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Becoming a Teacher Educator. Pete Boyd University of Cumbria Jean Murray University of East London Kim Harris University of Worcester Claire Smith Leeds Trinity University Colle ge The Guidelines on the ESCalate website: http//escalate.ac.uk/3662
Becoming a Teacher Educator Pete Boyd University of Cumbria Jean Murray University of East London Kim Harris University of Worcester Claire Smith Leeds Trinity University College The Guidelines on the ESCalate website: http//escalate.ac.uk/3662 Teacher Education Advancement Network www.cumbria.ac.uk/TEAN/TeanHome.aspx
Teacher education as a field • Janus-faced – facing both the world of the university and of the school …. • But located in HE, with all its structures and imperatives • Policy driven and fast changing • 25 (+) years of change • The world of regulation & quality assurance in teacher education • Differentiations of universities and colleges across the HE system & their varying investments in teacher education • Conventional academic work / roles / values and teacher educators’ work / roles / values - a different kind of academic
Leah 10 years in teacher education. After working on PGCE Primary programmes, she has now completed her PhD, built up a portfolio of journal publications, academic books and research grants. Has now gained a post as a Reader
Clive5 years in teacher education. Works on PGCE Secondary maths, a range of Enhancement Courses and CPD including the Masters. Also works as a maths consultant locally and nationally. Strong profile in Knowledge Exchange activities.
Jane15 years in teacher education. After working on the PGCE and under-graduate SEN courses at her university for 10 years, she now leads an international SEN specialist course in Malaysia. Writes extensively on SEN for professional audiences.
James After a successful career as a secondary school deputy head, now works part-time in HE and part-time in schools. History specialist. Works on various Exam Board and Advisory bodies.
Exploring Academic Work contexts: making induction work for you • Induction provision – HR & HE • Post Grad Cert in HE? • Valuations of activities within your Department? Priorities? • Your probation requirements? • Personal priorities • Opportunities and creativity in teacher education work: reconstructing / re-developing identities
Workplace Learning: Guidelines Workplace learning framework 1 Role design 2 Organisational learning 3 ITE pedagogy 4 School-based role 5 Formal Courses 6 Scholarship and research Boyd, P., Harris, K. & Murray, J. (2007) http//escalate.ac.uk/3662
Expansive workplace environments: • Close collaborative working • Colleagues mutually supportive • An explicit focus on learning at work • Opportunities beyond departmental priorities • External opportunities, time to think differently • Support to integrate off the job learning into practice • Able to participate in more than one working group • Opportunities for boundary crossing • Support for local variation in ways of working • (adapted from Hodkinson & Hodkinson, 2005)
Restrictive workplace environments: • Learning is part of intensive work pattern, with little structured space for reflection • Fast transition from novice to expert expected • Induction is focused around / conflated with monitoring (meeting the letter of probationary requirements) • No clear ‘curriculum’ for workplace learning • One size fits all induction provision • Work is largely solitary and / or without collegial support • Mentoring / coaching is not focused on the developing needs of the individual
Becoming: reconstructing identity Exposure to the ‘paradigmatic trajectories’ of experienced members provides a model that is a key influence on the learning of newcomers…(Wenger, 1998: 156) What identity ‘models’ exist within your department? To what extent do you cross boundaries and emphasise different aspects of your identity?
Pedagogy of Teacher Education Consider one of your recent successful taught sessions with your student teachers: write on a post-it one or two key aspects of your approach to teacher education… As a group sort out the post-its to find common issues and create a poster entitled ‘principles for effective teacher education’...
L2Teach, L2L, Teach2L Student teachers are ‘learning to teach’ but also ‘teaching to learn’ Loughran, 2006 Maybe they are also learning to learn?
Conceptions of learning to teach Cascading expertise transmission Enabling student’s growth as a teacher apprenticeship Developing student teaching emulation but personalised Student as teacher and learner conceptual change, critical thinking Taylor, 2008
Teacher education: a complex, layered pedagogy Boyd, in progress
Seven Principles: learning to teach… Involves conflicting and competing demands Requires the student to create knowledge Requires a shift in focus from curriculum to learner Is enhanced by (student) teacher research Requires collaborative learning Requires meaningful partnership Is enhanced through modelling by teacher educators Korthagen, Loughran & Russell (2006)
What do teachers know and do? What do you want your student teachers to know and be able to do? Knowing Doing Being
Developing Teacher Knowledge Educational setting within the system Society & community Curriculum subject knowledge Pedagogical knowledge Informed by: Shulman (1986); Wenger, 1998; Peressini et al.(2004) Practice and Identity as a teacher Rapidly changing policy frame High levels of accountability
Using ‘modelling’ in teacher education What does modelling mean to you? To what extent do you use it within your teaching of student teachers? Summarise your group’s understanding of ‘modelling’ as a strategy within the context of teacher education.
Congruent teaching and modelling Congruent teaching... Stepping out and thinking aloud... Building links to learning theory... Helping student teachers to reflect... (Loughran & Berry, 2006; Swennen, Lunenberg, & Korthagen, 2008)
Scholarship and research: definitions and expectations The key characteristic of university teaching and knowledge exchange activity is that it is underpinned by scholarship & engagement with research There are contractual obligations and expectations from your department and institution The influence of national research audits and universities’ participation in them – overt & tacit valuation of research & researchers and the impact on the field of teacher education
Scholarship and research: creativity and opportunities • Outcomes: your workplace & your personal trajectory / aims • Centre areas of interest / relevance (but also consider zeitgeist) • Coherence & planning; including serendipity & seizing the moment • Synergy with teaching / role – researching close to home – research-informed teaching • Formal courses & qualifications and less conventional routes
Scholarship and research: networking • Individual endeavours (the loneliness of the long distance researcher) • Possible collaborators – somosmas! - close to home, other institutions • Research apprenticeships • Creating your research & scholarship network(s) – personal and collective (e.g. BERA, UCET, ASE….) • Spotting & making the most of opportunities
Resources and sources of support British Education Index British Educational Research Association(BERA) Current Education and Children's Services Research Education Evidence Portal (eep) Eppi Centre, Institute of Education, University of London ESCalate : The HigherEducationAcademy : Education Subject Centre advancing learning and teaching in education Teaching and Learning Research Programme Teacher Education Advancement Network TEG Teacher Training Resource Bank (TTRB) (no longer funded)
TEG The Teacher Education Bibliography page: http://www.tlrp.org/capacity/rm/wt/teg/ The on-line resource
TEG The TEG database • Currently consists of 473 citations • Citations have beenclassifiedby the TEG group in various ways. • To search these citations various filters can be applied to the list of citations • The list of citations is organisedalphabetically by author name
TEG TEG Online search accessible via the TLRP website at:http://www.tlrp.org/capacity/rm/wt/teg/
Developing your own research • Generativity: a previous study in teacher education (or a relevant study in another area of education) which you feel may offer insights into your research theme (substantive, theoretical, methodological). • The what, how and why of this study. • Creativity: previous research which you feel offers new and creative starting points for thinking about teacher education research. • The what, how and why of your new study.