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maori politics to 1960

The Kotahitanga. Disenchantment with general politics in discussions in 1889Kotahitanga established 1892Based in Papawai, led by Kemp and Wi ParataAttempt to legislate its legitimacy. The King Movement. King Movement had its own KauhanganuiKing Tauwkaio died 1894Mauta wooed by SeddonJoined legislative Council 1902, Executive Council 1903, but withdrew 1907.

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maori politics to 1960

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Maori Politics to 1960 Lecture 8 of 148.205 Modern New Zealand Politics

    3. The King Movement King Movement had its own Kauhanganui King Tauwkaio died 1894 Mauta wooed by Seddon Joined legislative Council 1902, Executive Council 1903, but withdrew 1907

    4. The Young Maori Party From 1893 Maori and European rolls separated, Maori only allowed to vote for Maori seats Young Maori party founded 1897 from Te Aute Students Association They wanted to be more positive than Kotahitanga Acolytes of James Carroll

    5. James Carroll 1857-1926 Half Maori, half Irish Joined ministry in 1892 to represent Maori race In 1893 won European seat 1899 Minister of Native Affairs Wanted to modernise Maori

    6. Maui Pomare 1875-1930 Educated at Te Aute College Trained by 7th Day Adventists Maori Health Officer 1901 MP for Western Maori 1911- Wanted to modernise race

    7. Apirana Ngata 1874-1950 Ngati Porou Te Aute College MA LLB MHR Eastern Maori 1905-1943 In liberal Cabinet 1909-11 and 1928

    8. Peter Buck 1877-1951 Te Aute College Otago M.D. Medical officer under Pomare MP Northern 1909-1914 Then Director of Maori Hygeine Later Hawaii Museum

    9. Liberal attitudes to Maori Ballance, Cadman, Seddon, Carroll as Minister Liberals continued closure of Native Affairs Department 1892 Recommenced 1906 Native Schools continued Rates on land, dog tax

    10. Liberals and Maori land Native Land Court still used to pressure sale of land Commission into Native Land Laws 1891 but no major change Pre-emption restored 1893 by Native Land Acquisition Act 2.7 mi acres acquired 1892-99 only 7.1 mi acres left

    11. The Tai-hoa and upshot Native MHRs in 1895 urged end to sale of land Maori Councils Act 1900 to provide for hygiene improvements (Pomare, Buck) Maori Land Administration Act 1900 created Councils w 3/7 Maori Maori Land Settlement Act 1905 with compulsory leasing

    12. New Moves Ngata & Stouts Royal Commission 1907-8 and 1909 Native Land Act provided for improvements as well as purchases William Herries (Reform) removed Maori from Boards Pomare joined politics

    13. Thaw to Crisis Pioneer Batallion Coates as Minister, and Royal Commissions investigated grievances 1919- Maori Purposes Fund Board Ngata minister 1928, worked with Te Puea Royal Commission criticised him 1934

    14. The Ratana Way Ratana was concerned to revive Maori life From 1928 he campaigned for Maori seats In 1932 E T Tirikatene won Southern

    15. Labour and Ratana By 1943 all 4 quarters in Ratana hands 1935 agreement with Savage Enquiry into Orakei Attempts to equalise benefits, housing

    16. Maori Development Maori War Effort Organisation united tribes Maori Social & Economic Advancement Act 1945 Tipi Rohipa Secretary of Maori Affairs 1948-57; Corbett the National Minister Maori Womens Welfare League 1951 Hunn Report 1961 Assimilationism

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