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Legal Debates and Developments in the Middle East

Legal Debates and Developments in the Middle East. Andrea Büchler. Afghanistan. 16/3/2007 Afghanistan: Marriage contract approved by the Supreme Court of Afghanistan After years of lobbying by networkers and activists, a standardized 'nikahnama‚ (marriage contract) has been approved, with

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Legal Debates and Developments in the Middle East

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  1. Legal Debates and Developments in the Middle East Andrea Büchler

  2. Afghanistan 16/3/2007 Afghanistan: Marriage contract approved by the Supreme Court of Afghanistan After years of lobbying by networkers and activists, a standardized 'nikahnama‚ (marriage contract) has been approved, with the potential of curbing forced and child marriages.

  3. Bahrain 8/5/2009 Bahrain: Opposition to minimum marriage age of 15 Lawmakers from the largest opposition bloc in the Bahraini Parliament are opposing setting the minimum marriage age for girls at 15, saying this is against Islamic principles.

  4. Egypt 15/6/2008 Egypt: Law limits age gap between Spouses to 25 years The Egyptian authorities have banned a 92 year-old man from marrying a 17-year-old girl, the Egyptian al-Akhbar newspaper has reported.

  5. Morocco 23/8/2006 Morocco: Women's advocates push men to recognize paternity Single mothers in Morocco suffer severe legal and social stigma. To offset those disadvantages, a longtime advocate is pushing to use the country's new DNA paternity law to help women identify the fathers.

  6. Saudi Arabia 13/5/2008 Saudi Arabia: Young woman married at 10 years old must pay for divorce A 23 year old woman, forced to marry at ten in Saudi Arabia, was ordered to pay the equivalent of 16,750 euros to obtain a divorce from her husband, according to Saudi daily al-Watan.

  7. Iran 8/3/2008 Iran: Iranian man to pay wife a 124,000 Rose dowry An Iranian court has ordered a man to give his wife the 124,000 roses that he promised in her dowry, after she filed a complaint to claim it, reports say.

  8. North Africa 24/11/2009 North Africa: Women at forefront of legal reform Women in North Africa have made tremendous progress in promoting and upholding their rights. Women in this region are at the forefront of the Arab world in terms of individual rights and gender equality, and constitute models for other Arab women to follow. A number of lessons may be drawn from the Inspiring experience of women in North Africa, especially in Morocco and Tunisia.

  9. Kuwait 30/10/2009 Kuwait: Victories for women's rights Kuwaiti women will be able to obtain their own passport without the consent of their husbands, following a ruling by the country's constitutional court. While The Kuwaiti Constitutional Court [official website, in Arabic] ruled that female lawmakers are not required to wear the hijab, or traditional Muslim headscarf.

  10. Mali 12/8/2009 Mali: Threats of violence greet new family code While rights groups are celebrating a newly adopted family code in Mali that changes marriage laws and expands girls’ rights, Muslim leaders and youths have vowed, even threatening violence, to block the code from becoming law.

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