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Charles Tybur Intel Corporation 20 October, 2006 We live in a “flat” world — each country competes with ALL other countries Knowledge is key to 21 st century competitiveness Economic Growth and the Knowledge Economy GDP Growth/ Productivity Knowledge: The Principal Global Commodity
We live in a “flat” world — each country competes with ALL other countries Knowledge is key to 21st century competitiveness Economic Growth and the Knowledge Economy GDP Growth/Productivity Knowledge: ThePrincipal Global Commodity Technology Integration Government Investment in Education
Intel World Ahead Accessibility Connectivity Education Content
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Education is a key lever for economic growth — an educated workforce is one of the most important factors for companies’ investment decisions To compete in a knowledge-based economy, countries need citizens educated for the 21st century, with 21st century skills Education for the 21st century “Education and training are a determining factor in each country’s potential for excellence, innovation and competitiveness...” The Commission of the European Communities, 2006 Joint Council/Commission progress report on the implementation of the Education & Training 2010 work programme
Education Must Build 21st Century Skills • Technology and media literacy • Effective communication • Critical thinking • Problem solving • Collaboration • 21st century skills are best acquired in “eLearning” environments • Access to ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is an essential part of effective eLearning environments
Improving Teaching and Learning • Professional development with the Intel® Teach Program • A worldwide program – over 3.5 million teachers trained in 36 countries • Scaling to 10 million new teachers trained by 2011 • Research-driven and evaluated • Helps teachers effectively integrate technology • Helps students gain 21st century skills Learn more about the Intel® Teach Program at:www.intel.com/education/teach
The Intel® Education website (www.intel.com/education) includes free content, interactive tools, and other useful resources for educators Unit & Project Plans: Collection of more than 50 unit and project plans, developed by experienced K-12 teachers Interactive thinking tools: Web-based tools designed to promote higher level thinking Innovation Odyssey: Online showcase of 350 technology-enriched projects from classrooms around the world Classroom Tools and Resources
Third party evaluation key to program success Independent global evaluation by EDC Evaluation results used to continuously improve program delivery Evaluation results:* 91% of teachers said students were “motivated and involved in the lesson” 81% of teachers reported that “student projects showed more in-depth understanding” than other, comparable work 75% of teachers integrate technology in new ways after the training 61% of teachers increase their use of project-based approaches in their teaching *Source: EDC International Impact Survey Results, July 2006. Evaluating Intel Teach
Intel supports teacher training in Poland ... Barrett poinformował również o inicjatywie dotyczącej uruchomienia kolejnego etapu programu „Intel - Nauczanie ku Przyszłości”. Dotychczas na całym świecie dzięki temu programowi przeszkolono 3 miliony nauczycieli, w tym 85 tysięcy w Polsce, przygotowując ich do stosowania nowych technologii informatycznych w codziennych zajęciach lekcyjnych. Obie strony zadeklarowały, iż będą dążyły do przeszkolenia wszystkich nauczycieli w kraju (ok. 400 000 osób) w zakresie wykorzystania technik informatycznych w klasie. Program ten wpisuje się w Strategię Rozwoju Edukacji na lata 2007-2013 i stanie się elementem wpływającym na podniesienie jakości kształcenia.* * Oficjalna notatka Kancelarii Prezydenta RPhttp://www.prezydent.pl/x.node?id=1011848&eventId=4027032
Intel supports teacher training in Poland ...Barrett also announced that Intel is going to extend Intel® Teach to the Future program in Poland. Three million teachers worldwide, including over 85,000 in Poland, have completed training through a professional development program designed to help teachers effectively integrate technology with learning. Both leaders declared that their aim is to train all Polish teachers. This program is connected with Education Development Strategy for 2007-2013 and it will be element helping to increase quality of education.* * Official PR from Chancellery of the PresidentOfficial PR from Chancellery of the Presidenthttp://www.prezydent.pl/x.node?id=1011848&eventId=4027032
eLearning Environments 1:1 eLearning Classroom eLearning Complete digital curriculum integration Learning Value PC Labs Student-centered learning Some digital curriculum integration Basic ICT Project-based learning Focus onlearning PCs Most people,thorough instruction Group collaboration More people,deeper instruction Broad, fast coverage (WiFi, WiMAX) Lab instructor only Digital Curriculum Wireless in classroom Improved Learning Methods Wired, lab only Professional Development Dialup Laptops (1:1) Connectivity Computers-on-wheels or shared desktops(~ 5:1) ~ 10:1 > 25:1 Technology
1:1 eLearning: The Ideal Environment Outside Classroom Anywhere Online Resources and Communities Libraries Experts Learning Resources Other Schools • Shift from instructor-centric to student-centric learning • Laptops enable anywhere, anytime learning • Access to a world of information
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1:1 eLearning Benefits • Anywhere, anytime learning • Access to vast information and online learning resources • Tools students are comfortable with and will use in the workplace • Bridges digital divide • Allows different learning styles, individualized instruction • Engages students with enhanced learning content
Act! – Drive Intel Teach to the Future broadly, quickly throughout Poland Lead! - Transform education to eLearning, build the optimal elearning environment Summary