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CURRICULUM VITAE . 1. Family name BALCI 2. First name SABAHATTIN 3. Date of birth02 February 1954 4. NationalityTurkish 5. Civil status Married, with two children. . 6. Education. 7. Professional experience record1. 1 Please note that this format may be adapted as necessary to include all the relevant information..
3. 6. Education
4. 7. Professional experience record1
6. 8. Present position : Principal of Ankara University Cankiri Technical and Business College 9. Key qualifications (relevant to the program) :
7. 11. Specific experience of partner countries
8. * Designer, constructor and operator of the ISOV-NET project. (ISOV-NET is a web based project that provides the employees to choose the graduates from two-year colleges who are proper to employ . This project started in 1995 and had consultancy and working teams over 70 cities in Turkiye. He had a great role in constructing these teams, defining the strategic approaches for program development, opening the new programs that industry needs, student internship and graduate employment matters.
9. 12. Language skills (1 to 5 for competence, where 1 is basic and 5 is fluent)
11. The legal framework, basic philosophy, general objectives and principals are mainly stated in:
Basic Law of National Education.
Higher Education Law.
Vocational Training Law.
12. Government programs and development plans give great importance to education, since it is considered the most important element of development.
The basic structure of the national education system is outlined by basic law.
The education system is divided into two main sections as formal and non-formal education.
13. Formal education consists of: ? pre-school education ? basic education ? secondary (high school) education ? higher education
16. The main objectives of the secondary TVE
To educate and to train students as a qualified manpower for employment in the relevant sectors of industry, commerce and services.
To prepare students for entry into higher education institutions.
To prepare students to become responsible citizens.
17. Schools in TVE
Offer four and five-year programs which are designed to train skilled workers and technicians respectively.
Some types of TVE schools offer intensive English courses to students to let them be able to follow the technological developments in their working life.
20. Issues
National qualification system.
Occupational standards.
Educational standards.
De-centralization of the system.
Lack of interest to TVE.
Motivation of students and teachers.
Updating of curricula to meet the needs of business world and modular approach for developing of curricula.
Modernization of equipment.
21. Issues
Insufficient relations with post-secondary technical education.
Insufficient relations with business world.
Training of trainees and managers.
Lack of efficient usage of multi media technologies.
Increase of status.
22. Projects
23. Higher education in Turkiye refers to all educational institutions at least two years of education beyond secondary education which are gathered under universities.
It includes under graduate, post graduate studies, conservatories and tertiary education.
Admission to higher education is based on a nation-wide examination which is evaluated by the Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM).
Admission to Tertiary Education Institutions does not require the nation-wide examination for the graduates from vocational and technical secondary schools, however other graduates from general schools require the nation-wide examination if they want to attend to tertiary education.
All universities and higher education institutions are affiliated with the Higher Education Council (YOK). The council is an autonomous body with the authority and responsibility to administer the activities of all higher education institutions, including the universities established by some foundations.
26. Number of universities, faculties, vocational higher schools and institutions
30. Furthermore the number of the students in the open learning faculty are as follow. Two year college degree : 240,639 Bachelor’s degree : 421,215 Total : 661,854
31. Technical and vocational higher education (Post-Secondary Technical Education) is done by vocational and technical two-year colleges same as technical, community or technical and community colleges in the USA.
The aim of the vocational and technical two-year colleges is to train the students as a higher technicians who are equipped with enough knowledge and skills in order to enhance the power of competition of industrial, commercial and service sectors.
These colleges offer mostly two years degree same as AS and AA degrees in the USA. In addition to these degrees, colleges can offer short term courses (Certificate education, in-service education) related to the needs of business world and community.
32. The ratio of teacher and student in Apprenticeship and Vocational Technical Secondary Education is between 1/8 to 1/12. However this ratio is approximately 1/45 in Post-Secondary Technical Education. A number of 7,000 teaching staff is required immediately.
There isn’t any development standards for the Tertiary Education Institutions.
31 schools supported by World Bank credits and 26 schools supported by State Planning Organization in the level of Western European Countries has reached the reasonable development level. 60% of the total students are educating in these 57 schools.
At least 150 schools have serious developing problems which has less than 200 students per each.
33. Approximately 25% of the enrolled students in higher education is in the tertiary education. It is aimed to increase this rate at least 30% in the near future.
There are more than 260 educational programs in the fields of industry, textile, agriculture, food, service, commerce, business, banking, marketing in tertiary education.
34. There are nearly 6,000 teaching staff and about 260 training programs in technical training two year colleges. Some important education programs are as follows: Electrical Eng.Tech.
Industrial Electronics Tech.
Telecommunications Tech.
Control And Instrumentation Tech.
Mechanical Eng. Tech.
Bio Medical Tech.
Computer Programming Tech.
Air Conditioning &Refrigeration Tech.
Civil Engineering Tech.
Petrochemical Tech.
Public Relations
Pre-school Education
35. Some statistical development figures of TVE in higher education
36. Issues
National qualification system.
Occupational standards.
Educational standards.
Lack of interest to TVE.
Motivation of students.
Updating of curricula to meet the needs of business world and modular approach for developing of curricula.
Insufficient relations with the technical and vocational secondary education.
Insufficient relations with business world and social partners.
Training of trainees and managers.
37. Issues
Lack of efficient usage of multi media technologies.
Increase of status.
Modernization of equipment.
Insufficiency of infrastructure.
The confusions in educational programs.
Inefficiency in work-based education.
Lack of industrial experience of teaching staff.
43. EU Socrates/LdV projects.
Training of Trainees / CETEC.
Curriculum development in terms of flexibility and modular approach.
Promotion and increasing of the status.
Strengthening the relations with business world (local, regional, national).
Accreditation and quality assurance studies related to EU adaptation process.
44. Increasing the capacity.
1+1 project / USA, Structure
2+2 project / USA
Equipment and educational materials developments studies.
Multi media technologies.
Establishment of a country wide net working systems where students and graduates meet employers.
National and International Conferences.
Searching Funding.
45. TVE has a great importance for development and competing economy.
TVE is one of the most important components of Turkish Education System.
There are 1,426,365 students, 80,527 trainers, 4,355 schools in TVE system. 432,279 students 7,962 trainers, 495 schools of these belong to Post-Secondary Technical Education.
The lack of interest to TVE same as in the world is an initial problem.
46. The problems of Post-Secondary Technical Education Institutions are given below:
Accreditation and Quality Assurance System.
Curriculum, Human Resources, Equipment Development.
Strengthening the co-operations with Business world.
The reasonable way to solve problem is producing projects. However the internal sources are insufficient for project development. For this reason the external financial support such as World Bank, EU, etc. should be searched.
47. A great importance should be given to international co-operations. With these co-operations it should be focused on;
Managers, Instructor and Student Exchange,
Mixed Expert Group Studies,
Increasing the Status,
Subject Specific Seminars,
Joint project development and international conferences.