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Dynamics 365 provides a number of portal add ons. This breakdown of each of them can give you a better understanding of which solves your pain points.
Types of Dynamics365 PortalAdd-ons • Dynamics 365 have multiple types of portals. Each servesits own unique purpose. The one that you need will depend on the use case you have. You can choose the portal that addresses your exact pain points. Here’s a breakdown ofthe differenttypessothatitcanhelpyoumakeadecision: • Customer Self-ServicePortal • Employee Self-ServicePortal • CommunityPortal • PartnerPortal • FieldServiceandProjectServiceAutomationPortal sales@crmjetty.com
Customer Self-ServicePortal Customer Self-Service Portalhelps you guide your customers even when you are not sitting at your desk. A streamlinedknowledgebasehelpsthemgetanswerstotheir querieswhentheycannotreachthesupportstaff.Thebasic availability of a webstore being 24/7, support or assistance should also be available24/7. Such a self service portal encourages problem solving by providing relevant solutions without the intervention of your staff. This portal includes forums wherein customers can have discussions and there is community building through problem solving. Other interactions like polls, ratings and comments also help the company or organization get essentialfeedback. Employee Self-ServicePortal Employee self-service portal can be used as an internal space for employees to share knowledge, manage their tasks, and have certain interactions with the CRM. They can useit toaccessanswerstoFAQs,givefeedback,anddevelop a community of theirown. HRfor Dynamics whichisaselfserviceportalforemployees is an efficient platform that simplifies tasks foreveryone, sales@crmjetty.com
especiallyHRandmanagers.Employeeshavethefreedomto manage their exchange with the HR department regarding leave applications, activities, travel expenses or other expenses etc, right from within the portal. Apart from that, they can easily change personal information in case of any changesintheircontactdetailsorbankdetails. For the managers, this gives them the freedom to perform their managerial tasks. They can get their team’s summary front and center, including each members’ leave details, salary, deadlines, certification details etc. This helps them makeamoreaccurateanalysisoftheteam’sperformance. CommunityPortal Community portals are primarily like a virtual community, wherein they function like one. A community portal of an organization invites discussions, blogs and articles, and enablespolls,ratingsandprovidesaspaceforcommentsfor feedback. Such a portal can encourage users to promote the organization as they become unofficial ambassadors and influencers. sales@crmjetty.com
PartnerPortal • Partner portal extends a hand to your partners to bring them on to your organization in a more meaningful way. They can access various components with this like orders, invoices, payment history, etc., all the things that are relevanttotheirfunctionsintheorganization. • Thishelpspartnersgetaninsightintoleaddistribution,deal and opportunity tracking, so they use that feedback to improve their operations whenever possible. With account management capability, partners can update any relevant details,haveaccesstotheircontractdetailsetc. • Multi-partnercollaborationfacilitatesanumberof partnerstoworktogetheronasingleopportunity. This way, all of them can get the sales and experience. • Theplatformofpartnerlifecyclemanagementcan be used for recruitment and streamlines your operations of thepartner channel. • The partner portal also maximizes on deal protectionandauthorizationfordiscounts,and benefits and gives vendors visibility in the customer pipeline. This happens via deal registration. sales@crmjetty.com
FieldServiceandProjectServiceAutomationPortal Field service portal gives an all-around view of assets, invoices, work orders and agreements. It is available when customers purchase the Field Service, Project Service AutomationoranEnterpriseplan. The Project Service Automation portal, on the other hand, gives partners project information like bookable resources, quotes andinvoices. Source: https://www.crmjetty.com/blog/dynamics365-portal-add- ons/ sales@crmjetty.com