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The Most Influential Personalities to Follow in 2024

Duke Kimhan, Principal Broker at Hawaii Pacific Property Management, featured by Fortunes Time Magazine on cover of The Most Influential Personalities to Follow in 2024

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The Most Influential Personalities to Follow in 2024

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  1. The Most Influential Personalities to Follow in 2024 May 2024 Page No. 40 Ensuring Long-Term organizational Success with Curiosity-Driven Leadership Principal Broker Hawaii Pacific Property Management Duke Kimhan Protecting Homes, Maximizing Returns www.fortunes?me.com

  2. EDITOR’S NOTE Every business requires a leadership profile that covers its specific context, strategy, business model, and culture—the company's unique behavioral signature—in order to function at a high level. Inspiration alone is insufficient, thus it's important to discover what qualities inspire other people. Being a good leader is not easy. In the same way that executives who prioritize performance above inspiration could do so at a cost the company cannot afford, they might discover that even while they inspire their troops, their efforts are compromised by substandard results. Motivating Others with Influential Leadership Influential personalities are those who, by virtue of their special set of abilities, inspire people to take on challenging tasks and hold them responsible for the outcomes. Furthermore, instead of forcing their will on others, they help them achieve better. Any business that wants to succeed in the marketplace has to highlight the unique qualities that set it apart from the competitors. Fortunes Time's newest release of " The Most Influential Personalities to Follow in 2024" showcases inspiring business leaders who have made remarkable strides towards creating higher performing cultures inside the current frameworks and always coming up with fresh ideas. The cover features Duke Kimhan, Principal Broker at Hawaii Pacific Property Management, who has an eclectic background that includes culinary arts and entrepreneurship before transitioning into the real estate industry. Born and raised in Honolulu, he honed his culinary skills at Kapi'olani Community College and went on to become a successful Restaurateur, owning a Fine Dining Establishment in Florida. In his current role as Principal Broker at HIPacific Property Management, Duke specializes in various aspects of real estate, including investment properties, condos, military relocations, 1031 tax exchanges, and commercial properties. With his expertise, he leads a team that manages over 1000 properties across Oahu, including areas such as Ewa Beach, Kapolei, and Honolulu. Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts.

  3. FORTUNES T IME CREDIT PAGE Elizabeth Graves Vijay Khulpe Dafny Meyer Tony Anderson Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editor Art & Design Director Head of Design Department Charles Lee Sanket Zirpe Associate Designer Sarah Jones Business Development Manager Business Development Executive Scarlett Smith Robert Taylor Digital Marketing Manager Sales Manager Marketing Manager Technical Specialist Circulation Manager Laura Wright Albert Hill Stacey Flores Jennifer Thomas Carol Green MAY 2024 For More Details : Email: info@fortunestime.com Address. 8 The Green Suite R, Dover, DE 19901, USA Copyright 2024 Fortunes Time, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Fortunes Time Reprint rights remain solely with Fortunes Time.

  4. Cover Story 08 Protecting Homes, Maximizing Returns Duke Kimhan

  5. 22 26 18 Diana Richardson Jennifer Owens John Teakell 40 Zach Greenberger 36 Thomas Pontinen 32 Prof. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin

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  7. Duke Kimhan Protecting Homes, Maximizing Returns COVER STORY Fortunestime.com | 09

  8. Duke Kimhan, Principal Broker at Hawaii Pacific Property Management, has an eclectic background that includes culinary arts and entrepreneurship before transitioning into the real estate industry. Born and raised in Honolulu, he honed his culinary skills at Kapi'olani Community College and went on to become a successful Restaurateur, owning a Fine Dining Establishment in Florida. In his current role as Principal Broker at HIPacific Property Management, Duke specializes in various aspects of real estate, including investment properties, condos, military relocations, 1031 tax exchanges, and commercial properties. With his expertise, he leads a team that manages over 1000 properties across Oahu, including areas such as Ewa Beach, Kapolei, and Honolulu. HIPacific Property Management, established in 2013, offers full-service property management tailored to the unique needs of Hawaii's rental market. The team's deep understanding of the local rental landscape ensures efficient vacancy filling, providing peace of mind to property owners. Their commitment is summed up in two core principles: protecting clients' homes and maximizing their financial returns. The Decision to Specialize Duke emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between property management and real estate sales, noting that many realtors primarily focus on sales and may not delve into property management without prior experience. He highlights the continuous demands and responsibilities inherent in property management, which require constant attention to details such as rent payments, security deposits, and maintenance issues. Having recognized the distinct challenges and demands of property management, Duke made the deliberate decision 15 years ago to exclusively dedicate himself to this field, relinquishing real estate sales. By focusing solely on property management, he aimed to provide specialized and dedicated service, setting himself apart from realtors who juggled both sales and property management on the side. Duke's commitment to property management allowed him to excel in the field, providing efficient and 10 | May 2024

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  11. effective services that surpassed those of his competitors. By prioritizing speed and quality in his operations, he quickly distinguished himself as a leading figure in the property management industry, earning referrals from real estate agents who recognized the value of partnering with a dedicated property management professional. Building from the Ground Up Recognizing the significant demand for maintenance in the property management field, Duke took proactive steps within the first year of establishing his business to address this need. He established a dedicated maintenance department to handle the influx of calls related to repairs and issues in the properties under his management. Understanding the importance of providing timely assistance to tenants and ensuring the proper maintenance of owners' homes, Duke's maintenance department operates seven days a week to address any concerns promptly. As the number of properties under management grew, so did the volume of maintenance requests. Duke realized the necessity of having a dedicated team to handle these calls efficiently and effectively. Today, Duke's property management company receives an average of 80- 100 maintenance calls per week, demonstrating the ongoing demand for maintenance services and the importance of having a dedicated team to address these issues promptly and professionally. The Digital Advantage Duke recognizes the importance of staying at the forefront of Fortunestime.com | 13

  12. technological advancements in business. He observes that the younger generation is particularly comfortable with technology, and his staff often brings new tech solutions to his attention, illustrating how these innovations could streamline their work processes. In today's market, time saved equates to money saved, highlighting the value of embracing technological tools that increase efficiency. Also, tools like DocuSign have revolutionized contract management by automating the process of creating and signing contracts for owners and tenants. Additionally, the ability to scan documents to and from computers, as well as utilize digital pictures for property documentation, has improved efficiency and organization. With modern computers capable of storing large files of pictures and videos, property condition forms and other documents can be easily tracked and accessed, complete with automatic date stamping. Overall, Duke acknowledges that technology has come a long way and continues to play a crucial role in enhancing the operations of property management businesses. Over the years, there have been significant advancements in technology, particularly in the realm of property management. Duke cites examples such as auto payment systems for rent collection and owner payments, which streamline financial transactions. With advancements in banking technology, tasks like depositing checks no longer require trips to the bank; instead, checks can be scanned and deposited electronically, contributing to a nearly cashless system. 14 | May 2024

  13. Weathering the Storm and constantly outperform the competition. have the opportunity to develop strong relationships with both property owners and tenants, contributing to job satisfaction and longevity in the field. Duke highlights the current changes in the US real estate market, noting factors such as rising interest rates and investors' cautious approach to adding more income properties to their portfolios. Many buyers are waiting for the market to stabilize before making significant investments, and even small expenses can impact investors' decisions. Despite these challenges, Duke's company has refrained from raising fees or rates, opting to wait until the market stabilizes. He emphasizes the resilience of the property management side of the business, noting that regardless of market conditions, there is always demand for rental properties. During downturns in the real estate market, more people opt to rent out their homes rather than sell them, leading to increased demand for property management services. 25 Years of Excellence Duke reflects on his journey in the real estate field, drawing inspiration from the great leaders he has worked with in both the restaurant and real estate industries. He notes that these leaders all shared a common drive to be great and to outwork their competition. Seeking a career that would offer a balance between income and work-life balance, Duke found his niche in property management. Over his 25 years in real estate, Duke's company, Hi Pacific PM, has achieved numerous awards and accolades, including being recognized as one of the top three property management companies for the past decade. However, Duke emphasizes that the true measure of success lies in the growth and well- being of his team. He takes pride in the longevity of his employees, many of whom have worked with him for over a decade, and in seeing them achieve personal milestones such as buying homes and driving new cars. For Duke, the internal success and satisfaction of his team members are the most meaningful achievements. In today's property management market, Duke observes that many realtors are drawn to the stability of property management. Unlike the fluctuations often experienced in real estate sales, property management provides a steady stream of income through monthly rent payments. Additionally, property managers Duke also highlights a key differentiator in his approach to property management: he does not require owners to provide upfront payments or security deposits for his services. Unlike some competitors who ask for down payments or hold security deposits, Duke believes this is unfair to property owners. Instead, he focuses on providing quality service without upfront financial burdens for his clients. Duke offers valuable advice to those in the property management industry, emphasizing the importance of passion and dedication. He encourages his team to pursue work that they genuinely enjoy, rather than merely fulfilling obligations. According to Duke, true success comes from a genuine desire to excel Fortunestime.com | 15

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  19. Jennifer Owens Owens Improving Resident Services and Community Empowerment at Columbia Residential Fortunestime.com | 23

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  21. The Vice President of Resident Services at Columbia Residential, Jennifer Owens boasts extensive experience in managing supportive services delivery to low to moderate-income families and seniors, ensuring housing stability. She has overseen resident relocation projects focused on preserving affordable housing and developed culturally diverse community-led programs. She is recognized as one of Urban Land Institute Atlanta Women's Leaders 2021. In her role at Columbia Residential, Jennifer manages the delivery of services and resources to residents, aiming to maintain housing stability and promote healthy communities. Her team works closely with residents to understand any challenges that may affect their housing or create barriers for growth, such as changes to employment, physical and mental health issues, lack of access to affordable childcare and youth educational programming, and emergency assistance for special needs. Jennifer fosters relationships with community partners to increase access to resources and services, alleviating potential challenges and barriers for residents. In 2017, Jennifer expanded service delivery by founding Dash and Dwell, LLC, a relocation services entity providing quality relocation services to residents affected by redevelopment or acquisition of their apartment homes. As Founder and CEO, she manages all operations, ensuring compliance with federal and state relocation policies while supporting residents' comprehensive needs throughout the process. Dash and Dwell has successfully completed nine relocation projects, assisting over 1,700 families and seniors. In 2022, Jennifer founded Core Connect, Inc., a non-profit entity of Columbia Residential, to extend access to direct financial assistance resources for residents. The organization's vision is to see every family become financially stable by meeting basic needs, championing affordable housing, and prioritizing education as a pathway to build generational wealth. As Board President, Jennifer establishes the vision and strategic direction of the organization, working to identify an Executive Director to fulfill the mission. Prior Journey Jennifer grew up in Massachusetts and has called Atlanta, Georgia home for the past 18 years. She pursued undergraduate studies in Anthropology and International Affairs at the University of New Hampshire, driven by her deep interest in other cultures. This passion led her to serve in the United States Peace Corps in Ecuador as a Public Health Extensionist from 2001 to 2003. Fortunestime.com | 25

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  23. John Teakell An Expert in Federal Criminal Defense Fortunestime.com | 27

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  25. John R. Teakell brings over three decades of experience in criminal law, specializing in federal criminal defense. With over 30 years of practice representing clients in both state and federal criminal matters, he has handled a diverse range of cases, including computer crimes, securities fraud, tax evasion, white-collar crimes, drug violations, and money laundering allegations. he spent three years at the U.S. Attorney's Office. trafficking cases, large-scale money laundering charges, and federal death penalty cases while serving in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Puerto Rico. Federal death penalty cases involved protocols by the U.S. Attorney General for approval and specific procedures due to the gravity of the charges, typically related to the murder of individuals involved in drug trafficking or government witnesses. Throughout his career, John has demonstrated a strong work ethic and a genuine ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. He approaches his work with a down-to- earth demeanor, believing in the importance of open communication and understanding in legal proceedings. Prior to establishing his own law firm, John gained valuable experience working in various legal settings. He began his career at a large commercial bank while attending law school at night. Subsequently, he served as a state prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office before transitioning to become a federal prosecutor at the United States Attorney's Office. Handling of Diverse Federal Crimes Transitioning to private practice after his government service, John focused on federal defense, specializing in cases involving white-collar crimes, drug trafficking, money laundering, and other federal offenses. His practice also encompasses a range of other federal crimes, including computer crimes, securities fraud, counterfeit goods, criminal tax violations, and health care fraud. Through his extensive experience in both prosecution and defense, John brings a comprehensive understanding of federal criminal law to his clients' cases. During his tenure as a federal prosecutor, John handled a wide array of federal crimes, including bank fraud, white-collar crimes, drug trafficking, money laundering, firearms violations, and more. He was designated as a bank fraud prosecutor during a period when bank fraud cases were prevalent in both prosecutions and media coverage. During his tenure as a federal prosecutor, John focused on investigations and charges brought by United States Attorney's Offices and the U.S. Department of Justice. He spent the majority of his career in the federal Northern District of Texas, where he honed his expertise in handling complex federal cases. Additionally, John was recruited to assist in clearing a backlog of cases in the District of Puerto Rico, where In the Northern District of Texas, John prosecuted various white-collar cases alongside drug trafficking cases, demonstrating his versatility in handling diverse criminal matters. His experience extended to prosecuting significant drug Fortunestime.com | 29

  26. UTKU Buyuksahin Mastering the Art of Mechatronics Engineering 32 | May 2024

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  28. Dr. Utku Buyuksahin is the driving force and visionary behind Sensobright Industries LLC. His journey has been deeply rooted in mechanical engineering, robotics, and image processing, establishing him as an icon of innovation and leadership in these domains. His quest for knowledge commenced with the completion of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Ph.D in mechanical engineering. Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin's insatiable curiosity propelled him into advanced grade studies, where he honed his focus on Mechatronics Engineering during assistant, associate and full professorship. Prof. 34 | May 2024

  29. discovery and real-world solutions. Recognizing the potential to elevate tactile sensor technologies beyond human capabilities, he pursued the development of patented innovations with the potential to revolutionize industries such as robotics, automation, and healthcare. However, Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin's journey extended beyond the confines of academia. He expanded his horizons by delving into diverse fields, including robotics, image processing, sensors, motion control, and neuromodulation. His academic accomplishments also included the publication of over 20 articles and two books. Alongside these achievements, he assumed significant roles, including vice chairman in the Mechatronics department and editorial responsibilities for multiple international scientific journals in the Science Citation Index. Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin's journey of innovation continued as he accumulated over 180 internationally granted patents, each representing his dedication and pioneering spirit. The significance of his achievements garnered recognition from renowned institutions and magazines. Notably, NASA Engineers acknowledged the impact of Sensobright's technology, and many Technology Magazines prominently featured their contributions. In the current year alone, he graced the cover of five technology and business magazines. His commitment to innovation was further validated by the Falling Walls Foundation, which selected him as one of the top 25 scientists on a global scale. In his role as the President & CTO of Sensobright Industries, Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin's journey summarizes a combination of academic brilliance, technical mastery, and an unwavering commitment to translating ideas into tangible impact. The vision he holds for Sensobright Industries extends beyond a testament to his innovative prowess; it serves as an inspiring beacon for the entire tech industry. A pivotal moment arrived when Prof. Dr. Buyuksahin founded Sensobright Industries LLC in 2018. His vision was clear: to bridge the gap between scientific Culture of Innovation, Collaboration, and Excellence Sensobright Industries exemplifies a culture that prioritizes innovation, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology. The company's core values are grounded in a profound passion for transforming scientific breakthroughs into practical solutions that have a positive impact on both lives and industries. This culture creates an environment where creativity flourishes, and every team member's contributions are celebrated and valued. Collaboration stands as a cornerstone of Sensobright's culture. The company thrives on a non-hierarchical working environment that actively encourages open communication and solution- oriented discussions. This approach brings together a diverse team of experts who collectively contribute to tackling complex challenges. The emphasis on a multi-disciplinary approach, exemplified by the "technical roundtable," allows the team to effectively address technical roadblocks and drive innovation. Sensobright places a high value on the pursuit of excellence. With a team comprising highly qualified engineers, including three with Ph. Fortunestime.com | 35

  30. Dr. Thomas Pontinen MD, LCP-C Transforming Pain Management in Chicago with MAPS Centers For Pain Control and Business Acumen 36 | May 2024

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  36. Driving Innovation and Partnerships As the Chief Business Officer at Lyft, Zach takes on the responsibility of overseeing all business and operational outcomes for the company. This encompasses a range of critical areas, including Lyft Media, Partnerships, Sales, Global Supply Chain, and City Operations. In addition to these overarching responsibilities, Zach manages key components of Lyft's core business, including B2B products, the burgeoning media and advertising sector, and the growth partnerships portfolio. Zach's daily endeavors center around guiding his team in the development of innovative products and forging strategic partnerships. The primary goal is to continually enhance the overall experience for Lyft's customer base. Through his leadership, Zach contributes to shaping and advancing Lyft's business initiatives, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of providing valuable and evolving services in the transportation and technology landscape. 42 | May 2024

  37. Leadership Dynamics According to Zach's perspective on organizational leadership, he acknowledges the presence of highly talented individuals who can elevate a team and its productivity. However, he emphasizes that the effectiveness of any team ultimately hinges on its collective output. He points out that the success of a team depends on various factors, with leadership and accountability being crucial across the focus areas deemed important for growth. Zach suggests that the number of focus areas directly correlates with the need for corresponding leadership to enhance the chances of success. In essence, he underscores the importance of having leaders and accountability aligned with the specific areas a team aims to develop and grow. Perspective on Company, Team, and Personal Achievements Zach adopts a multifaceted perspective on success, considering it from various angles. He assesses success not only at the company level but also at the team and individual levels. While recognizing that these aspects can be interconnected, he personally believes that the success of the team and the company significantly influences his own sense of accomplishment. For Zach, a sense of purpose and excitement is derived when the company performs well and acts in the best interest of its customers. He particularly values the contribution of his team in achieving these positive outcomes. In essence, the alignment of company and team success contributes to Zach's deep feelings of purpose and enthusiasm. Insights on Decision-Making in Career and Beyond Reflecting on his career journey, Zach takes pride in his openness to exploring new skill sets, opportunities, and focus areas. He values the idea of being well-rounded, especially when aspiring to become a future leader. Fortunestime.com | 43

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