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Polaroid-Kodak. Case Preparation Questions: Why has Kodak entered the instant camera business? How serious is the threat to Polaroid? What should Polaroid do?. Competitor Analysis. For each of Polaroid and Kodak: Goals Assumptions Strategic resources Stakes in the instant market

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  1. Polaroid-Kodak • Case Preparation Questions: • Why has Kodak entered the instant camera business? • How serious is the threat to Polaroid? • What should Polaroid do?

  2. Competitor Analysis • For each of Polaroid and Kodak: • Goals • Assumptions • Strategic resources • Stakes in the instant market • Position and motives vis a vis a battle

  3. Market Signals • What market signals were used by Kodak surrounding its entry into the instant market?

  4. Game Theory Formulation • Kodak’schoices • . Go aggressively for a large share (fight) • . Accept a modest share (dètente) • Polaroid’s choices • . Aggressively protect its dominance (fight) • . Yield Kodak a substantial piece of the market (dètente)

  5. Strategic Outcome Matrix

  6. Game Theory Analysis • Interpret Kodak’s move in terms of fight or dètente--which is it? • Analyze the options available to Kodak. What will happen if it fights? dètentes? • What choice options and potential costs/benefits are available to Polaroid now that Kodak has mode it’s move?

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