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Word Choice

Chapter Twenty-One. Word Choice. Wordiness. Using more words than necessary in your writing often results in wordiness. In general, it is better to be brief and to the point when writing. Wordy : To my mind, athletes are given far too much money.

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Word Choice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter Twenty-One Word Choice

  2. Wordiness Using more words than necessary in your writing often results in wordiness. In general, it is better to be brief and to the point when writing. Wordy:To my mind, athletes are given far too much money. Simple:I think athletes make too much money.

  3. Slang • Slang is usuallyout of placein formal writing. • Some drawbacks to using slangexpressions: • They go out-of-date quickly. • They become tiresome if used excessively. • They may communicate clearly to some readers but not to others.

  4. Slang Examples: Someone ripped off Ken’s new Adidas. After the game, we stuffed our faces at the dinner. I finally told my parents to get off my case.

  5. Clichés A cliché is an expression that has been worn out through constant use. Short but sweet Word to the wise Sigh of relief At a loss for words Saw the light Work like a dog

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