1 Dr. Jason M. Eitner Title III Overview and Accomplishments Learning a langage in the country you reside is paramount for your life, despite today’s technology; language is still an essential element of global competence. The ability to communicate with respect and cultural understanding in more than one language is just as important. Such competence is developed and demonstrated by investigating the world, recognizing and weighing perspectives, acquiring and applying disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge, communicating ideas, and taking action. Global competence is fundamental to the experience of learning languages whether in classrooms, through virtual connections, or by everyday immmersion and experiences. Language learning contributes an important means to both communicate and interact in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. This interaction develops the disposition to explore the perspectives behind the products and practices of a culture and to value such intercultural experiences.
2 As a District, we are committed to providing your child with the language skills and cultural competencies essential to global citizenship. Developing a strong communications ability via language proficiency in English enhances a students’ 21st century skill set so they are more marketable in the areas of trade, business, marketing, national security, military, law, philosophy, STEM, public health, art, film, music, dance, fashion, and even cuisine. Additionally, students gain the personal satisfaction of their ability to understand the perspectives of other people and to communicate with them. ELL students experience approximately 60% immersion in the elementary setting, and by high school, we strive for 1 to 2 periods of ELL time at most. The following points below are examples of how we are teaching your child to succeed in our country: ● Language Arts/English ○ Develop an ability to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences ○ Integrate reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking ● Social studies ○ Become interested, informed and active participants in the world both locally and globally ● Science ○ Develop skills in problem-solving, gathering and interpreting data ○ Investigate the natural world in the world cultures studied ● Health education ○ Develop awareness of the mental, social, physical and emotional aspects of a healthy individual ○ Draw conclusions about cultural comparisons of these aspects ● Technology and computer education ○ Engage in hands-on, problem-solving activities related to real-world issues through the use of numerous applications
3 ○ Conduct online research to gain insight into products, practices, and perspectives of world cultures ○ Use technology to collaborate and problem-solve with native speakers ● Arts ○ Explore the perspective and products of the arts in other cultures ○ Express oneself creatively It is our goal that the programs are designed to help the each student become sufficiently proficient in English in orer to to participate in English-language activities. English language learners remain in the program until they are proficient in English. While in ESL, they also attend regular classes in English. Students enter the ESL and bilingual education program after it has been determined through testing that their English proficiency is limited. State guidelines are followed to determine their proficiency level. Teachers work with each student to build their language proficiency and also support their understanding of the English-speaking content areas. An example of various curriculum maps that I have created are on the next pages.
Enduring Understandings and Performance Indicators Language Function- Express Ideas & Feelings and Describe Personal Experiences Assessment Strategies Formative & Summative . Instructional Strategies (including reading & writing prompts) Common Core Curriculum Standards Unit Name Big Ideas What is a city? How are different places in our world alike and different. Can you describe the geography of your community? What are urban communities? Unit 1 wrap-up and test China Town (T40a) A Movie in My Pillow T14a The Adventures of Taxi Dog – Big Book (T13c) PC C1-C12 Launch Unit (T10-11) Make a city picture frame Writing Prompts- Unit 1 Assessment- Program Guide/Assessment Handbook Writing:CC.1.4.2.K. Use a variety of words or phrases to appeal to the audience. comprehension, gather information or deepen understanding of a topic. Listening CC.1.5.2.C. Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify information presented orally or through other media. Speaking CC.1.5.2.B. Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or Reading CC.1.3.2.C. Recount stories and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. different authors or from different culture. Reading CC 1.3.2.H. Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by Language Arts- Our World and Cities Social Studies- Urban Communities and Geography Comprehension/Critical Thinking- Make Comparisons & Draw Conclusions Grammar- Nouns Vocabulary- Key Words & HFW 2. 1. • • • • • • about your school. Write to Express Feelings (T73a) Fall writing prompt: Write to express how you feel Write a Letter- (T 69c, Assessment Handbook, pg 68) Draw Conclusions – T66 Nouns- T42d, T50, T57, T63 Describe Personal Experiences – T40f Make Comparisons & Draw Conclusions– T27, T34 Nouns – T16d, T24, T27, T33 Express Ideas and Feelings – T14f Opening Activities, Getting to Know You Games, etc. September to October Unit 1: The Big City Created: 09.04.2015 [JE/ng] | Adopted: 11.2015 | Implemented: 01.2016 WTSD ELL Curriculum Map for Grade 2 Can you describe the characteristics of a farm? What are folk tales? What is farming? What is economics? Unit 2 wrap-up and test Farms (T104a) Clever Ana and the Greedy Giant (T78a) Mrs. McNosh and the Great Big Squash –Big Book (T77c) Pc C18-22 Launch Unit (T74-75) Children make a lunch drawing Writing Prompts- Unit 2 Assessment- Program Guide/Assessment Handbook information clearly. Writing CC.1.4.2.A. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and Listening groups. Speaking CC. 1.5.2.A. Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and large demonstrate understanding of key details in text. Reading CC.1.2.2.B. Ask and answer questions such as who, what, when, where, and why, and how to paragraphs within the text. Reading CC.1.2.2A. Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific Language Arts- Folk Tales & Farms Social Studies- Economics & Farming Language Function- Ask & Answer Questions, Give Information Comprehension/Critical Thinking- Identify Problem & Solution and Identify Main Idea and Details Grammar- Verbs Vocabulary- Key Words & HFW • • • • • • 1. Main Ideas and Details – T106e, T128 Verbs – T106d, T115 Give information – T104f Problem and Solution- T80e, T98 Verbs – T80d, T88, T94 Ask/Answer questions – T78f pg. 69) Write to Inform: Directions for making your own sandwich -( T131c, Assessment Handbook, Unit 2: Seed to Sandwich November
Enduring Assessment Strategies Formative & Summative Common Core Curriculum Standards Unit Na me Understandings and Performance Indicators Writing Prompts- Unit 3 Assessment- Program Guide/Assessment Handbook Writing CC. 1.4.2.M. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events. order to provide requested detail or clarification. Listening CC1.5.2.F. Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. Speaking CC.1.5.2.D. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud. Reading CC. 1.3.2.D. Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including procedure. Reading CC.1.2.2.C. Describe the connection between a series of events, concepts, or steps in a Language Arts- Friendship and Problem Solving Earth Science- Water Cycle and Geography Language Function- Give an Explanation, Describe People, Places, and Things Comprehension/Critical Thinking- Identifying Sequence, Analyze Story Elements: Plot Grammar- Complete Sentences & Adjectives Vocabulary- Key Words, HFW 2. 1. Write a Thank You Note- (T189c, Assessment Handbook pg. 70) Write a Story about a Drop of Water (T159c) Unit 3: Water, Water Everyone December to January Created: 09.04.2015 [JE/ng] | Adopted: 11.2015 | Implemented: 01.2016 WTSD ELL Curriculum Map for Grade 2 Writing Prompts- Unit 4 Assessment- Program Guide/Assessment Handbook pg.. Writing CC.1.4.2.D. Group information and provide a concluding statement or section. descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. Speaking CC. 1.5.2.D. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, ideas, thoughts and feelings. Listening CC.1.5.2.E. Add drawings or other visual displays to presentations when appropriate to clarify song. Reading CC.1.3.2.F. Describe how words or phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or Reading CC. 1.1.2.D. Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Language Arts- Traditions and Symbols and Family Heritage Social Studies- Celebrations & U.S. History Language Function- Make Comparisons & Describe Events and Distinguish Literary Forms and Purposes Comprehension/Critical Thinking- Analyze Story Elements: Characters & Setting, Relate Cause & Effect, Grammar- Pronouns Vocabulary- Key Words & HFW 2. 1. Write a story to tell about your favorite holiday (T259c, Assessment Handbook, pg. 89) Write an Invitation- T197o Unit 4: Celebrations February to March
Enduring Understandings and Performance Indicators Unit Na me Instructional Strategies (including reading & writing prompts) Common Core Curriculum Standards Big Ideas grammar and spelling. Writing C.C.1.4.2.E. Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of conventions of standard English based on grade 2 level and content. Speaking CC.1.5.2.G Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking comprehension, gather information, or deepen understanding of a topic. Listening C.C.1.5.2. Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify introduces the story and the ending closes the story. Reading CC.1.3.2.E. Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning procedure within a text. Reading CC. 1.1.2.C. Describe the connection between a series of events, concepts, or steps, in a Language Arts- Courage & Cooperation Life Science- Animal Adaptations Language Function- Express Opinions & Ask For & Give Information Comprehension/Critical Thinking- Classify & Relate Goals and Outcomes Grammar- Present & Past Tense Verbs Vocabulary- Key Words, HFW, and Word Parts Unit 5: Catch Me if You Can April Can you use the strategy problem solving? What does friendship mean? Can you describe the geography of land and water? What is the water cycle? Unit 3 wrap-up and test Eva’s Cloud (T162a) Where Do Puddles Go? (T140a) Rain-Big Book (T139c) Picture Cards C25-C36 Launch Unit (T136-137) Make a cloud in a jar • • • • • • Plot – T164e, T186 Adjectives- T164d, T169, Describe – T162f Sequence – T142e, T156 Sentences – T142d, T147, Give an explanation – T140f Created: 09.04.2015 [JE/ng] | Adopted: 11.2015 | Implemented: 01.2016 WTSD ELL Curriculum Map for Grade 2 needed by revising and editing. Writing CC.1.4.2.T. With guidance and support from adults, and peers focus on a topic and strengthen writing as requested detail or clarification. Speaking CC.1.5.2.F. Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide thoughts and feelings. Listening CC.1.5.3.E. Add drawings or other visual displays to presentations when appropriate to clarify ideas, understanding of characters, setting, or plot. Reading CC.1.3.2.G. Use information from illustrations and words, in print or digital text, to demonstrate Reading CC.1.2.2.E. Use various text features and search tools to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently. Language Arts- Dreams & Goals and Music Physical Science- Sound Language Function- Use Appropriate Language & Ask For & Give Information Comprehension/Critical Thinking- Analyze Story Elements: Characters & Plot and Relate Main Idea and Details Grammar- Pronouns & Prepositions Vocabulary- Key Words, HFW, Context Clues Unit 6: Make Some Noise May to June What is family heritage? What are traditions and symbols? What are some celebrations in the U.S.? How do people around the world celebrate? Unit 4 wrap-up and test Independence Day (T240a) This Next Year (T198c) Day of the Dead - Big Book (T197c) Picture Cards C37-C48 Launch Unit (T194-195)- Role playing Activities • • • • • • • Author’s Purpose – T255a Cause and Effect – T242e, T256 Pronouns – T242d, T250, T255b Describe Events – T240f Story Elements- T200e, T202-203, T234 Pronouns- T200d, T211, T219, T229 Make comparisons- T198f
Instructional Strategies (including reading & writing prompts) Assessment Strategies Formative & Summative Writing Prompts- Big Ideas What is cooperating? What is courage? How do animals adapt to their environment? Unit 5 wrap-up and test Goals and Outcomes – T328 Verbs – T296d, T305, T311 Express Opinions – T294f Grandpa’s Toad’s Secrets (T294a) Classify – T270e, T288 Verbs – T270c, T287 Ask and Give Information – T268f What Do You Do When Something Wants to Eat You? (T268a) Red Eyed Tree Frog – Big Book (T267c,) Picture Cards C49-C60 Launch Unit (t264-265) Play the animal guessing game 93) Write to Entertain- Write a story about an animal that chases you (T331c, Assessment Handbook, pg. Unit 5 Assessment- Program Guide/Assessment Handbook pg Created: 09.04.2015 [JE/ng] | Adopted: 11.2015 | Implemented: 01.2016 WTSD ELL Curriculum Map for Grade 2 What are some ways to make music? What are dreams and goals? What is sound? Unit 6 wrap-up and review Main Ideas /Details – T382e, T400 Prepositions – T382d, T390, T399 Ask For/Give Information – T380f Sounds All Around (T380a) Analyze Story Elements – T374 Story Elements – T342a Pronouns – T342d, T351, T361, T351, T361 Appropriate Language – T340g Moses Goes to a Concert (T340a) Too Much Talk – Big Book (T339c) Picture Cards C61-C72 Launch Unit (T336-337) Make instruments and music Assessment Handbook) Spring writing prompt: Write a composition to describe your favorite celebration. (p.89) Personal Narrative- Write a story about something that has happened to you (T407c, Write to Newsletter- T403c Writing Prompts- Unit 6 Assessment- Program Guide/Assessment Handbook pg.
. ELL Supplemental Resources Grade 2 – Tiers I, II, III Teacher’ s Resource Book English at Your Command Unit Name Websites Reading A to Z http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ http://www.brainpopesl.com/ http://www.colorincolorado.org/ : A site for families and educators. resource picks. http://www.everythingesl.net/: Lesson plans, strategies, tips, hot topics and http://nationalgeographic.com/ http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/hultenius/sentence.cfm -Sentence frame synonyms) http://bogglesworldesl.com/worksheets.htm: Word skill games (opposites, rhymes, “In Our Neighborhood Page 6 Take home books: “Where Do You Come From?” Page 5 People and Places – Handbook page 56-59, practice book 19 Feelings – Handbook page 18, practice book page 6 A to Z worksheet: Word sort – City/Country Compound Predicates, word web, comprehension quiz. complete the sentence, analogies, sentence starter concept completion, phonics “ar”, I Live In The City and/or Fall. Worksheets: Main idea, discussion cards, vocabulary cards, Supplemental Activities and Opening Activities, Getting to Know You Games, etc. more. September to October Unit 1: The Big City Autumn and Halloween activities. http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ http://www.brainpopesl.com/ http://www.colorincolorado.org/ : A site for families and educators. http://www.everythingesl.net/ Lesson plans, strategies, tips, hot topics and resource picks. http://nationalgeographic.com/ http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/hultenius/sentence.cfm -Sentence frames cloze activities, flashcards, vocabulary and more. http://bogglesworldesl.com/worksheets.htm: Thanksgiving worksheets, crossword puzzles, “Farm” Reading Key Points: page 27 (can be made into a take home book) Theme Theater Props for “Clever Anna and The Giant” pages 19-22 Take home books: “The Mouse and the Snail” page 16 “Take Me To The Farm” page 25 Main Idea Diagram – Handbook page 93, practice book 41 Chart – Animals and What They Eat- Handbook p. 86, practice book page 34 Problem and Solution Map – page 51, practice book 49 comprehension quiz. sentence starter concept completion, classify information, nouns, initial consonant blends, and All Kinds of Farms. Vocabulary cards, vocabulary cards, complete the sentence, analogies, Supplemental Activities November to September Unit 2: Seed to Sandwich
English at Your Command ELL Supplemental Resources Grade 2 – Tiers I, II, III Teacher’ s Resource Book Unit Na me Reading A to Z Eva’s Cloud Reading Key Points – page 37 (can be made into a take home book) “The Little Seed” page 35 Take Home Books: “The Rain” page 31 Sequence Chain – Handbook page 100, practice book page 48 comprehension quiz. concept completion, common core supplement, sequence of events, parts of a flower, Earth’s Water. Vocabulary cards, complete the sentence, analogies, sentence starter Supplemental Activities Unit 3: Water, Water Everyone December to January Created: 07.2016 [JCL/dw] | No adoption needed per JE This Next New Year Reading Key Points – page 41(can be made into a take home book) Theme Theater Props for “Celebrate” pages 42-43 “America’s Birthday” page 44 Take Home Books: “New Year’s Plans” page 39 Character Map – Handbook page 89, practice book page 37 sentence starter concept completion, common core supplement. Sam’s Fourth of July. Levels H, K, N. Vocabulary cards, complete the sentence, analogies, Supplemental Activities Unit 4: Celebrations February to March
English at Your Command ELL Supplemental Resources Grade 2 – Tiers I, II, III Unit Na me Reading A to Z Websites Goal and Outcome Map – Handbook page 102, practice book page 50 Cause and Effect Map – Handbook page 103, practice book page 51 comprehension quiz. Sharks - Pre-made vocabulary lesson, worksheets, discussion cards, Supplemental Activities Unit 5: Catch Me if You Can April http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ http://www.brainpopesl.com/ http://www.colorincolorado.org/ : A site for families and educators. resource picks. http://www.everythingesl.net/: Lesson plans, strategies, tips, hot topics and http://nationalgeographic.com/ http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/hultenius/sentence.cfm -Sentence frame synonyms) http://bogglesworldesl.com/worksheets.htm: Word skill games (opposites, rhymes, and more. Autumn and Halloween activities. Problem and Solution Map – Handbook page 151, practice book page 49 Character, Setting, Plot Map – Handbook page 129, practice book page 46 Graphic organizer for Main Ideas and Details Compound words worksheet, and discussion cards. effect, Sound All Around – Pre-made vocabulary lessons, comprehension worksheet for cause and Supplemental Activities Unit 6: Make Some Noise May to June http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ http://www.brainpopesl.com/ http://www.colorincolorado.org/ : A site for families and educators. http://www.everythingesl.net/ Lesson plans, strategies, tips, hot topics and resource picks. http://nationalgeographic.com/ http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/hultenius/sentence.cfm -Sentence frames cloze activities, flashcards, vocabulary and more. http://bogglesworldesl.com/worksheets.htm: Thanksgiving worksheets, crossword puzzles,
ELL Supplemental Resources Grade 2 – Tiers I, II, III Teacher’ s Resource Book Websites http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ http://www.brainpopesl.com/ http://www.colorincolorado.org/ : A site for families and educators. resource picks. http://www.everythingesl.net/: Lesson plans, strategies, tips, hot topics and http://nationalgeographic.com/ http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/hultenius/sentence.cfm -Sentence frame synonyms) http://bogglesworldesl.com/worksheets.htm: Word skill games (opposites, rhymes, Amazing Facts- page 50. Animal cards- page 32. book) Grandpa Toad’s Secrets Reading Key Points – page 55(can be made into a take home stick. Children’s Theater: Grandpa Toad. Copy characters from text book and glue to popsicle Take Home Books: “The Hermit Crab” and “Just Leave Me Alone”. and more. Autumn and Halloween activities. http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/ http://www.brainpopesl.com/ http://www.colorincolorado.org/ : A site for families and educators. http://www.everythingesl.net/ Lesson plans, strategies, tips, hot topics and resource picks. http://nationalgeographic.com/ http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/hultenius/sentence.cfm -Sentence frames cloze activities, flashcards, vocabulary and more. http://bogglesworldesl.com/worksheets.htm: Thanksgiving worksheets, crossword puzzles, Moses Goes To A Concert Reading Key Points – page 61(can be made into a take home book) “Listen” page 63 Take Home Books: “Let’s Make Music” page 59