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da202: departmental administrator leadership skills presenter: mr. david l. mineo chief grants management office

Objectives. . Identify models and characteristics of successful leadershipDiscuss how personal strengths and weaknesses effect leadership capabilitiesIdentify techniques for developing improving leadership capabilities . What is Leadership?. Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes.Leadership is the energetic process of getting people fully and willingly committed to a new and sustainable course of action, 9453

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da202: departmental administrator leadership skills presenter: mr. david l. mineo chief grants management office

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    1. Hello, I am….. I want to introduce my colleagues Millissa Lee and Nicole Belanger who will be helping me today as well as participating in the workshop. We are very happy to be working with you today and hope that by day’s end you will be looking very differently at the process of leadership and the process of your own career development.Hello, I am….. I want to introduce my colleagues Millissa Lee and Nicole Belanger who will be helping me today as well as participating in the workshop. We are very happy to be working with you today and hope that by day’s end you will be looking very differently at the process of leadership and the process of your own career development.

    2. To Distinguish Characteristics of Successful Leaders – It is important to recognize what are leadership attributes versus managerial attributes. To Evaluate Personal Strengths and Weaknesses – Knowing where you are and have been in your own leadership development is essential to knowing where you want to go. We will use the Campbell Leadership Descriptor developed by David Campbell of the Center for Creative Leadership. To Identify Techniques for Improving Leadership Capabilities – Knowing what to do and how to develop is important to growth of leadership skills and attributes. To Develop an Action Plan for Career Growth – Once you identify what attributes you admire and want to strive for it is important to devise a strategy for developing that attribute. To Recognize Warning Signs of Derailment – Strengths and Weaknesses are part of the development process. Talk about CCL model versus the Now Discover your Strengths strategy (Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton) The Gallup Organization. To Distinguish Characteristics of Successful Leaders – It is important to recognize what are leadership attributes versus managerial attributes. To Evaluate Personal Strengths and Weaknesses – Knowing where you are and have been in your own leadership development is essential to knowing where you want to go. We will use the Campbell Leadership Descriptor developed by David Campbell of the Center for Creative Leadership. To Identify Techniques for Improving Leadership Capabilities – Knowing what to do and how to develop is important to growth of leadership skills and attributes. To Develop an Action Plan for Career Growth – Once you identify what attributes you admire and want to strive for it is important to devise a strategy for developing that attribute. To Recognize Warning Signs of Derailment – Strengths and Weaknesses are part of the development process. Talk about CCL model versus the Now Discover your Strengths strategy (Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton) The Gallup Organization.

    3. What is Leadership? Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes. Leadership is the energetic process of getting people fully and willingly committed to a new and sustainable course of action, to meet commonly agreed objectives while having commonly held values.

    4. Fundamental Principles of Effective Leadership 1. Leadership is a Relationship 2. Leadership is Everyone’s Business 3. Leadership is a Set of Skills and Abilities 4. Leadership Development is Self Development James KM. Kouzes and Barry Posner are authors of the book The Leadership Challenge in designing leadership activities they suggest the following principles are the golden rule of leadership development. You must accept these principles before any prescription for development can be accepted. 1. Leadership is a Relationship – between those who spire to lead and those who choose to follow. Could be one to one or one to many. No matter how many it remains a relationship. CCL research has determined through numerous surveys that the number one success factor for the top three positions in an organization is “relationships with subordinates.” 2. Leadership is Everyone’s Business – No matter the organizational level leaders are needed. 3. Leadership is a Set of Skills and Abilities – “Are Leaders Born or are they Made.” No one asks are managers born or made. 4. Leadership Development is Self Development – Tools of the trade. Tools for leaders are in the brain. James KM. Kouzes and Barry Posner are authors of the book The Leadership Challenge in designing leadership activities they suggest the following principles are the golden rule of leadership development. You must accept these principles before any prescription for development can be accepted. 1. Leadership is a Relationship – between those who spire to lead and those who choose to follow. Could be one to one or one to many. No matter how many it remains a relationship. CCL research has determined through numerous surveys that the number one success factor for the top three positions in an organization is “relationships with subordinates.” 2. Leadership is Everyone’s Business – No matter the organizational level leaders are needed. 3. Leadership is a Set of Skills and Abilities – “Are Leaders Born or are they Made.” No one asks are managers born or made. 4. Leadership Development is Self Development – Tools of the trade. Tools for leaders are in the brain.

    5. Leadership Theory Note the importance on Setting Direction Creating organizational alignment Getting commitment among groups. Note the importance on Setting Direction Creating organizational alignment Getting commitment among groups.

    6. Career Paths and Leadership Example of growth to be considered and why one needs to develop certain skills. Example of growth to be considered and why one needs to develop certain skills.

    7. The Four Framework Approach to LeadershipBolman and Deal Structural Framework – The leader is a social architect whose leadership style is analysis and design. Human Resource Framework – The leader is a catalyst and servant whose leadership style is support, advocacy, and empowerment. Political Framework – The leader is an advocate whose leadership is coalition and building. Symbolic Framework – The leader is a prophet, whose leadership style is inspiration.

    8. The Leadership Challenge Kouzes and Posner Challenge the Process – Find something that needs to be improved. Inspire a Shared Vision – Share the vision in words that can be understood by your followers. Enable other to act – Give others the tools and methods to solve the problem. Model the Way – When the process gets difficult, get your hands dirty. Encourage the heart – Share the glory with your followers’ heart, while keeping the pains within your own.

    9. New Demands for Leadership DevelopmentCenter for Creative Leadership (CCL) Leadership development must be linked to organizational needs Leadership development is no longer a “rite of passage” Leadership development is strategically linked to organizational goals Leadership development must be linked to organizational needs Leadership development is no longer a “rite of passage” Leadership development is strategically linked to organizational goals

    10. The Varieties of Experience

    11. Experiences that Offer Leadership LessonsPercentage of Events Where Learning Occurs

    12. Research Findings:Lessons of Experience

    13. Skills Learned by Experience

    14. Challenging assignments.…learning from others….learning from coursework….learning from hardship….

    15. Reflection

    16. How Can Your Organization Be Supportive?

    17. Becoming a leader requires understanding oneself. There are many tools available to help with that assessment…but today we’re going to use the Campbell Descriptor. Becoming a leader requires understanding oneself. There are many tools available to help with that assessment…but today we’re going to use the Campbell Descriptor.

    18. Leadership Components: Major Tasks of Organizational Leadership

    19. Vision Consider where your organization isConsider where your organization is

    20. Management

    21. Empowerment

    22. Diplomacy

    23. Feedback

    24. Entrepreneurialism

    25. Personal Style

    26. Personal Energy

    27. Multicultural Awareness

    28. Personal Action Planning Worksheet: Sample

    29. Derailment

    30. Derailment Profile

    31. Why Managers Derail

    32. Primary Reasons for Derailing

    33. Inability to Change or Adapt During a Transition

    34. Problems with Interpersonal Relationships

    35. Failure to Build and Lead a Team

    36. Failure to Meet Business Objectives

    37. How Derailed Executives Differ from Successful Ones

    38. Events that Can Expose Flaws

    39. Sue Weldon Case

    41. Human Relations 101 The Six Most Important Words: “I admit I made a mistake.” The Five Most Important Words: “You did a good job!” The Four Most Important Words: “What is your opinion?” The Three Most Important Words: “If you please.” The Two Most Important Words: “Thank You!” The One Most Important Word: “We” The One Least Important Word: “I”

    42. Suggested Readings Leadership by Rudoph W. Giuliani The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell The Leadership Challenge, 3rd Edition by James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box by Arbinger Institute Principle Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey Lincoln on Leadership : Executive Strategies for Tough Times by Donald T. Phillips Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham, Donald O. Clifton How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life by Tom Rath, Donald O. Clifton

    43. Leadership Development Resources Leadership http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/index.html Leader to Leader http://leadertoleader.org/ Leadership Development - http://www.leader-values.com/ Center for Creative Leadership - http://www.ccl.org/CCLCommerce/index.aspx The Gallup University - http://www.gallup.com/content/default.aspx?ci=1399 MindTools - http://www.mindtools.com/

    44. Thank You! This material is primarily based on the process and model for leadership development of the Center for Creative Leadership and are used with permission for educational purposes. CCL is a non-profit organization with over thirty years experience dedicated to the field of leadership development. David L. Mineo mineod@extra.niddk.nih.gov

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