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Tips to Boost your ACT Reading Score

ACT is a key component of your college application. Most importantly, ACT is different from the tests one gives in school, so you must approach it differently, too.<br><br>We hope that after going through this blog, you understand what types of reading test questions and passages youu2019ll actually face, and the strategies that can help you score well: https://blog.rewiser.in/tips-boost-act-reading-score/

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Tips to Boost your ACT Reading Score

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  1. Tips to Boost your ACT Reading Score The ACTis different than tests you take in school, so you should approach it differently, too. Understand exactly what types of reading test questions and passages you'll encounter, and ACTreading tips that can help you scorewell. What’s ontheACTReadingTest? At the beginning of each reading paragraph, the paragraph is in a different font. Paragraph is worth10seconds.Itgivesyoucontextfortheparagraphandhelpsyouprepareyourmind forwhat you are about to read. Italso helps you identifywhich of the 4types of ACT readingpassages you're starting with: ProseFiction SocialScience Humanities NaturalScience After each paragraph, you'll need to answer 10 questions that test your understanding of whatwas directly said and what was impliedin the text.

  2. TackletheACTReadingTest Now that you understand what to expect, here are some ACT reading tips that can help you aceany passage: Dothepassagesinanyorder Youwill always see 4 paragraphs and you will haveto attempt all the 40 questions. There is nonegative marking for wrong answers on theACT. As you practice, you will start toget a feelforwhichroutesareeasyandwhichareabitchallengingforyou.Forexample:If Natural Science is your strength, but the Literary Fiction route bothers you, it might make sense for you to do the Natural Science route first and save the Literary Fiction route for last. Justmake sure that youare writing the correct questionnumber on your answer sheet. Timeyourselfasyoupractice Ifyouaretakingmorethan 3minutestoreada passage,youmaynotbeabletocomplete all the questions in the given time. As you become more confident in your preparation, try to beas precise as possible in the timing ofyour note taking. UnderlineorCirclekeyterms As you read, underline or circle key details in the passage that may help you to answer the questionslater. It usually includesnames, dates, places, andnumbers. As you keep practicing more and more paragraphs, you will understand what to look for and whattype of questions will be asked inthe later section.

  3. By marking your paragraph, you are helping your brain to focus on the important words and movethrough the paragraph so that you can useyour time properly. Findtheauthor’spointofview Do you often find that you get lost in the middle, or read too fast and miss some important information?For the ACTReading Test, you'll needto find the rightbalance between reading fromtheauthor'spointofviewandthefunctionofeachparagraph,aswellaspaying attentionto the location of important details in caseyou need to come back to themlater. LookforTransition Words Transition words are like road signs. They show you the way, point you towards adetour, andbring you back in the direction ofthe main idea. Don’tbenervousifyoudon’tknowtheword In some questions, you have to identify the meaning of a word or phrase as it is used in context. Most of these questions generally use common words, but their definitions in the paragraph may be more figurative than literal. If the question asks you for a new word, try to come up with your own word that fits the context correctly, and then use the process of elimination on the answers. If you are unable to eliminate three options, guess from what is leftand move on. DoACTReadingpracticetests Full-length practice tests are available, you will need to find a quiet place where you can take thepracticetest,andclearatableordesk.Trytoremoveallkindsofdistractionsanddo yourbesttomimictheenvironmentoftheexamday.Keepaneyeontheclockortimerso you can periodically check in and see how you're doing. Do not rush, but make sure to move frompassage to passage withconfidence and answer allthe questions in the giventime. Buildtherightpreparationplan At Reviser, we will help you create a preparation plan that will suit your score goals, study habitsand schedule. If you need any personal assistance, reach out to our experts here. We are extremely happyto help in whatever way we can.

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