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Department of Agriculture Government of Uttar Pradesh www.agriculture.up.nic.in. National Conference on Agriculture For Kharif 2011. 6 th & 7 th April 2011. 1. 1. Prospect of Rabi Production : 2010-11. Area in lakh ha & Production in lakh MT. 2. 2. 2. Kharif 2011 : Coverage. 3.
Department of AgricultureGovernment of Uttar Pradesh www.agriculture.up.nic.in National Conference on Agriculture For Kharif 2011 6th & 7th April 2011 1 1
Prospect of Rabi Production : 2010-11 Area in lakh ha & Production in lakh MT. 2 2 2
Kharif 2011 : Coverage 3 Area of Arhar show under Kharif Pulses
Kharif 2011 : Production 4 4 Production of Arhar not included
Kharif-2011:Productivity Targets (Qt/ha) 5
Major Initiative 6 Contd…
Major Initiative 7 Contd…
Aiming at 36.70% SRR in Kharif 2011 as against 34.85% achieved in last kharif. Seed distribution target 11.38 lakh quintals against 11.15 lakh quintal distributed in last Kharif. Variety wise and district wise requirement of seeds finalized and tied up. 2.30 Lakh Qtl. hybrid seed (Paddy) targeted for Kharif 2011. 100 % seeds treatment targeted in Kharif in 2011. Seed 8 8
Fertilizer requirement assessed on the basis of fertility status of soil. Balanced use of fertilizer to narrow down the N.P.K. ratio from 9.4:4.05:1 to 8.76:4.02:1. Fertilizer ( Lakh M.T.) 10
Credit Management Rs. In Crore • 59% higher target over the previous achievement. 11
Plant Protection • 100% seed treatment. • Promotion of Bio-pesticides/Bio-agents to minimize residual effect of Plant Protection Chemicals • Better surveillance of pest and diseases for effective IPM Programme. 12
Green manuring in 2.50 lakh ha proposed under soil health improvement programme. Construction of 1.04 lakh small vermi/nadep compost unit and 1640 commercial vermi compost units. Massive training program of all stake holders. Distribution of 45 lakh Bio-fertilizer packets. Distribution of 40 lakh Soil Health Card. Soil Health 13
Approximately 2.5 lakh crop demonstrations to be organized during Kharif 2010-11 under various schemes. Integration and networking of, farmer clubs (NABARD) KVKs for technology dissemination. State and regional level Kharif ghosthis planned to be held during Kharif 2011. Demos of new agricultural implements i.e. Rotavater and Zero Seed Drill. Networking of 7 community radio stations for awareness campaign through ATMA. One radio station at Saharanpur established. Involvement of Input Dealers in technology dissemination. Technology Dissemination
Impact of Extension Reforms Popularization of Mechanization - Rotavator (8100), Seed drill (8624) System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - Area Covered (6500 ha.) Hybrid rice(about 10 lac ha.) 4. Irrigation Management - Sprinkler Sets (28513) Green Manuring (2.00 Lac ha.) Hybrid rice (about 10 lac ha.) Intercropping of Pulses with sugarcane (35000 ha.) Soil Testing & Soil Health Card NADEP & Vermi Compost (52,000) Public Private Partnership – Bayer Bioscience Ltd., PHI Seeds Ltd., Advanta India Ltd., Excel Crop Care Ltd., Centre for Agriculture & Rural Development (CARD) & Jagran Prakashan Ltd (Atma Sandesh). Virat Kisan Melas, Goshthis, Workshop & Exhibition, Farmers-Scientist interactions. Rewarded 30 & 568 farmers at State and District Level. Extension Activities through 200 Agri –preneurs. CRS in Saharanpur 15
Mechanization • Popularizing Multi Crop Planter, Reaper, Power tiller etc. • Encouraging use of modern implements for timely preparation of fieldsand sowing of crops. • 2.30 lakhs implements are proposed for distribution under Macro Mode And NFSM scheme. • Details of modern implements distribution- 16
Provision of Sprinkler and drip irrigation system in Bundelkhand to SC/ST& SMF on Govt. cost and on 75% subsidy to other category Farmers Micro Irrigation 17 17
National Food Security Mission, UP Amount in Lakh Progress– 2010-11 Summary of State Action Plan 2011-12 1- Rice 9401.120 Lakh 2- Pulse 17819.570 Lakh 3- Wheat 14259.120 Lakh Total41479.810 Lakh
NFSM : Achievements in Production Note :- Figures in parenthesis against base year
Parity be maintained in providing honorarium to NFSM contractual staff with the contractual staff already engaged in other Central Sector Schemes of DAC. Contingency of NFSM Head Quarter should be enhanced proportionate to the size of the state. NFSM – Vital Issues
Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern Uttar Pradesh 2010-11 Amount in Lakh
EXTESNION REFORMS (ATMA) SCHEME– 2010-11 FINANCIAL PROGRESS (February 2011) (Amount in Lakh `) Note : * ` 1250.00 + ` 563.48 = ` 1813.48 Lakh Central Share and ` 131.27 Lakh State Share received during March 2011. * Total availability of Funds for 2010-11 ` Rs. 6433.83 Lakh * Expenditure of March 2011 is awaited from distts.
RKVY (Amount in Crore) 23
Thanks 26 26