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Respiratory System

Respiratory System. RT 91 Chapter 3. Normal Two View CXR. Mediastinum. Anatomy – Heart, Hilar region, Thyroid &Thymus glands, Nervous & Lymphatic tissues. Inspiration vs. Expiration. Elevated diaphram. Elevated diaphram. What do you think? Dexatracardia.

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Respiratory System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Respiratory System RT 91 Chapter 3

  2. Normal Two View CXR

  3. Mediastinum • Anatomy – Heart, Hilar region, Thyroid &Thymus glands, Nervous & Lymphatic tissues.

  4. Inspiration vs. Expiration

  5. Elevated diaphram

  6. Elevated diaphram

  7. What do you think? Dexatracardia

  8. True or False?Mr. Parkers CXR?

  9. Breast Implants

  10. Radiography • Correct exposure factors selection is critical • Radiologists rely heavily on consistent exposure factors for serial portable radiographs • Recording technique selection

  11. Radiography • For CXR maintaining kVp and changing the mAs is the general rule • AEC • A complete patient hx is very important • CR/DR • High kVp

  12. Technique Considerations • Pathology • Overlapping Structures • Prior Examinations • Lungs/Bony Structures/Line Placement

  13. CR

  14. PA/Lt Lat AP 72 inches Upright or Supine AP or PA Decubitus Oblique Projections Lordotic Projections Chest Positioning

  15. Incorrect line placement

  16. Correct Line Placement

  17. Reversed image (line placement)

  18. Congenital Disorders

  19. Cystic Fibrosis • An accumulation of excessively thick mucous and abnormal secretion of sweat and saliva

  20. Cystic Fibrosis

  21. Cystic Fibrosisneonate

  22. Hyaline Membrane Disease • RDS – Respiratory distress syndrome • Leading cause of infant death • Premature birth before 26 weeks • “ground glass” look on the radiograph

  23. RDS

  24. Hyaline Membrane Disease

  25. Sail Sign Enlarged thymus in an infant Sail-like appearance

  26. Sail Sign

  27. Congenital hiatal hernia

  28. Hiatal Hernia Any structure through the hiatus of the diaphram

  29. Cervical rib

  30. Depressed sternum


  32. Croup • Soft tissue neck • Croup is a syndrome that is produced by an acute infection of the lower air passages and is usually seen in children below age of 3 • Bark like cough • Thumb sign

  33. Croup

  34. Croup

  35. CHF • Enlarged heart • PA chest – Distance?

  36. CHF

  37. CHF

  38. CHF

  39. Atelectasis • Collapse of all or part of the lung due to obstruction of bronchus • Lung compression/consolidation • Air, fluid, tumors, enlarged lymph nodes, ET tube below carina

  40. atelectasis • caused by the obstructive effects of carcinoma of the bronchus supplying the upper lobe of the right lung.

  41. atelectasis

  42. Plate-like atelectasis

  43. Plate-like atelectasis

  44. Pleural Effusion • Fluid within pleural space • Response to inflammation • Infection, Trauma

  45. bilateral pleural effusions

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