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Sara Moss Partner, The Code Works Inc. Lana Moore Director of Product Mgmt User Exp, itzbig

26-Sep-07. Candidate Search

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Sara Moss Partner, The Code Works Inc. Lana Moore Director of Product Mgmt User Exp, itzbig

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    1. Sara Moss Partner, The Code Works Inc. Lana Moore Director of Product Mgmt & User Exp, itzbig

    2. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Agenda Business Value Technology Overview & Examples Case Study: Bi-directional matching

    3. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    4. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match The Good News: There are more cool tools facilitating candidate search than ever before and your recruiters are using many of them The Bad News: Your competitors (i.e. those competing for the same talent) have access to the same tools and technologies The Opportunity: One way to differentiate in the marketplace is to leverage search & match technology better than the competition to find qualified candidates faster Introduction II

    5. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match More cool tools than ever, but ATS/FO Search Email Search Desktop Search Job board searches General web search Referral tools People directories & search engines Social networks & searches Blog search

    6. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Youve got to leverage technology better Internal Candidate Database Candidate data that you have created is proprietary & differentiating If you are using keyword search alone, you are probably not identifying all of the qualified candidates in your in-house database All ATS/FO have embedded search technology (e.g. out-of-the-box SQL-based keyword search (Microsoft & Oracle), Verity, Engenium,) Use contextual search and/or match by leveraging, replacing or extending embedded technology Train recruiters External Candidate Databases

    7. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Leverage technology better, contd External Candidate Databases Automate the candidate sourcing & filling processes Manage the impact of decentralized data Ensure recruiters are using a variety of search & match technologies

    8. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Automate the search process Acknowledge you will use as many 3rd parties as you can Federate searches Consolidate results Bake-in business rules to results sort order Build a workflow so recruiters know whats next Train users to be smart users since each search experience & underlying technology is unique

    9. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Manage the impacts of decentralized data Utilize 3rd party tools (e.g. traditional & next gen job boards, referral sites, business networks) Augment your internal database with additional passive candidates & active job seekers Be aware that 3rd parties offer CRM functionality (e.g. folders, notes, email merge, tags & may track activities) Dont let proprietary data reside outside of your control Create a strategy for how and where you want recruiters to manage talent pipelines, passive candidates & active job seekers Communicate the criteria for moving candidates to your internal database & use technology to facilitate the process

    10. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Use a variety of search & match technology Different underlying technology will return different candidates; scores & ranking will also differ To get the most out of your internal candidate database and 3rd party databases use a variety of search approaches to identify qualified candidates

    11. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Search & Match Technology Overviews & Examples

    12. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Yesterdays technology = keyword search

    13. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Understand the underlying technology Example: T-Mobile Fielded Search & Keyword/Boolean Search Conceptual Search Example: Dice.com Faceted Navigation Example: itzbig Bi-directional matching

    14. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Conceptual search overview Key Functionality: Fielded, keyword and conceptual results are offered by conceptual vendors Dynamic, faceted navigation Recommended keywords Highlighted keywords Relevance score Requires: Sample set of resumes (unstructured)

    15. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    16. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    17. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    18. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    19. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    20. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    21. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Match overview Key Functionality: One-way or bi-directional match Customizable or user-weighted match score Thresholds Match detail & gap analysis Requires: Structured data through parsing & manual data entry Taxonomy definition and maintenance Matching algorithm

    22. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Bi-directional Matching Example:

    23. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Im going to touch briefly on why candidate search is meaningful to staffing. I think that there is a lot of confusion about the types of search that are available on the market today. So, Im going to spend quite a bit of time talking about the different search methods that I see, with the aim of clarifying some of the lingo. At the same time I will highlight who is using the various search types to help you with that part of the puzzle that is, who is doing what. I will then touch on a few key trends that I see. I will then will hand things off to Lana. Itzbig has built their own proprietary matching engine that conducts a bi-directional match and she will be telling you more about the specifics of that in a bit. Ive been waiting a long time to see bi-directional match applied to staffing and recruiting and I think itzbig is a landmark example for us.Im going to touch briefly on why candidate search is meaningful to staffing. I think that there is a lot of confusion about the types of search that are available on the market today. So, Im going to spend quite a bit of time talking about the different search methods that I see, with the aim of clarifying some of the lingo. At the same time I will highlight who is using the various search types to help you with that part of the puzzle that is, who is doing what. I will then touch on a few key trends that I see. I will then will hand things off to Lana. Itzbig has built their own proprietary matching engine that conducts a bi-directional match and she will be telling you more about the specifics of that in a bit. Ive been waiting a long time to see bi-directional match applied to staffing and recruiting and I think itzbig is a landmark example for us.

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    25. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    26. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    27. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    28. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    29. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    30. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    31. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    32. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    33. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    34. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Progressive Profiling Theory of Social Exchange Artificial IntelligenceProgressive Profiling Theory of Social Exchange Artificial Intelligence

    35. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    36. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    37. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match

    38. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Use conceptual search and/or match to access all of the qualified candidates in your internal candidate database Utilize the tool embedded in your ATS/FO Replace the embedded tool, custom build a candidate search application or license/leverage 3rd party technology Train users Plan on using a lot of 3rd party candidate search tools to access additional candidate pools, but also plan on Managing the flow of candidates & their data into your internal database Streamlining the search process (e.g. federate, consolidate, sort and facilitate workflow) Making sure recruiters are using a variety of search & match tools to access passive candidates and active job seekers Being strategic about candidate search & match will reduce your sourcing costs and help you to find qualified (perhaps even better) candidates faster than the competition In Summary

    39. 26-Sep-07 Candidate Search & Match Contact Information Sara Moss sara@thecodeworksinc.com 650.208.2055

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