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It's not you, Microsoft — or your highly anticipated, eagerly awaited SharePoint 2016. It's us — the users.That's the conclusion of new research from AIIM, a Silver Spring, Md.-based information management group that sought to determine whether the latest version of SharePoint had generated new levels of love for the platform in the enterprise. Visit to read more.<br>
The biggest obstacle on the road to SharePoint 2016 adoption? –It’s the people who use it You have decided to migrate to SharePoint 2016 after reading about all the new improvements that it has, which we also covered in our blog Microsoft SharePoint 2016 –what’s in it for me? But wait! How will you ensure that the platform is well accepted in the organization and you are able to leverage the new hybrid version with new features of SharePoint 2016? In May 2016, when Microsoft introduced SharePoint Server 2016, they called it a modern, intelligent intranet and a platform that boosts content collaboration. Some of the biggest areas of improvement were that it is a cloud-inspired infrastructure, it provides enhanced user experience, and it is enabled with better data loss prevention (DLP) capability. In a video titled Foundation for the Future: SharePoint Server 2016, Microsoft SharePoint veterans provide the key features of the new launch and how it will accelerate innovation. While all the features sound exciting and power packed, the secret for a SharePoint 2016 implementation seems to be something else as per AIIM. As per AIIM’s (an information management group in Maryland) recent survey, the failure of a SharePoint implementation is attributed to its users or the employees of the organization. Even though the IT community is excited about the latest version of SharePoint, which is SharePoint 2016, there are concerns within the business community if it will be adopted well. While users complain that there haven’t been adequate trainings of the new platform or the management doesn’t support the new technology, the truth is otherwise (according to the survey). The survey further revealed that it is not only the IT department’s competence in an organization but also that of HR and how well the communication is able to motivate and excite employees (or users) to use the new platform.
In an article published on CMS Wire, Bob Larrivee, VP and chief analyst of market intelligence at AIIM International, mentioned that the key problem is SharePoint deployment planning. According to him, “It is less of a technology issue than a change management issue”. SharePoint 2013 is the most widely used edition and surprisingly some enterprises are also using the old SharePoint 2010. The use of the platform is primarily as Enterprise Content Management and Document Management System. “If people do not know what SharePoint offers, they may be slow to adopt it. Additionally, SharePoint implementations have seen stalls, delays, and even stops in projects due to user reluctance and resistance,” Larrivee added. However, among other alternatives, SharePoint is still a preferred choice. The primary reason for it is that SharePoint fits into the overall architecture. As per Bob Larrivee, “Organizations understand what SharePoint can do for them, and where they need to enhance it beyond the out-of-the-box capabilities. Many SharePoint implementations have been done in a siloed way, without linkage to other repositories or line-of-business applications”. He added, “When organizations understand how SharePoint can fit into their infrastructure, and what purpose it will serve, it will gain momentum. There must be a vision, defined business goals and identified pain points to properly apply technology. Once this happens, you determine how the technology will fix the pain, support the business goals, and align with the corporate vision,” Larrivee said. If you are still concerned about how SharePoint 2016 will be adopted within your organization and how you can plan a smooth transition – speak to one of our SharePoint consultants for a successful migration. Call us at +1(888) 712-4344. Read full article here: http://www.ishir.com/blog/4376/biggest-obstacle-road- sharepoint-2016-adoption-people-use.htm/