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WHO WE ARE. QWED is a company of the limited liability type, set up in 1997 by four academics originating from the Institute of Radioelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology. QWED Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzywickiego 12 lok.1 0 2 - 078 Warsaw, POLAND fax: +48 22 6 21 62 99
WHO WE ARE • QWED is a company of the limited liability type, • set up in 1997 by four academics originating from the Institute of Radioelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology.
QWED Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzywickiego 12 lok.1 02-078 Warsaw, POLAND fax: +4822621 62 99 tel.: +48 22 625 73 19 info@qwed.com.pl www.qwed.com.pl
Founders and Main Software Authors • Prof. Wojciech Gwarek, President • Dr. Malgorzata Celuch, V-ce President • Dr. Maciej Sypniewski • Dr. Andrzej Wieckowski
Co-Authors of Optional Modules • Prof. Michal Mrozowski – QProny Module • Prof. Leszek Opalski – QW-OptimiserPlus
Prof. Wojciech Gwarek Dr. Malgorzata Celuch Dr. Maciej Sypniewski Dr. Andrzej Wieckowski Prof. Michał Mrozowski Prof. Jerzy Krupka Prof. Leszek Opalski Dr. Jerzy Piotrowski Dr.Wojciech Wojtasiak Consultancy
What We Do We invent and commercially develop electromagnetic software packages, of the QuickWave series.
What We Do We also apply this software to electromagnetic research and industrial design.
What We Do In collaboration with the Institute of Radioelectronics, we offerdesign and material measurement services for high-power applications.
Areas of Software Applicationin Industry • Telecommunication industry • Electronics industry • Microwave oven industry • Automobile industry • Food processing industry • Industrial microwave chemistry
Areas of Software Applicationin Science • Space and atmosphere research • Microwave heating • Electromagnetic impact on biological tissues • Electronics
Examples of Applications (ex. 1.1) WR-10 waveguide quadrature hybrid with six branch lines Design, measurements and QW-3D simulations: S.Srikanth and A. R. Kerr, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
Examples of Applications (ex. 1.2) Amplitude and phase imbalance – from the measured (MS-noisy) and simulated (QWB-smooth) results. (S. Srikanth and A. R. Kerr, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA) For more QW-3D results at NRAO, see: ALMA Memos 381, 343, 325, 278 You will find them at: http://www.mma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/alma278/memo278.pdf http://www.mma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/alma343/memo343.pdf http://www.mma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/alma325/memo325.pdf http://www.mma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/alma278/memo278.pdf
Examples of Application (ex.2) E-plane waveguide diplexer Transmission into higher-frequency (upper) and lower-frequency(lower) channels: measurements simulations Design, measurements and QW-3D simulations: T.Schnabel, Zomatch, CA
Examples of Applications (ex.3)Pyramidal horn antenna Design & measurements: Prof.B.Stec, Technical Military Academy, Poland Simulations: QWED ------ vertical plane measured ____ vertical plane simulated ------ horizontal plane measured ____ horizontal plane simulated
Examples of Application (ex.4) Axisymmetrical corrugated horn Hat 13.75GHz Design & measurements: P.Brachat, IEEE Trans. AP, April 1994 QW-V2D simulations: QWED Radiation patterns at 13.75 GHz
Examples of Application (ex.5)Dielectric waveguide coupler - a tutorial example from QW-3D manual Low-permittivity dielectric cross with high-permittivity slab Envelope of vertical E-field at 95 GHz Fundamental mode pattern at 96.7 GHz Wide-band S-parameters indicating power loss due to higher modes and /or radation
Examples of Application (ex.6)A tutorial example of TDR from QW-3D manual Time-domain electric (above) and magnetic (below) fields revealing location and kind of the discontinuity A strip-line structure terminated with a narrow grounded strip; lower half due to magnetic symmetry condition considered
Examples of Application (ex.7)Thawing a beefburger in a household oven; QW-3D with QW-BHM Left: system view Right: dissipated power patterns through beef and bread, produced by QW-3D under the assumption of constant media parameters at either -20 deg or +20 deg. Left: temperature-dependent media characteristics automatically considered by QW-BHM option Right: resulting temperature pattern produced by QW-3D with QW-BHM. Due to thermal runaway effect, after 35 sec. of heating a hot spot is created in bread while beef remains frozen.
Examples of Application More on microwave heating For more examples of QW-3D application by our users, please refer to the projects run at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and reported at: http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/Math/CIMS/immg/activ.htm You will also find there an independent review of commercial EM software packages: Comparative Analysis of Commercial Electromagnetic Software
How We Commercialise Our Concepts and Products • Sales of QuickWave software packages • Licensing • Technical consulting • Industrial design
What Makes QWED Special • Our products are developed by researchers and engineers, who understand the customer’s problem on both software and technology levels. • Our support staff will offer customers unmatched level of skill and commitment.
What Is QuickWave QuickWave is a cutting edge software which makes possible electromagnetic analysis and reliable design without hardware prototyping
What Is QuickWave Software implemented for the Windows platform, with a user-friendly interface, including libraries of parameterised designs
What Is QuickWave A product based on long term original research conducted by its authors and disseminated in over one hundred publications
What Makes QuickWave Special The only EM software for fast 3D design with no need for 3D drawing! Take a look at our parameterised element libraries further herein. The only FDTD software offering fully conformal boundary models with no need for time-step reduction! Take a look at our conformal models with clever cell merging. Accuracy improvement with respect to both stair-case FDTD and brute-force conformal FDTD without cell merging are shown further
QuickWave Features • Conformal meshing and conformal FDTD algorithms • Convenient GUI with libraries of parameterised objects • Extraction of S-parameters, also in multimodal lines and and below cut-off • Excitation with user-defined source type, pulse type, available power, delay • Electric, magnetic and metal losses • Extensive display of absolute values of fields & power • Extraction of average dissipated power, also in multimodal structures • Batch operation, freeze function, multithread options • Interfaces to optimisers for automatic design
Unique Features standard FDTD conformal mesh in QW-3D
Unique Features standard FDTD cells in “stair-case” FDTD airdielectricmetal examples of conformal cells in QuickWave dielectric media interfaces metal boundaries
Unique Features coaxial line in QW-3D (left) and in stair-case FDTD (right)
Unique Features PEC Offset metal boundary creating a small cell: 1. Stair-case - neglect small cell 2. Brute force conformal - leave small cell, reduce time step 3. Advanced conformal - merge cells For effects on accuracy, please refer to QWED's past events and look for May 2001 IEEE IMS presentation by M.Celuch
Unique Featuresuser interface based on parameterised element libraries Just pick up your structure, set the parameters, and run a full 3D simulation with no need for 3D drawing!
Unique Featuressome specialised libraries Our typical dialogue for parameter setting
Accurate S-parameter extraction including multi-modal transmission lines and evanescent modesAllows circuit partitioning close to discontinuities Unique Features For details and examples, please refer to QWED's past events and look for May 2001 IEEE IMS presentation by W. Gwarek
Unique Features Fast automatic design with QuickWave software interfaces to external optimisers, e.g.: Matlab tools in-house QW-Optimiser For details and examples, please refer to QWED's past events and look for June 2001 IEEE IMS workshop presentation by W. Gwarek
QuickWave-3D QW-3D - Our Flagship Product A general-purpose 3D electromagnetic software Includes QW-Editor and QW-Simulator, in a full 3D regime
QW-V2D A vector 2D electromagnetic software applicable to the analysis of axisymmetrical devices (antennas-as big as 150 wavelength or more!, resonators, circular waveguide discontinuities). Includes QW-Editor and QW-Simulator, working in a vector 2D regime
QW-Editor A graphical editor for definition of geometry, media, I/O parameters and postprocessing. It comprises a library of parameterised objects and a capability for generating further objects and libraries. Conversion to and from CAD formats is also facilitated.
QW-Simulator A unique, conformal FDTD solver. Its output data include multi-modal, multi-port S-matrices, radiation and scattering patterns, pattern of field, dissipated power, time-domain reflectometry etc.
QProny An optional signal postprocessing module, which speeds up the extraction of S-parameters and/or complex eigenvalues of high-Q circuits. Co-authored by Prof. M. Mrozowski
QW-Optimiser An example optimiser compatible with QW-3D and QW-V2D. Currently works with goal functions based on S-parameters or radiation patterns. Co-authored by Dr. P.Miazga
QW-MultiSim A package of four multithread implementations of QW-Simulator for faster execution on multi-processor PCs. Also allows running two instances of QW-Simulator on a two-processor PC.
QW-BHM A specialised module for microwave heating applications. It automatically modifies enthalpy- or temperature dependent media parameters as a function of dissipated power.
QWCX A specialised 2D package for the analysis and design of coaxial connectors. A full-wave approach is utilised, allowing for such effects as tapers, gaps in inner connector, re-entrant cavities.
Licence Conditions QuickWave software can be executed on PC computers with Windows 95 Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP. MultiSim requires Windows NT or Windows 2000
Licensing Schemes for QuickWave Products • Permanent licences - one-computer stand-alone licence - floating network licence • Temporary licences • Free pre-sale benchmarks • Free post-course trials
Permanent Licences Allow the software to be used for unlimited period of time. One year of user support and version upgrades (at least one a year) are included in the price. After the first year, further support and upgrades available at 15% of original licence price.
Temporary Licence Offered for the 6 months’ evaluation period at 25% of the permanent licence price. Support during the licence validity. Can be upgraded to permanent licence at any time during validity, for the remaining 75% of the full price.
Free Pre-Sale Benchmarks Can be performed by QWED staff comprising professionals experienced in various domains of microwave and millimetre-wave engineering, electromagnetic modelling, and software application. Reports contain results, comments and suggestions as to the problems. The parameterised macros will be delivered at no extra charge with a permanent licence sale.
Free Post-Course Trials Offered to potential customers who have participated in a short course on QuickWave application, which QWED arranges from time to time at various locations. An interested customer may order a special course at his premises, dedicated to his applications.
Licence Protection QuickWave software is protected by a hardware key in which software configuration and licence validity are encoded. The key can be remotely upgraded.