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Europe Transformed: Reform and State Building

Art: The Baroque. Harmonize the classical ideals of Renaissance art with the spiritual ... Art: Dutch Realism. Judith Leyster (c. 1609 1660) A Golden Age of ...

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Europe Transformed: Reform and State Building

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    Slide 1:Europe Transformed: Reform and State Building

    Slide 2:The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century: Background The Growth of State Power Social Changes in the Renaissance The Impact of Printing Prelude to Reformation Christian Humanism Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) Church and Religion on the Eve of the Reformation Problems in the Church View of ordinary people

    Slide 3:Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany Monk and professor at the University of Wittenberg Looking for assurance of salvation Catholic Church emphasized both faith and good works Luther arrived at the idea of justification by faith alone Immediate problem was the selling of indulgences Ninety-five Theses, 1517 Excommunication, 1521 The religious movement became a revolution Quickly became territorial, or state, churches New form of worship Closely tied to political affairs Peace of Augsburg, 1555

    Slide 4:The Spread of the Protestant Reformation Calvin and Calvinism John Calvin (1509-1564) Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1536 Doctrine of predestination Reform of the city of Geneva, Switzerland, 1536 English Reformation King Henry VIII of England (1509-1574) Desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, 1533 Act of Supremacy, 1534 King Edward VI of England (1547-1553) Queen Mary of England (1553-1558)

    Slide 5:The Spread of the Protestant Reformation (cont.’d) Anabaptists Radical reformers Believed in separation of church and state The Social Impact of the Reformation New views of the family

    Slide 6:Catholics and Protestants in Europe by 1560

    Slide 7:The Catholic Reformation Society of Jesus, 1540 Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) Absolute obedience Use of education to achieve their goals A reformed papacy Pope Paul III, 1534-1549 Reform commission Recognized the Jesuits Council of Trent, 1545-1563 Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings

    Slide 8:Politics and the Wars of Religion in the Sixteenth Century French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) Huguenots Ultra-Catholics War of the three Henries, (1588-1589) Henry IV, (1589-1610) Edict of Nantes, (1598) Philip II and Militant Catholicism Philip II of Spain, (1556-1598) Strict conformity to Catholicism / Strong monarchical authority Problems with the Spanish Netherlands Battle of Lepanto, 1571, against the Turks Problems with the Netherlands The England of Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth I, 1558-1603, daughter of Henry VIII The Spanish Armada

    Slide 9:Europe in the Seventeenth Century

    Slide 10:Economic and Social Crisis: Witchcraft Mania Italy became an economic backwater Increase in population from 60 million in 1500 to 85 million in 1600; decline after 1650, especially in central and southern Europe Witchcraft Perhaps 100,000 prosecuted Poor most likely to be accused More than 75 percent were women

    Slide 11:Economic Trends in the Seventeenth Century Mercantilism International commerce New forms of commercial organization Joint-stock companies 80 percent of Europeans involved in agriculture

    Slide 12:Seventeenth Century Crises: Revolution and War Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Rivalry between France, Spain, and Holy Roman Empire Peace of Westphalia, 1648 A Military Revolution? New technologies and tactics The growing expense of war

    Slide 13:The Practice of Absolutism France under Louis XIV Louis XIV (1643-1715), The Sun King Important to control of central policy-making machinery Versailles served three purposes: Greatest danger came from the high nobility King has authority over the traditional areas of monarchial power Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683) Wars Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe Brandenburg-Prussia Frederick William the Great Elector (1640-1688) Frederick I, First king of Prussia, 1701 Austria Territorial expansion Monarch never becomes highly centralized

    Slide 14:From Moscovy to Russia Ivan IV, the Terrible, (1533-1584) First to take the title tsar Dynasty ends in 1598 followed by anarchy Zemsky Sobor (national assembly) chose Michael Romanov in 1598 to be new tsar Peter the Great (1689-1725) Trip west, 1697-1698 Plans to westernize Russia Reorganize army and navy Divided Russia into provinces Hoped to create a sense of civic duty

    Slide 15:England and Limited Monarchy Revolution and Civil War James VI of Scotland became James I (1603-1625) of England Charles I (1625-1649) Monarchy abolished Republic, 1648-1660 Oliver Cromwell and military rule Dispersed Parliament by force After Cromwell’s death, monarchy restored

    Slide 16:Restoration and a Glorious Revolution Charles II (1660-1685) Parliament suspicious of his Catholic leanings Declaration of Indulgence, 1672 Charles forced to suspend the declaration James II (1685-1688) Open and devout Catholic Religion once again area of conflict Birth of a son, 1688, assuring Catholic monarchy Throne offered to William of Orange and his wife Mary, the Protestant daughter of James II Bill of Rights

    Slide 17:European Culture Art: The Baroque Harmonize the classical ideals of Renaissance art with the spiritual feeling of the 16th century religious revival Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) Art: Dutch Realism Judith Leyster (c. 1609 – 1660) A Golden Age of Literature in England Called the Elizabethan Era William Shakespeare(1564-1614)

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