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Paul C. Stromberg DVM, PhD Diplomate, ACVP The Ohio State University RESPIRATORY SYSTEM VM 601 PULMONARY PATHOLOGY CASE STUDIES Case 1 (TVMDL G-861
Case 1 (TVMDL G-861 History: A large herd of swine has recently experienced some mortality among animal showing acute respiratory signs. Your postmortem examination revealed these lungs and no other significant lesions.
Dorsal Rt Lateral View
Case 2 (OSU 89-982) History: A one month old Dorset lamb was found dead. Your postmortem examination revealed the lungs pictured.
Lt Lateral View Anterior-ventral Pattern
Case 3 (TAMU 84736) History: A 2 yr old quarter horse that was depressed, coughing, appeared somewhat thin and had “difficulty breathing” when ridden. The animal had been like this for several weeks and when it did not respond to treatment it was humanely put down. Necropsy revealed the lungs pictured. In addition, there were several masses in the wall of the colon as illustrated in the 2nd photograph
Dorsal Dilated subpleural lymphatic Cranial Caudal Heart Ventral
Lateral surface X-sec of lung Medial surface
Case 4 (TAMU 84197) History: A 7 week oild Arabian foal presented in severe respiratory distress. The WBC = 3500 with 3300 neutrophils and no lymphocytes.
Subpleural emphysema Atelectasis & Pneumonia Normal aerated lobules Lt Lateral View
Case 5 (TAMU 82055) History: A 7 year old Hereford bull was recently put on fresh lush rye grass pasture. He was found in the pasture depressed, unwilling to drink with a swollen throat and marked dyspnea. He died enroute to the veterinary hospital at Texas A&M University. The following 2 photos show the postmortem appearance of the lungs.
Edema & Emphysema in interlobular septae X-sec of caudal lobe
Case 6 (OSU 89-1919) History: A 4 yr old Columbiana ewe with exercise intolerance, labored respiration (80-100/min) and chronic weight loss. Auscultation revealed harsh lung sounds most pronounced in the cranioventral regions. The animal was euthanized and the lungs are visible in the next 2 photos.
Rib Impressions Poorly Demarcated A-V Pattern Lt lateral view
Case 7 (OSU-81-1453) History: A 2 mo old Toggenberg goat with a history of ataxia and difficulty breathing. Temp was 104.5º and repirations = 100/min. Harsh lung sounds were auscultated and thoracic radiographs showed interstitial densities. Bacterial cultures of the sputum were negative.
Interstitial Pneumonia Normal Lung Lt lateral view
Case 8 (TAMU 81895) History: This is a 4 yr old Mc DLH cat that has not been eating well. He is lethargic, not very active and does not want to go outside as often as he used to. The owner thinks he has lost weight over the last several weeks. PE revealed a normal temp but muffled chest sounds and the thorax was not as compressible as it should have been. The patient was moderately dyspneic in the examination room
Normal Lung Heart PleuralEffusion Lt lateral view
Case 9 (OSU 87-658) History: This is a 3 ½ yr old Mc Siamese cat presented with fever of 3 wks duration nonresponsive to Abx; anorexia, depression, weakness and hypersalivation. Thoracic radiographs revealed increased interstitial densities throughout the lung fields but no masses. Lab work showed mild renal failure. Mild anemia amnd bone marrow hypoplasia. The FeLV test was negative. The next 3 photos were taken at autopsy.
Miliary foci of immune-complex vasculitis Lt lateral view
Miliary Foci of Immune-complex vasculitis Kidney
Case 10 (TAMU 88306) History: This is a 3 mo old male Chow presented for vomiting, diarrhea, wt loss and “difficulty breathing”. The PE revealed a Temp = 105º F, mucopurulent nasal and lacrimal discharge, tarry stools and a rapid but weak pulse. The patient was markedly dyspneic and harsh lung sounds were auscultated.
CranialLobe Diaphragm Middle Lobe Heart Lt lateral view
Case 11 (OSU 87-2827) History: This is a 12 yr old make Schanuzer that presented because of CNS signs and difficulty breathing. The neurologic exam revealed boith upper and lower motor neuron deficits in the limbs and a loss of a menace Rs as well as an equivocal Horner’s Syndrome in the Lt eye. Survey radiographs revealed an extensive fluid density mass obliterating 90% of the Lt thorax. FNA of the pleural fluid contains atypical epithelial cells. The next two photos were taken at autopsy.
Lt lateral view Lt caudal lobe Lt cranial lobe Middle lobe
Hydrocephalus Metastatic Pulmonary Carcinoma
Case 12 (OSU 92-1772) History: This is a 13 yr old Fe DSH cat presented for decreased appetite for several wks and lethargy for the last 3 days. There is acute onset of Rt forelimb paresis. On PE the patient exhibited dyspnea and thoracic radiographs showed pleural fluid and interstitial densities in the Rt caudal lobe. An ECG produced a sinus tachycardia. The next 2 photos were taken at autopsy.
Rt Side Metastatic Renal CA Rt Lung Thoracic inlet Heart Lt Side Ventral View
Normal Kidney Renal Adenocarcinoma X-sec of Rt Kidney
Case 13 (OSU F-1047) History: This is a 9 yr old FeS Chihuahua presented because 1 wk ago the owner noticed the patient’s breathing became “noticeable”. The patient was in poor condition with pronounced dyspnea and indistinct lung sounds. The posture suggested a ruptured diaphragm. Thoracic radiographs revealed marked fluid density involving nearly the entire Lt side of the lung and vague small interstitial densities in the Rt lung. The next 2 photos were taken at autopsy.
Pulmonary Carcinoma Transpulmonic Metastases
Case 14 (OSU 87-2918) History: This is a 12 mo old make Sprague-Dawley rat from the Northwest Career Center. It had been eating but losing weight. It was treated with a pyrethrin insecticide last week for lice. On presentation, the rat was emaciated, weak and ataxic with labored respirations. No oculonasal discharge was noted but “increased lung sounds” were auscultated.
Caudal Lobe Cranial Lobe Pus-filled ectatic airways Lt Lateral view
Case 15 (OSU T-1112) History: This is one of a litter of 1 wk old Hampshire pigs. They were fine for 3 days, then became depressed, turned “blue” and died within 12 to 24 hrs. The owner has lost 40/72 pigs. The photos were taken at autopsy.
Case 16 (OSU 92-889) History: This is “Sassette” Mann, a 2 ½ yr old Fe Himalayan cat presented because of depression and “difficult breathing”. PE revealed a cyanotic patient with muffled chest sounds. Thoracic radiographs showed extensive pleural fluid. The thoracentesis produced cloudy colorless fluid with a low cell count (500/μl) in which 90% were mature lymphocytes.
Pleural Effusion Lt Lung Lt Lateral View