Volunteering in MysłowickiOśrodekKultury F. Burcu Bozik (Hazel)
As a teacher, a schoolprincipal and a psychologicalcounselor, I cametoMyslowiceCultural Center to teachlocals and learnfromthem. Duringmyproject, I prepared a lot of workshops for everyage group.
MY WORKSHOPS Arts & Craftsforchildren English Language Cafeforteens
MY WORKSHOPS Workingwith drama groups English Language Cafeforadults
MY WORKSHOPS World Quizforschools Arts & Craftsforteens
MY WORKSHOPS CultureforschoolsaboutTurkey & Tunisia (withmyfellowvolunteerİmen)
Inmy time here, I... met withthehead of thecity discoveredaround attendedmyfirstofficial Christmasdinner
Inmy time here, I gottoknow... differentcultures differentpeople differenthobbies
I travelled to... Warsaw Krakow Lodz Torun Wroclaw in Poland
I travelled to... Rome, Venice, Florence - Italy Lisbon - Portugal Madrid & Barcelona - Spain Prague – CzechRepublic in theworld
Thankyou for giving me theopportunity, I am grateful for everything. F. Burcu Bozik Hazel