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As a leading manufacturer of Vertical Turning Lathes, we provide specialized machines tailored to client needs. Click for details and quotes!
Robust Construction Broadbent Stanley's CNC lathes feature heavy-duty, cast iron construction, ensuring durability and stability for both one-off and series production. STEP 01 Wide Range of Sizes The SC range offers a variety of table sizes ranging from 1450mm to 4000mm in diameter, with a maximum swing of up to 4250mm and turning heights up to 3100mm, providing versatility for different machining needs. STEP 02 STEP 03 Comprehensive Machining Capability The RAL series of CNC Vertical Turning Lathes provides uncompromising machining capability, including turning, milling, drilling, and grinding of large components, offering a comprehensive solution for diverse machining requirements. Vertical Turning Lathes B R O A D B E N TS T A N L E YM A C H I N E S Efficiency and Accuracy Through advanced design concepts, the RAL series ensures efficient and accurate machining, taking vertical turning lathes to the next level in terms of performance and precision. STEP 04 Efficiency and Accuracy Through advanced design concepts, the RAL series ensures efficient and accurate machining, taking vertical turning lathes to the next level in terms of performance and precision. STEP 05 STEP 06 Heritage of Excellence Over 100 years of combined expertise in machine tool manufacturing. H T T P S : / / W W W . B R O A D B E N T S T A N L E Y . C O . U K / V E R T I C A L - T U R N I N G - L A T H E S . H T M L