNIFIL have undertaken: to create a buffer between Israel and Hizbollah. Close investigation by DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources discloses that “Lebanese security” and peacemaking is not the object of the exercise. It is linked to the general anticipation of a military clash between the United States and Israel, on one side, and Iran and possibly Syria on the other, some time from now until November This expectation has brought together the greatest sea and air armada Europe has ever assembled at any point on earth since World War II: two carriers with 75 fighter-bombers, spy planes and helicopters on their decks; 15 warships of various types – 7 French, 5 Italian, 2-3 Green, 3-5 German, and five American; thousands of Marines – French, Italian and German, as well as 1,800 US Marines. Comment Europe is modern Babel. A gathering of nations of different languages under a false religion. Europe says it is Babel itself. Europe gathers a huge military force right next to Israel in anticipation of conflict in the area. The gathering of the nations to Israel is surely underway. How long before Babel/Babylon makes war on Israel? Bible Quote Genesis 11 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
Europe’s role in the Middle East Headline Europe now has a chance to play more than a marginal role in the Middle East- The Economist August 31st Event “It’s Europe's moment in the Arab-Israeli arena,” says Martin Indyk, a former American ambassador to Israel and head of the Saban Centre, a Washington DC think-tank. If true, that may mean a big change in one of the world's most dangerous spots. Europeans have been marginal in the Middle East for years. Too pro-Palestinian to be trusted by Israel, they have not had much power or influence over the Arabs either. However, Europeans are sending 7,000 soldiers to the United Nations' peacekeeping force in Lebanon. This, as it happens, is the number of British soldiers in Iraq—not a negligible force. Two or ten years ago, it would have been hard to imagine Europeans taking such a role. Something has clearly changed. Two things, in fact. America's scope for action in the region is limited, partly by choice and partly by the fall-out from the occupation of Iraq. That puts Europe into the unfamiliar position of being the one who hasn't messed up recent Comment We quoted Martin Indyk (former US ambassador to Israel) last week when he spoke of the growing links with Sunni Arab leaders and Israel. This week he comments on Europe’s new involvement in the Middle East and the weakening of America’s position. The Lebanon war has brought this about. The political plates in the region have shifted dramatically in the last few weeks. The European beast is emerging from slumber and will eventually make war against Christ and the saints. As the next slide shows the literal tectonic plates of the region are moving as well! Bible Quote Revelation 17 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: beast = Europe
EU sees Palestinian opportunity Headline EU sees Palestinian 'opportunity' Headline BBConline September 15 Event The EU's Finnish presidency has called on member countries to welcome the creation of a new Palestinian national unity government. Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja said the move could provide an opportunity to return to the Middle East peace process. EU foreign ministers are meeting to discuss the aid embargo imposed after Hamas won parliamentary elections. Washington has been insisting the aid freeze should remain in place. Comment Ever since Hamas swept into power in the elections last January, the new Palestinian government has faced a growing economic boycott from Israel and key international players like the European Union and the United States. Under this severe pressure Hamas has agreed this week to create a unity government. Hamas does not want to explicitly recognise Israel however, and this was one of the demands by the international community. What is interesting now, is that Europe appears to be welcoming the creation of this Palestinian national unity government and are now discussing the possibility of releasing EU money to them. America continues to insist the money freeze stays in place. The BBC reported it like this “Correspondents say these are signs of a growing rift between the US and the European Union over the issue.” This rift will continue to grow. It will eventually bring the US and Europe into conflict. Bible Quote Isaiah 34 2 For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. God is gathering the nations to battle over Israel
German warships set sail for Lebanon Headline 8 German Warships Set Sail for Lebanon Headline Daily Telegraph September 12 Event Germany began its biggest naval operation since World War II on Thursday as eight warships set sail for the eastern Mediterranean to help the U.N. keep the peace in Lebanon. The first of the ships, the frigate Karlsruhe, pulled away from the dock at the North Sea port at Wilhelmshaven and moved smoothly across the calm harbour after a farewell ceremony. The German force of two frigates, two support vessels and four fast patrol boats, along with three ships from Denmark, are to arrive off the Lebanese coast in 10 to 14 days. Defence Minister Franz Josef Jung said the force would make a contribution to peace by supporting the U.N.-brokered cease-fire that ended Israel's month long war with Hezbollah guerrillas. Comment – to read more of Germany’s influence in Europe – - note the bit on the Middle Ages! More warships on the way to the Eastern Mediterranean! It must be getting a crowded place. There are French, Italian, Spanish, British, American and now German warships there! There are 4 different chains of command in operation. The concern is that if “trouble” breaks out there will be total confusion with so many warships so close together. Interesting that Germany is now getting involved. We know Europe will invade Israel. Germany, (home of the Holocaust) became the seat of power for Europe after Otto I dreamt of the domination of Europe in 936AD. He also established a strong German influence over the papacy! See website above for more.. Bible Quote Revelation 17 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Beast = Europe click here
Russia in Europe energy pledge Headline Russia in European energy pledge Headline BBConline September 23 Event Russian President Vladimir Putin has sought to reassure France and Germany about the security of Europe's energy supplies as winter approaches. Mr Putin told French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that energy co-operation was a high priority for his government. Speaking at summit talks in Paris, he said Russia would fulfil its duties towards its partners in Europe. The European Union imports about 30% of its natural gas from Russia. Concerns were raised at the beginning of the year when Russia temporarily cut supplies to some European customers during a row with Ukraine over prices. President Chirac and Chancellor Merkel described the talks as productive. Comment This weekend saw France, Germany and Russia coming together to talk about a number of common concerns. One was energy. Russia here is assuring “Europe” that energy supplies will not be disrupted as they were last year. With the growing threats and fears in the world, energy is of increasing concern. The world is so fragile and is so dependent on energy to keep generating “mammon” that any slight disruption can now have massive effects. We know that Russia and Europe will be allied at the time of the end when all nations are gathered against Jerusalem to battle. It is an alliance of all elements of the image in Daniel 2 that will be destroyed when Christ returns. Bible Quote Daniel 2 35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors;
Franco Russian deals Headline Franco-Russian deals Headline BBC online September 23 Event The three leaders also discussed the situation in the Middle East, including Lebanon, and how best to reduce tensions over Iran's nuclear programme. The BBC's Clive Myrie in Paris says that on this issue, the three seem in agreement that the threat of sanctions for the moment is not the best way to get Iran to agree to end uranium enrichment. Ahead of the three-way summit, France and Russia signed deals in the transport and aviation sectors worth more than $10bn (7.8bn euros). French officials said the Franco-Russian deal comprised of a general co-operation accord between the two countries' ministries in charge of infrastructure, and a memorandum of understanding between Russia and the French company Vinci for the construction of a motorway between Moscow and St Petersburg. Comment At the same meeting we then the 3 nations agreeing the way forward on Iran. With America (behind the scenes) pushing for sanctions against Iran, it is interesting that another axis of nations i.e. Russia, Germany and France are saying NO to this approach. An alliance of similar strategy and thinking is developing here. Dependent on Russia for energy and now with similar objectives for the Middle East we see the angels putting the final pieces in place for the culmination on God’s plan. Russia (as we noted last week) is sending “Engineers” to Lebanon under its own command. We see the nations sending ships and soldiers to the borders of Israel! Bible Quote Isaiah 66 18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.
Italy to sell missiles to Lebanon Headline Italy to sell Lebanon sophisticated ground-to-air missiles Headline Debkafile October 17 Event Israeli aircraft are monitoring illegal Hizballah movements and arms smuggling in the absence of any Lebanese army and UNIFIL preventive action to implement UN Resolution 1701. According to DEBKAfile’s Rome sources, prime minister Romano Prodi has instructed his defense ministry to negotiate with the Fouad Siniora government the quick sale of an Aster 15 battery, the only Western surface-to-air missile with an active guidance system capable of last-minute corrections of targeting at the moment of interception. As a joint Franco-Italian product, the sale also needed - and obtained - approval from French president Jacques Chirac. Comment Europe is becoming increasingly involved in Lebanon. The BBC reported yesterday that the commander of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon (Unifil) has suggested the use of force to stop continuing Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace. He admitted that France has already deployed anti-aircraft missiles to Lebanon to “protect its own forces”. As the report above says more sophisticated weaponry has now been approved with Italy and France agreeing to sell missiles to Lebanon which would help them to bring down Israeli planes! We can see how the war in Lebanon has opened the door for Europe to enter. The escalation to war continues…. Bible Quote Zechariah 11 1 ¶ Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. Jeremiah 22 23 O inhabitant of Lebanon, …, how gracious shalt thou be when pangs come upon thee, the pain as of a woman in travail!
? Putin firm on EU energy Headline Putin firm on EU energy charter Headline BBConline October 22 Event Russian President Vladimir Putin has resisted calls from EU leaders to agree to binding rules on energy relations at a summit in Finland. Mr Putin said he was confident Europe and Russia would find a common approach on trade and investment in oil and gas. But he said a charter opening up Russia's energy sector to more foreign investment needed further work. Mr Putin also hit out at Georgian leaders, accusing them of building up forces near two breakaway regions. Russia supplies a quarter of the oil and gas consumed in the EU, and the proportion is set to rise sharply in coming decades. Comment Europe is becoming increasingly dependent on Russian gas. Russia knows this and holds all the cards. EU leaders meeting with Putin this week wanted binding rules and agreements between Russia and Europe on energy. Putin full of smiles and charm said that an agreement needed further work. Europe’s faith in Russia as a stable supplier of gas has been badly shaken over recent months when Russia switched of gas supplies to the Ukraine. But this gives Russia huge power over Europe. Energy is helping Russia to dominate Europe. This is precisely what we have expected to see. Note as well Putin’s comments about Georgia. In effect he is saying to Europe – you want my gas – don’t criticise my military ambitions. Gog is becoming powerful. Bible Quote Ezekiel 38 2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
Russia’s ‘key ally’ - Germany Headline Putin delivers huge gas supply deal to 'key ally' Germany Headline Daily Telegraph October 12 Event Vladimir Putin hailed Germany yesterday as Russia's strategic ally in Europe after promising to double the amount of gas pumped to German businesses each year via a new pipeline. "I am sure that Bavaria will contribute to the development of Russian-German co-operation," the Russian president said after being greeted at the Residenz palace in Munich. The visit followed Mr Putin's announcement in Dresden late on Tuesday that Russia's state-controlled Gazprom natural gas firm would use gas from the Shtokman field under the Barents Sea to send 55 billion cubic metres a year to Germany, in addition to the 40 billion it already receives. "Germany will not only be able to completely cover its gas needs, it will itself become a great distribution centre of gas in Europe," Mr Putin said. Comment Europe is symbolised by the beast in Revelation and Russia is symbolised by the dragon. Using Revelation 13 as a pattern, Revelation 16 uses the dragon to represent a power at the time of the end whose territory will match much of the old part of the Eastern Roman Empire. It will be military in character, in contrast to the religious character of the beast. The beast (Western Europe), the dragon (Eastern Europe / Russia) and the false prophet (Rome), will make war as one against Israel, Christ and the saints. We see above the dragon working with the beast and giving it support as it did in the past. Bible Quote Revelation 16 14 For they are the spirits of devils [coming out of the dragon, beast & false prophet], working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
Germany plans to revive constitution Headline Germany plans to revive EU treaty Headline BBC online October 11 Event German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said her government will be "very ambitious" in trying to revive the European Union constitution in 2007. Germany takes over the presidency of the EU on 1 January for six months, and wants to set a "roadmap" and a "method" for adoption of the constitution. "We have given ourselves a timeframe to solve the issue, therefore the German presidency should set the target, the roadmap and the method." A declaration of the EU's values could be made in the middle of the German presidency, in March 2007, when the EU celebrates its 50th birthday. The timeframe already pencilled in by European leaders envisages general agreement on how to proceed with the constitution at a summit concluding the German presidency in June 2007. Comment Interesting that Germany takes over the presidency of Europe in January. We would have a German Pope and a German president of Europe (who speaks fluent Russian!) at the very time that Europe celebrates its 50th birthday! Note that in March 2007, there will be a “declaration of the EU’s values”. The values of Europe in the past have involved a “Christian” element. I.e. a Roman Catholic element. It maybe that we see the “values” include the religious element. After all we are told in Revelation 17 the “woman” – false religion of Rome, directs the “beast” – western Europe, and together they make war against Christ and the saints. Bible Quote Revelation 17 I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
Germany eyes incident with Israeli jets Headline Germany Eyes Incident With Israeli Jets Headline Associated Press October 25 Event The German Defence Ministry said Wednesday it is investigating an incident in which two Israeli fighter jets fired shots and dropped flares near a German warship patrolling the Lebanese coast as part of a peacekeeping force. The planes two F-16s fired two shots and released the flares, which can be used as a defence measure against heat-seeking missiles, said a ministry spokesman. He did not identify the vessel or say when the incident occurred. The Israeli military denied the reports, saying the air force did not attack any ship or fire in the vicinity. A German naval task force led by the frigate Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is off the coast of Lebanon seeking to prevent weapons smuggling as part of the UNIFIL peacekeeping force set up to secure a U.N.-brokered cease-fire that ended 34 days of fighting between Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon on August 14. Germany joined the peacekeeping force but did not send ground troops, in part out of worries that they might come in conflict with Israeli troops a sensitive point given Nazi Germany's role in carrying out the Holocaust during World War II. Comment Some have queried what the Lebanon war has achieved in prophetical terms. It achieved a remarkable thing. The gathering of the nations to the borders of Israel. With so many warships from so many different nations so close to Israel it is only a matter of time before they become involved in conflict over Israel. As we see above! Bible Quote Joel 3 2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat this valley is in Israel
France protest over hostile Israeli jets Headline France in protest over 'hostile' Israeli jets Headline Daily Telegraph November 10 Event France complained to Israel yesterday about the "hostile attitude" of its air force in Lebanon. It followed an incident in which French peacekeeping troops came within seconds of firing on Israeli fighter jets that entered Lebanese airspace and appeared about to attack. Michelé Alliot-Marie, the defence minister, said that French troops had been within "two seconds" of shooting down the aircraft." A catastrophe was narrowly avoided by our troops," she said. Speaking to the lower house of parliament on Wednesday night, she said that the flyover on Oct 31 had been the latest in a string of incidents in which Israeli warplanes had "adopted a hostile attitude" to French and German forces. Comment It was only 2 weeks ago that Germany was complaining about “hostile” Israeli warplanes firing missiles / flares near one of their warships. Now it is the turn of France. Israel is powerless to stop Hezbollah rearming in Lebanon but it is watching it do so. Israel’s only option is to show its frustration / anger at this by becoming more hostile in its flights over the country. This then enrages the UNIFIL force led by France. How long the precarious situation can continue is not certain. Perhaps until a mistake happens or Israel finally has enough and decides it has to act. To have Israel and France / Germany so close to conflict on the northern border of Israel is just so amazing to witness. We surely see the hand of God gathering all nations to Jerusalem to battle. Europe WILL fight against Israel. Jesus WILL intervene. Bible Quote Zechariah 142 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;
Spain unveils Mid East peace plan Headline Spain unveils Mid-East peace plan Headline BBC online November 16 Event Spain, Italy and France are to launch a new Middle East peace initiative, Spain's prime minister has said. "Peace between Israel and the Palestinians means to a large extent peace on the international scene," Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said. He said a plan would be put to an EU summit in December and he hoped it would be backed by the UK and Germany. The proposal would include an immediate ceasefire and the formation of a Palestinian unity government. The other three components of the plan would involve an exchange of prisoners, talks between Israel's prime minister and the Palestinian Authority president and an international mission in Gaza to monitor a ceasefire. The announcement came amid fresh violence in the region. Comment America is weakened politically due to the continued fallout from Iraq – this is enabling Europe to come up with its own peace initiatives for Israel and the Palestinians that would not have been possible before. Tony Blair (before this announcement by the 3 nations above) spoke of the need to resolve the Palestinian / Israeli conflict. One UK newspaper reported that “A rift between Britain and France deepened last night as three European countries launched a surprise Middle East initiative.” Apparently Britain knew nothing about this new peace initiative. So at the time that war is being prepared the nations are speaking of peace. But we know the sudden destruction will come. NB the verse below does not say when there IS peace but when they SAY it. Bible Quote 1 Thessalonians 5 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child;
Anxiety in Europe after dictator death Headline Anxiety in Europe after sudden death of Turkmen dictator Headline Daily Telegraph December 22 Event Saparmurat Niyazov, the Turkmen dictator whose cruel eccentricities raised him high in the pantheon of history's most bizarre megalomaniacs, died of a heart attack yesterday aged 66. His browbeaten people greeted the death of the man who had led them for 21 years mostly in stunned silence. In capitals elsewhere in the world, there was concern for the future of a nation whose vast gas supplies play a vital role in keeping Europe warm during the winter. Russia, the European Union and the United States all called for an orderly and peaceful transition. Turkmenistan being one of the world's most absolute dictatorships, none bothered to call for a democratic one. Comment Mr Niyazov's sudden and fatal heart failure could have immense implications. The heat in European homes, the war in the neighbouring Afghanistan and the fragile stability of the whole of Central Asia will be affected by how Turkmenistan deals with the unprecedented political uncertainty that Mr Niyazov's death had brought. For 21 years Mr Niyazov had dominated the nation that sits on the world's fifth-largest natural gas reserves. The US and Russia will want to assert their influence over the outcome of what happens next. Russia has most to lose as Gazprom currently buys most gas from Turkmenistan and then sells onto Western Europe. This sudden death may well unleash instability in the region and more importantly bring the US and Russia into conflict. There will be a king of the north v king of the south. Bible Quote Daniel 11 40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him north = Russia south = USA