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107 COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT ELEMENT (CSSE) FUNDAMENTALS. References: [a] MCWP 4-11, Tactical Level Logistics [b] MCRP 5-12D, Organization of Marine Corps Forces (PCN 14400005000) [c] TM 11240-15/4B, Motor Transportation Technical Characteristics Manual
107 COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT ELEMENT (CSSE) FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] MCWP 4-11, Tactical Level Logistics [b] MCRP 5-12D, Organization of Marine Corps Forces (PCN 14400005000) [c] TM 11240-15/4B, Motor Transportation Technical Characteristics Manual [d] MCWP 4-12, Marine Corps Operations Level Logistics [e] MCWP 4-1, Logistics Operations (PCN 14300005800) [f] MCWP 4-6, MAGTF Supply Operations [g] TM 09109A-10/1, High Speed High Mobility Crane Operators Manual [h] TM-09276A-24/2, Truck Forklift Variable Reach Service Manual
107.1 Explain the mission of the Force Service Support Group (FSSG). [ref. b, p. 5-1] The FSSG CE provides general and direct support and sustained CSS above the organic capabilities of supported elements of MAGTFs in the functional areas of CSS during deployment and employment of the MEF and smaller, geographically separated MAGTFs in all levels of conflict.
107.2 Explain how an FSSG is employed. [ref. b, p. 5-1] • Provide centralized ground supply support. • Provide authorized overflow organizational maintenance support. Coordinate transportation support. • Provide general engineering support. • Provide health service (medical and dental). • Coordinate services support, including security support, postal, disbursing, and exchange services; legal services, CSS-related CA support; and graves registration.
107.4 What is the Combat Service Support Element (CSSE) of a Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (MEU (SOC))? [ref. b, p. 6-3 thru 6-5] The MEU(SOC) CSSE is a MEU(SOC) service support group (MSSG). The MSSG consists of detachments from the FSSG tailored to provide a full range of CSS necessary for the MEU(SOC) to accomplish all assigned missions. Command and control support is provided by a detachment from the communications company of the H&S battalion. The detachment provides communications support to the MSSG.
107.5 What is the CSSE of a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB)? [ref.?] The BSSG is task-organized around a brigade service support group. This element has engineering, supply, transportation, landing support for beach, port and airfield delivery, medical, and maintenance capabilities.
107.6 What is the CSSE of a Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)? [ref. b, p. 5-4]
107.7 State the six functional areas of Combat Service Support (CSS).[ref. a, pp. 1-3, 1-4] Tactical logistics is normally categorized in six functional areas: • Supply • Maintenance • Transportation • General engineering • Health services • and Services.
107.8 Define War Reserve Material (WRM). [ref. e, ch. 2, p. 2-19; ref. f, p. 2-1] • WRM is defined as mission-essential principal end items, secondary items, and munitions required to attain operational objectives in the scenarios authorized for sustainability planning and other stockage objectives approved for programming in the Defense Planning Guidance. • WRM inventories are acquired during peacetime. • Inventories are flexible, and they provide an expansion capability that can respond to spectrum regional contingencies, while minimizing investment in resources.
107.9 Discuss the differences between echelons of maintenance performed at organizational and intermediate ground equipment maintenance.[ref. a, pp. 5-12 thru 5-14] Maintenance involves those actions taken to retain materiel or restore it to serviceable condition. Ground Maintenance Support Operations • a. Maintenance During Amphibious Assault • b. Maintenance During Transition Periods • c. Maintenance During Subsequent Operations • d. Organizational Maintenance • e. Intermediate Maintenance • f. Recovery, Evacuation, and Repair Cycle
107.9 Cont. Organizational Maintenance Units owning equipment have organizational maintenance responsibilities. Proper maintenance is essential to sustain combat operations. Maintenance Contact Teams (MCTs) conduct recovery, evacuation, and repair. They determine whether an item is reparable at the recovery site. The MCT either fixes the item, requests parts and an intermediate level maintenance support team (MST) from the CSSE, or supervises the item evacuation.
107.9 Cont. Intermediate Maintenance The three elements of an intermediate maintenance concept are the MST, the CSSE forward maintenance detachment, and the FSSG intermediate maintenance activity (IMA). • The CSSE forward maintenance detachment is the element of a CSSD that operates the maintenance facilities and collection points far forward. • The forward support maintenance detachment • Evacuates inoperable equipment from supported units’ collection points. • Performs intermediate maintenance within its capabilities. • Provides repairmen, tools, and test equipment to maintenance support teams.
107.10b. High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) [ref. c, p. 2-7] The M998 is the baseline vehicle For the M998 series of 1-1/4 ton trucks. It Is used to transport equipment, materials, crews and up to eight passengers. The M998 is an open aluminum body, canvas top, general purpose tactical truck designed for use over all types of roads, in all weather conditions. Its high power to weight ratio, four-wheel drive, and high ground clearance combine to give it cross-country mobility. The M998 series contains metric components and requires metric common and special tools. It is equipped with a towing pintle for towing and tie-down/lifting eyes for air, rail, highway or ocean shipment.
107.10b. Cont • The M1043 is an armament carrier (with supplemental armor) model of the M998 series of 1-1/4 ton trucks. • It is intended to be used primarily as a weapons carrier in the Heavy Machinegun Section, Weapons Company, Infantry Battalion. The M1043 is a fully enclosed, aluminum body tactical truck, fitted with additional aluminum armor which provides added ballistic protection to the crew, equipment and ammunition. It is designed as a weapons platform for the M60 7.62mm machinegun, the M2 .50 caliber machinegun and the MK19 40mm machinegun. It also transports weapon spares, ammunition and a crew of two. The M1043 features a hatch on top of the body and a mount capable of mounting either machinegun.
107.10b. Cont • BASIC DIMENSIONS • LENGTH : 180“ WIDTH : 85" • HEIGHT : 73" reducible to 71“ SQUARE : 106 sq ft • CUBE : 610 cu ft CURB WEIGHT: 5,977 lbs • WHEEL BASE: 129“ GROUND CLEARANCE : 16" • MECHANICAL DATA • ENGINE: V8, liquid cooled, compression ignition • HP: 150 at 3,600 RPM • TRANSMISSION: 3 speed, automatic • CRUISING RANGE: 350 miles, • TRANSFER CASE: 2 speed, locking, chain driven highway • ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: 24 volt, negative ground, 60 amps • FORDING DEPTH • 30" without preparation • 60" with deep water fording kit • BRAKES : Hydraulic, 4-wheel disc FUEL DATA fitted • TYPE : Diesel • TANK CAPACITY: 25 gallons
107.10d. Logistic Vehicle System (LVS) [ref. c, p. 2-77] The MK48 and its associated trailers form the Logistics Vehicle Sy (LVS) . They are used primarily by combat service support motor transport units to haul supplies in large quantities from beachheads, ports, railheads,or airfields to combat service support areas.The MK48 is an all-metal, fully enclosed, 4x4 tactical truck. The crew consists of two. The MK48’s low-profile,cab-forward configuration permits loading aboard military aircraft with no preparation. The MK48 is designed to power LVS trailer units:The MK14 Mod O Trailer, Container Hauler (D0876); the MK15 Mod O Trailer, Wrecker-Recovery (D0877); the MK16 Mod O Trailer,Semitrailer Adapter (D0878); the MK17 Mod O Trailer, Dropside Cargo (D0879); and the MK18 Mod O Trailer, Ribbon Bridge Transporter (D0881).The MK48 can be attached to any one of these trailer units through an articulation joint to form an integral, dual body, fully articulated,8x8 vehicle with cross-country mobility.
107.10e. Truck Forklift Variable Reach (TFVR) [ref. h, pp. 1-4.1 thru 1-5.1] Marine (FBFLT) Truck Lift, Fork Variable Reach, Diesel engine driven, four-wheel drive, four-wheel steer, pneumatic tires, rough terrain, 10,000 pound capacity as 48” load center The forklift is intended for use as a materials handling forklift with a capability of unloading, transporting, and loading boxes, containers, palletized ammunition loads, and multiple launch rocket system pods. The mobility of the forklift, with and without payload, is intended to cover working areas where high floatation and traction characteristics are required.
107.11 Explain the CSS capability of the Maritime Preposition Force (MPF).[ref. d, pp. 5-10 thru 5-12] • A CSSE (MLC if established) will be assigned as the MARFOR’s executive agent for regeneration. Task-organized with personnel from the theater and continental United States (CONUS), CSSE is focused on the regeneration of the MPF. The CSSE is responsible for early planning, CSSA establishment, and MPE/S maintenance during MAGTF operations.
107.11 Cont. • Regeneration is the reconstitution method used to restore the MPF to full operational capability as rapidly as possible upon completion of the MAGTF’s employment mission. The combatant commander, in consultation with MARFOR, determines the operational capability of the regenerated MPF
107.12 State the responsibility of the following FSSG components: ref. b, pp. 5-5 thru 5-76]a. Headquarters and service battalion – The H&S battalion provides command and control, administration, services, communications, and security support to the FSSG and coordination of services support beyond supported-unit organic capabilities to MAGTFs • Provide food service support. • Provide administrative support, including maintenance of personnel records for Navy personnel assigned to the MEF. • Coordinate services support in the functional areas of disbursing, postal, and exchange services; legal services; and graves registration. • Provide communications support. • Provide security support to the FSSG and the MEF. • Provide the nucleus staff for the coordination of marshalling and deployment support for the MEF.
107.12 b. Maintenance battalion The maintenance battalion provides general support and intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance support for Marine Corps-furnished tactical ordnance, engineering, motor transport, communications electronics, and general support equipment of the MEF. • Provide 3d echelon maintenance on end items. • Provide intermediate maintenance in support of the secondary repairable program. • Provide a tracked-vehicle evacuation capability. • Provide calibration services for electronic and mechanical TMDE. • Provide organizational and intermediate maintenance on end items. • Provide technical assistance and overflow organizational maintenance for supported units. • Provide intermediate maintenance and modification applications on in-stock equipment. • Provide technical inspection services.
107.12 c. Supply battalion The supply battalion provides general support supply support, except for bulk fuel and Navy-funded stock/ programs, for sustaining MAGTF operations • Provide supply support management. • Provide contracting support and cross servicing services. • Provide a warehousing capability. • Provide accounting for classes I, II, IV, VII, VIII, and IX supplies. • Provide subsistence support to the MEF. • Provide receipt, storage, and forwarding of class III supplies. • Provide receipt, storage, issue, and accounting for class V items. • Provide technical assistance in receipt, storage, assembly, and provision of nuclear ordnance. • Provide for the receipt, storage, issue, and organizational maintenance support. • Provide intermediate-level shop stores issue points. • Provide procurement services. • Provide packing, preservation, and packaging services.
107.12 d. Engineer support battalion The engineer support battalion provides general engineering support of an expeditionary nature to the MEF, including survivability, countermobility, and mobility enhancements; EOD; and general support supply support incident to the handling, storage, dispensing of bulk class I (water) and bulk class III and III(A) items
107.12 d. Engineer support battalion Cont. • Conduct engineering reconnaissance. • Construct, improve, and maintain airfields. • Construct, improve, and maintain encampments. • Conduct mobility enhancement operations. • Provide bulk class III and III(A) fuel support. • Provide utilities support. • Provide water purification and bulk class I (water) storage and dispensing. • Provide survivability enhancements. • Install and/or supervise other units in the installation of standard and nonstandard, fixed-panel and floating bridging. • Provide bath and laundry services. • Provide EOD support. • Construct field-expedient deception devices. • Provide specialized demolition operations.
107.12 e. Transportation support battalion • The motor transport battalion provides direct and general support, medium-lift and heavy-lift transportation support for the MAGTF, including motor transport support to the FSSG for its support mission. • Provide medium- and heavy-lift transport and distribution of bulk dry/water cargo, class III and III(A), and class V and V(A) supplies. • Provide line haul and unit/supply point distribution of bulk liquids. • Provide heavy equipment lift augmentation, including evacuation of tracked vehicles. • Provide personnel lift augmentation to supported units of the MEF.
107.12 f. Medical battalion • The medical battalion provides direct and general support medical support to the MEF. • Provide health care through the 2d echelon of medical care, including initial resuscitative care, resuscitative surgery, and temporary hospitalization of casualties, to the MEF. • Provide medical regulating services for the MEF. • Provide preventive medicine support to the MEF. • Assist in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of medical intelligence. • Provide the medical elements for the establishment of casualty decontamination and treatment stations. • Provide medical support for management of mass casualties and combat stress casualties.
107.12 g. Dental battalion • The dental battalion provides general support dental health care to the MEF. • Provide a comprehensive program of dental health care for the MEF. • Coordinate MEF dental health care support requirements. • Provide dental detachments, as required, to support MAGTFs smaller than a MEF. • Supervise implementation of dental health care delivery programs for the MEF.
107.12 h. Military police battalion • The MP company provides security support, area security, EPW control, and law-and-order operations to the FSSG and the MEF • Provide foot and motor patrols • Ensure the uninterrupted movement of troops and supplies • Assist in the control of refugees • Reconnoiter new routes, and signs of enemy activity • Prevent infiltration and surprise attacks • Provide traffic control • Perform intelligence gathering functions • Operate a temporary detention facility. • Operate a MAGTF EPW holding facility that provides for the processing, temporary internment, and transfer of EPWs to U.S. Army or host nation facilities.
Tasks associated with this chapter. For the tasks listed below: • A. What are the steps of this procedure? • B. What are the reasons for each step? • C. What control/coordination is required? • D. What means of communications are used? • E. What safety precautions must be observed? • F. What parameters/operating limits must be monitored? • G. Satisfactorily perform this task.
Tasks associated with this chapter. • The following are Combat Service Support Element (CSSE) tasks: • 301.2.17 Observe a Limited Technical Inspection (LTI) A B C E G • 301.2.18 State the role of the Responsible Officer as it applies to Table of Equipment (T/E) A B C E G • 301.2.19 Observe a Combat Service Support Operations Center in a tactical environment A B C E G
Tasks associated with this chapter. • (CSSE) tasks Cont: • 301.2.20 Describe how a Combat Service Support Element (CSSE) would • be task organized in support of one of the following missions: • a. Humanitarian Assistance (HA)/Civil Affairs (CA) A B C E G • b. Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) A B C E G • c. Disaster relief A B C E G • d. Combat operations A B C E G • 301.2.21 Observe one of the following support vehicles in operation: • a. 5-ton/Medium Tactical Vehicle Refurbished (MTVR) A B C E G • b. High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) A B C E G • c. High Speed High Mobility Crane (HSHMC) A B C E G • d. Logistics Vehicle System (LVS) A B C E G • e. Truck Forklift Variable Reach (EBFL) A B C E G • 301.2.22 Perform or observe a preoperational inspection of one of the following: • a. 5-ton/MTVR A B C E G • b. HMMWV A B C E G
Tasks associated with this chapter. For the tasks listed below: • A. What are the steps of this procedure? • B. What are the reasons for each step? • C. What control/coordination is required? • D. What means of communications are used? • E. What safety precautions must be observed? • F. What parameters/operating limits must be monitored? • G. Satisfactorily perform this task.