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Initiate discussion with Shipping companies to explore feasibility of floating hotel ... Adequate safe car parking needs improving as currently it remains a ...
Slide 1:Southend Business & Tourism PartnershipPriorities Update
Presentation to SBTP on 19 September 2002 Pauline Irwin Economic Development Manager Round about this time last year, the Partnership put forward its priorities to the Council cabinet - on 13 November 2001, the cabinet agreed to develop the priorities with the Partnership. 1 April 2002, the Economic Regeneration section included the following action in its Service Plan “To support the work of the Southend Business and Tourism Partnership ensuring its priorities are met in partnership with the relevant Council Portfolio Holders and Departments”. The Partnership’s Executive Committee met for the first time on 9 April 2002. Since that time, Portfolio Holders have been working on how to move forward with their particular subject. Round about this time last year, the Partnership put forward its priorities to the Council cabinet - on 13 November 2001, the cabinet agreed to develop the priorities with the Partnership. 1 April 2002, the Economic Regeneration section included the following action in its Service Plan “To support the work of the Southend Business and Tourism Partnership ensuring its priorities are met in partnership with the relevant Council Portfolio Holders and Departments”. The Partnership’s Executive Committee met for the first time on 9 April 2002. Since that time, Portfolio Holders have been working on how to move forward with their particular subject.
Slide 2:SBTP Priorities
4 basic areas Strategic Regeneration Transportation Good Housekeeping Progress made by Council & SBTP The priorities of the Partnership were split into 4 basic areas – Strategic, Regeneration, Transportation and Good Housekeeping. During this presentation I will attempt to give a brief outline on where the Council currently stands on each of the priorities. The slides will show the Priorities as they were described by the Partnership - I will not read out each one individually as altogether there are 49 goals under the 4 headings - but I will attempt to give you an update on the current situation. I will refer to my notes throughout the presentation as obviously not all of the issues are dealt with in economic development. At the end of the presentation, the Town Clerk and the Director of Technical and Environmental Services will take any questions or comments you may have.The priorities of the Partnership were split into 4 basic areas – Strategic, Regeneration, Transportation and Good Housekeeping. During this presentation I will attempt to give a brief outline on where the Council currently stands on each of the priorities. The slides will show the Priorities as they were described by the Partnership - I will not read out each one individually as altogether there are 49 goals under the 4 headings - but I will attempt to give you an update on the current situation. I will refer to my notes throughout the presentation as obviously not all of the issues are dealt with in economic development. At the end of the presentation, the Town Clerk and the Director of Technical and Environmental Services will take any questions or comments you may have.
Slide 3:Strategic Priorities
Support Thames Gateway Closer cooperation between councils University/college for Southend London Southend Airport Wider promotion of the Town The Partnership’s strategic priorities focused on these areas. Firstly, the Partnership’s support of Thames Gateway...The Partnership’s strategic priorities focused on these areas. Firstly, the Partnership’s support of Thames Gateway...
Slide 4: Immediate Modal Study Lower Thames Road Crossing Outer urban access improvements Marina Conference Centre
Thames Gateway needs total support from Partnership to achieve economic and business regeneration throughout SE Essex. This will require the following improvements to TGSE infrastructure: Issues surrounding major transport infrastructure are mainly being taken through the Thames Gateway process. The TGSE Transport Group is currently preparing a brief for a tender for consultants to do a transport and movement study. This will give an overall picture of what’s going on. The Lower Thames Crossing is well and truly on the agenda. The Strategic Executive of Thames Gateway (including 6 ministers) agreed it should be looked at seriously. It is included in the transport part of the TG Framework document. This is on the National Agenda now. Also, the Orbit Multi-modal study on the M25 recommended that a study on a Lower Thames Crossing should be carried out. These issues of course are very long term, and it may be some time before any work begins. With regards to outer urban access improvements, these are also part of the Framework document and accessibility improvements will be made through the Thames Gateway route. When a proposal was put forward for a marina in the estuary, the foreshore was immediately covered by SSSIs and other national and international level nature/conservation designations. The foreshore will be looked at as part of the Borough Local Plan, which this Partnership will be consulted widely on. A new conference centre is not a major priority for the Council at the moment, but seeking investment to support the existing conference facilities remains a priority as does investment to support the infrastructure necessary to support conference trade. With our existing facilities, we are still able to attract national conferences, for example, the National Round Table and Ladies Circles Conferences in 2004 will be held at the Cliffs Pavillion and Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre. Issues surrounding major transport infrastructure are mainly being taken through the Thames Gateway process. The TGSE Transport Group is currently preparing a brief for a tender for consultants to do a transport and movement study. This will give an overall picture of what’s going on. The Lower Thames Crossing is well and truly on the agenda. The Strategic Executive of Thames Gateway (including 6 ministers) agreed it should be looked at seriously. It is included in the transport part of the TG Framework document. This is on the National Agenda now. Also, the Orbit Multi-modal study on the M25 recommended that a study on a Lower Thames Crossing should be carried out. These issues of course are very long term, and it may be some time before any work begins. With regards to outer urban access improvements, these are also part of the Framework document and accessibility improvements will be made through the Thames Gateway route. When a proposal was put forward for a marina in the estuary, the foreshore was immediately covered by SSSIs and other national and international level nature/conservation designations. The foreshore will be looked at as part of the Borough Local Plan, which this Partnership will be consulted widely on. A new conference centre is not a major priority for the Council at the moment, but seeking investment to support the existing conference facilities remains a priority as does investment to support the infrastructure necessary to support conference trade. With our existing facilities, we are still able to attract national conferences, for example, the National Round Table and Ladies Circles Conferences in 2004 will be held at the Cliffs Pavillion and Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre.
Slide 5:Closer working between 3 authorities as if they were one Create “invest in Southend”; a joint approach by local landowners and developers and Council Link existing businesses to potential inward investors Allocate specific business partners for retention and inward investment support to the Council Utilise business partners specialist knowledge in regeneration initiatives Support review of Green Belt of SE Essex as part of Thames Gateway
Closer Cooperation between local councils to deliver SEEES: There has been close working between the 3 authorities, and on some issues, such as micro business support with Business Link, the links have been very strong. Another priority was to create “Invest in Southend”, a joint approach by local landowners, developers and the Council, and to link existing businesses to potential inward investors. The allocation of specific business partners to support the Council in retention and inward investment projects was another proposal. These issues have been taken forward, and the Partnership itself is really taking the lead on this with Alan Stack leading the proposal for an “Invest in Southend” event, the Council has agreed to match fund this event Ł1 for Ł1, and it will be an excellent example of how we can work together to achieve joint goals. As Economic Development Manager I now have the opportunity to recruit an Economic Development Officer and a Technician post, and this will enable be to take forward an inward investment programme for Southend. I will be addressing issues around Inward Investment and how we market the town as a business location, and I would very much like to do this in partnership with you. The work that Alan Stack has started on the Invest in Southend event is welcome, and we can build on this together using the priorities as a spring board for how to move things forward. I will be approaching the partnership through the Portfolio Holders for Investment and Development to see how we can work together. I plan to start this work by the end of October. The issue of closer cooperation between local businesses and the council is one which both sides are keen to see working. A good example of where this has happened, using local business’s specialist knowledge in regeneration initiatives, is the work done recently by the Civic Trust on Pier Hill. Local businesses, including Debenhams, C2C, Royal Hotel, Tomassis, the Royals, Adventure Island, offered representatives to feed in to a new concept for the development of Pier Hill. We are committed to ensuring business expertise is used in future regeneration initiatives, and this forum is valuable to us to engage your support and expertise. The review of the Green Belt is another priority the Partnership wants to support. This is now looked at as part of the review of the Replacement Structure Plan and consultation will take place in Summer/Autumn next year. This forum will again be an important consultee.There has been close working between the 3 authorities, and on some issues, such as micro business support with Business Link, the links have been very strong. Another priority was to create “Invest in Southend”, a joint approach by local landowners, developers and the Council, and to link existing businesses to potential inward investors. The allocation of specific business partners to support the Council in retention and inward investment projects was another proposal. These issues have been taken forward, and the Partnership itself is really taking the lead on this with Alan Stack leading the proposal for an “Invest in Southend” event, the Council has agreed to match fund this event Ł1 for Ł1, and it will be an excellent example of how we can work together to achieve joint goals. As Economic Development Manager I now have the opportunity to recruit an Economic Development Officer and a Technician post, and this will enable be to take forward an inward investment programme for Southend. I will be addressing issues around Inward Investment and how we market the town as a business location, and I would very much like to do this in partnership with you. The work that Alan Stack has started on the Invest in Southend event is welcome, and we can build on this together using the priorities as a spring board for how to move things forward. I will be approaching the partnership through the Portfolio Holders for Investment and Development to see how we can work together. I plan to start this work by the end of October. The issue of closer cooperation between local businesses and the council is one which both sides are keen to see working. A good example of where this has happened, using local business’s specialist knowledge in regeneration initiatives, is the work done recently by the Civic Trust on Pier Hill. Local businesses, including Debenhams, C2C, Royal Hotel, Tomassis, the Royals, Adventure Island, offered representatives to feed in to a new concept for the development of Pier Hill. We are committed to ensuring business expertise is used in future regeneration initiatives, and this forum is valuable to us to engage your support and expertise. The review of the Green Belt is another priority the Partnership wants to support. This is now looked at as part of the review of the Replacement Structure Plan and consultation will take place in Summer/Autumn next year. This forum will again be an important consultee.
Slide 6:Support this development Support the creation of further student accommodation Promote the delivery of education London Southend Airport Support/lobby for maximising SE Essex growth through expansion of the aero maintenance industry & in due course passenger services initially charter services to continental destinations
University/College for Southend: The University/college proposal for Southend is something else the Partnership views as a priority for the town. The Council has been central in promoting this development and agree that it is critical to the revitalisation of the Town Centre. We are pleased to report that building work is due to begin imminently. The creation of further student accommodation will be addressed through the Borough Local Plan, and Planning Officers have been working closely with the University of Essex to gauge what future needs may be. With regard to promoting the delivery of education, the Council is fully engaged. The Chief Executive sits on the board of the Learning and Skills Council for Essex, and numerous SRB, ESF projects in addition to the role of the Council as the LEA provide all levels of education and training delivery for Southend’s present and future workforce. Any proposals for learning projects from the business community will be very gratefully received by the Council, and we can work with local businesses to find suitable funding pots for local projects. The Partnership chose one of its strategic priorities to be the support of London Southend Airport. I will not go into this in any depth as Partners are aware of the work the Executive Committee has done with regards to meeting the Archdeacon and plans for the development of the Airport. The University/college proposal for Southend is something else the Partnership views as a priority for the town. The Council has been central in promoting this development and agree that it is critical to the revitalisation of the Town Centre. We are pleased to report that building work is due to begin imminently. The creation of further student accommodation will be addressed through the Borough Local Plan, and Planning Officers have been working closely with the University of Essex to gauge what future needs may be. With regard to promoting the delivery of education, the Council is fully engaged. The Chief Executive sits on the board of the Learning and Skills Council for Essex, and numerous SRB, ESF projects in addition to the role of the Council as the LEA provide all levels of education and training delivery for Southend’s present and future workforce. Any proposals for learning projects from the business community will be very gratefully received by the Council, and we can work with local businesses to find suitable funding pots for local projects. The Partnership chose one of its strategic priorities to be the support of London Southend Airport. I will not go into this in any depth as Partners are aware of the work the Executive Committee has done with regards to meeting the Archdeacon and plans for the development of the Airport.
Slide 7:Formally defined and adequate Council promotional budget Upgrade contribution to illuminations (Ł1 for Ł1) Develop promotional links with rail operators Engage support of media and press Southend Council Tourism, Marketing and Media Department Secure adequate contingency plans to ensure succession of personnel are in place
Wider promotion of the town: The Council recognises that promoting the town is important and is involved with the private sector locally and regional agencies in order to maximise the impact of its marketing spend. As well as working with Partnership members, it also partakes in joint marketing campaigns with the East of England Tourist Board, the British Resorts Association, the British Tourist Authority and the East of England Tourist Board to encourage and promote in-bound and domestic tourism. Also, the Tourist Information Centre service in the High Street supports visitors to Southend while they are here. Considerable work with coach operators is undertaken to encourage regular coach visits to the town. Special events are also run by a dedicated team - these events are specifically designed to attract people to the town, the Airshow being a good example which attracts around 700,000 people over a two day period. Match funding for seafront illuminations was agreed by the Council to a maximum of Ł25,000 as a one-off to purchase new illuminations for Jubilee year. Traders raised in excess of this and the Council provided the matchfunding. (this was in addition to the Ł28k the Council gives for maintenance each year). The Council has worked closer with First Great Eastern this year and we are very grateful particularly to Theo for the support he has given. First Great Eastern has sponsored additional print runs of our Money Saving Voucher Books, Special Events Leaflets and Shopping Guides, for distribution at their stations, and have already committed to doing the same for next year. They were the main sponsor of our Jazz festival for this year, and Southend’s Chelsea Flower Show entry, and we are also looking at further joint advertising opportunities. With regard to the staffing of the Tourism and Marketing Department, this was part of a significant restructuring throughout the Council, and the section moved into the Leisure, Culture and Amenity Services Department. A new position was created earler this year – Special Events, Tourism and Marketing Manager – which Lisa Driscoll was appointed to in July. We are currently recruiting a Tourism and Promotions Manager which should be filled in the next couple of months. In addition a new Assistant Chief Executive’s division was created to strengthen corporate capacity, and this now has a dedicated Corporate Media team. The Council recognises that promoting the town is important and is involved with the private sector locally and regional agencies in order to maximise the impact of its marketing spend. As well as working with Partnership members, it also partakes in joint marketing campaigns with the East of England Tourist Board, the British Resorts Association, the British Tourist Authority and the East of England Tourist Board to encourage and promote in-bound and domestic tourism. Also, the Tourist Information Centre service in the High Street supports visitors to Southend while they are here. Considerable work with coach operators is undertaken to encourage regular coach visits to the town. Special events are also run by a dedicated team - these events are specifically designed to attract people to the town, the Airshow being a good example which attracts around 700,000 people over a two day period. Match funding for seafront illuminations was agreed by the Council to a maximum of Ł25,000 as a one-off to purchase new illuminations for Jubilee year. Traders raised in excess of this and the Council provided the matchfunding. (this was in addition to the Ł28k the Council gives for maintenance each year). The Council has worked closer with First Great Eastern this year and we are very grateful particularly to Theo for the support he has given. First Great Eastern has sponsored additional print runs of our Money Saving Voucher Books, Special Events Leaflets and Shopping Guides, for distribution at their stations, and have already committed to doing the same for next year. They were the main sponsor of our Jazz festival for this year, and Southend’s Chelsea Flower Show entry, and we are also looking at further joint advertising opportunities. With regard to the staffing of the Tourism and Marketing Department, this was part of a significant restructuring throughout the Council, and the section moved into the Leisure, Culture and Amenity Services Department. A new position was created earler this year – Special Events, Tourism and Marketing Manager – which Lisa Driscoll was appointed to in July. We are currently recruiting a Tourism and Promotions Manager which should be filled in the next couple of months. In addition a new Assistant Chief Executive’s division was created to strengthen corporate capacity, and this now has a dedicated Corporate Media team.
Slide 8:Regeneration Priorities
Maximise potential of the Pier Promote business parks Retail aspects Hotels Swimming pools Cliff gardens The Priorities that the Partnership called “regeneration” focused on these main issues. The Priorities that the Partnership called “regeneration” focused on these main issues.
Slide 9:A more direct involvement of the business community in running of pier, possibly by the creation of a management company. A dynamic future strategy including posters/video adverts on trains/stations PLUS… ongoing active maintenance
Pier - maximise potential through public/private partnership (as recommended by pier and foreshore scrutiny) The Council has commissioned Deloitte and Touche Management Consultants to research and advise on the most appropriate method to secure private sector management and investment in the pier and this process is running in parallel to completing the infrastructure improvements on the pier. Very soon we will be exploring opportunities and coordinating vigorous marketing campaigns for the promotion of the Pier to include the new entrance and other development works. So far, the council has contributed to the RNLI development by replacing the sundeck, Over Ł1million has been spent on sewerage and fire protection works, the demolition and reconstruction of the 1976 fire-damaged area at Pier Head, commenced last week, this will be repaired to deck level and will provide an attractive investment opportunity when completed. Exploratory works for the new Pier Bridge and Entrance have also commenced and should be completed by the start of next season.The Council has commissioned Deloitte and Touche Management Consultants to research and advise on the most appropriate method to secure private sector management and investment in the pier and this process is running in parallel to completing the infrastructure improvements on the pier. Very soon we will be exploring opportunities and coordinating vigorous marketing campaigns for the promotion of the Pier to include the new entrance and other development works. So far, the council has contributed to the RNLI development by replacing the sundeck, Over Ł1million has been spent on sewerage and fire protection works, the demolition and reconstruction of the 1976 fire-damaged area at Pier Head, commenced last week, this will be repaired to deck level and will provide an attractive investment opportunity when completed. Exploratory works for the new Pier Bridge and Entrance have also commenced and should be completed by the start of next season.
Slide 10:Promote business parks in tandem with regeneration of the Victoria Avenue area
Business Parks Expansion to be focused within local and central areas High Street upgrade to be achieved through improvements to “environment” and “offering” Improve Hamlet Court Road by replicating Leigh Broadway Develop Brighton Lanes concept in York Road Retail The regeneration of the Victoria Avenue area is very much on the agenda particularly as a result of the Councillors’ Scrutiny of the Town Centre which resulted in a ten year strategy for the regeneration of the town centre. I have brought some copies of this strategy with me today, and if anyone missed out on it earlier in the year, please do take one, as the recommendations, which were accepted by Council, fit in well with the Partnership’s priorities. With regards to Retail – Partners want the expansion of retail to be focused within the local and central retail areas – this issue will again be addressed during the Review of the Borough Local Plan. A High Street upgrade to be achieved through improvements to “environment” and “offering” – the SSHAPE project is obviously under way now and Phase 1 of the paving works (WH Smith to Elmer Approach) is due for completion at the end of October. Discussions are also being held with EEDA to try to secure a large-scale project in the region of Ł25million to take forward the implementation of the Town Centre Strategy. This is in the very early stages of discussion and we will keep the Partnership updated on progress made. The issue of Hamlet Court Road improvement is also on the agenda and the Department of Technical and Environmental Services is awaiting the outcome of a bid put forward to the DTI for improvements to the street. The Objective 2 facilitator is also working with the traders in Hamlet Court Road to try to find some way of funding further improvements and support. York Road market is now the home for the Borough Patrol Officers and it is beginning to get some attention. The market is a potential development project through Objective 2.The regeneration of the Victoria Avenue area is very much on the agenda particularly as a result of the Councillors’ Scrutiny of the Town Centre which resulted in a ten year strategy for the regeneration of the town centre. I have brought some copies of this strategy with me today, and if anyone missed out on it earlier in the year, please do take one, as the recommendations, which were accepted by Council, fit in well with the Partnership’s priorities. With regards to Retail – Partners want the expansion of retail to be focused within the local and central retail areas – this issue will again be addressed during the Review of the Borough Local Plan. A High Street upgrade to be achieved through improvements to “environment” and “offering” – the SSHAPE project is obviously under way now and Phase 1 of the paving works (WH Smith to Elmer Approach) is due for completion at the end of October. Discussions are also being held with EEDA to try to secure a large-scale project in the region of Ł25million to take forward the implementation of the Town Centre Strategy. This is in the very early stages of discussion and we will keep the Partnership updated on progress made. The issue of Hamlet Court Road improvement is also on the agenda and the Department of Technical and Environmental Services is awaiting the outcome of a bid put forward to the DTI for improvements to the street. The Objective 2 facilitator is also working with the traders in Hamlet Court Road to try to find some way of funding further improvements and support. York Road market is now the home for the Borough Patrol Officers and it is beginning to get some attention. The market is a potential development project through Objective 2.
Slide 11:Review current bedroom capacity/quality Establish demand/potential especially from other UK regions Agree appropriate hotel sites with landowners - goal to double existing capacity Joint marketing by business/council Initiate discussion with Shipping companies to explore feasibility of floating hotel
Hotels A major subject on the Regeneration priorities is Hotels. A research project is currently being done by Humberts Leisure into the Hotel sector in Southend, and this will shortly be followed up by a study looking at hotels throughout the Thames Gateway region. A review of current capacity has been undertaken, an assessment of demand, and looking at potential sites. I will be able to report back to this Partnership the outcomes of that study at the next meeting in November. I think the Town Clerk will also be able to update us on the current situation with the gasworks site. The Partnership wanted to develop joint marketing approaches with the Council, and we will be very interested to hear more from the Partnership on how it would like to move forward this proposal. Another goal was to initiate discussion with Shipping Companies to explore the feasibility of a floating hotel. The Council has not progressed this point, although I understand a member of the Partnership has had discussions with one particular company.A major subject on the Regeneration priorities is Hotels. A research project is currently being done by Humberts Leisure into the Hotel sector in Southend, and this will shortly be followed up by a study looking at hotels throughout the Thames Gateway region. A review of current capacity has been undertaken, an assessment of demand, and looking at potential sites. I will be able to report back to this Partnership the outcomes of that study at the next meeting in November. I think the Town Clerk will also be able to update us on the current situation with the gasworks site. The Partnership wanted to develop joint marketing approaches with the Council, and we will be very interested to hear more from the Partnership on how it would like to move forward this proposal. Another goal was to initiate discussion with Shipping Companies to explore the feasibility of a floating hotel. The Council has not progressed this point, although I understand a member of the Partnership has had discussions with one particular company.
Slide 12:Creating facilities for seawater and leisure pools
Swimming Pools Local businesses to be supportive of the proposed improvements including integration with the Never Never Land site. Utilise run down shelters for creating niche mini arcades Cliff Gardens Creating facilities for seawater and leisure pools is another thing that the Partnership wanted to see. This will require very significant levels of capital investment and will probably therefore require a private sector partnership to achieve this priority. With regard to Cliff Gardens, Ł1.5 million has been awarded by the National Lottery for a joint project for Never Never Land and the Cliff Gardens. Local businesses have provided support for the bandstand, the floral clock and the sun shelter and terraces (opposite Westcliff Hotel) towards this project. Support has come from the licensee of the bandstand catering company, KeyMed, Cory Environmental Trust and the Westcliff Hotel. The local community has also been approached with regards to sponsoring benches. The bid for this work requires 25% partnership funding, and any further support that local businesses wish to give will be very valuable.Creating facilities for seawater and leisure pools is another thing that the Partnership wanted to see. This will require very significant levels of capital investment and will probably therefore require a private sector partnership to achieve this priority. With regard to Cliff Gardens, Ł1.5 million has been awarded by the National Lottery for a joint project for Never Never Land and the Cliff Gardens. Local businesses have provided support for the bandstand, the floral clock and the sun shelter and terraces (opposite Westcliff Hotel) towards this project. Support has come from the licensee of the bandstand catering company, KeyMed, Cory Environmental Trust and the Westcliff Hotel. The local community has also been approached with regards to sponsoring benches. The bid for this work requires 25% partnership funding, and any further support that local businesses wish to give will be very valuable.
Slide 13:Transportation Priorities
Electronic car parking signage Car parking Park and ride Road works and public disruptions Bus station & Transport Interchange Bus services The third main set of priorities was under the “Transportation” banner. The third main set of priorities was under the “Transportation” banner.
Slide 14:Real time signage must be expedited
Electronic car parking signage Adequate safe car parking needs improving as currently it remains a constraint on business growth Car Parking Encourage and accommodate expected increased activity in town In depth study of park and ride facility
Slide 15:These should be better coordinated between county and Southend councils and utilities to avoid peak tourism periods with overnight scheduling
Road works and public disruptions May not be appropriate for our needs but if it has to occupy a potential development site it should incorporate car/cycle parking, toilet facilities, disabled access and commercial development if appropriate for needs Bus Station Since the implementation of Section 74 of the New Roads and Streetworks Act, all work done by utilities has to be under an agreed timespan. The Council has been enforcing this requirement and this has led to great improvements. The points concerning the bus station are still important, but due to the extra time and money taken to address the A13, and to change the Priory Crescent plans because of protests, and the need to compensate the businesses that will now be adversely affected, the money earmarked for the bus station has been used. As a result, the government has been asked for further monies to progress the bus station work, and we are expecting to hear the result of this request in December. Since the implementation of Section 74 of the New Roads and Streetworks Act, all work done by utilities has to be under an agreed timespan. The Council has been enforcing this requirement and this has led to great improvements. The points concerning the bus station are still important, but due to the extra time and money taken to address the A13, and to change the Priory Crescent plans because of protests, and the need to compensate the businesses that will now be adversely affected, the money earmarked for the bus station has been used. As a result, the government has been asked for further monies to progress the bus station work, and we are expecting to hear the result of this request in December.
Slide 16:Adjoining Victoria Station and should include parking for coaches/buses, taxes, car/cycles. Consider more effective use of goods yard area
Transport Interchange adjoining Victoria Station Make available throughout the night particularly at weekends Bus Services The transport interchange adjoining Victoria Station is being looked at – the Technical Services Officers have had talks with the rail companies, and it is possibly that there may be funds available through the Rail Passenger Partnership. Bus services to be made available throughout the night, particularly at weekends, was another goal under the Transportation priorities. Mick Thwaites of the Police has reported that the Licensing Unit has been looking at other towns and how they deal with getting people out of the town centre late at night. There have been many good ideas and examples of best practice from elsewhere, but the key thing to do is to set up a committed group of individuals from business, the community and transport companies to see what ideas would work specifically in Southend. The Police would be very pleased to hear from anybody who would like to move this issue forward.The transport interchange adjoining Victoria Station is being looked at – the Technical Services Officers have had talks with the rail companies, and it is possibly that there may be funds available through the Rail Passenger Partnership. Bus services to be made available throughout the night, particularly at weekends, was another goal under the Transportation priorities. Mick Thwaites of the Police has reported that the Licensing Unit has been looking at other towns and how they deal with getting people out of the town centre late at night. There have been many good ideas and examples of best practice from elsewhere, but the key thing to do is to set up a committed group of individuals from business, the community and transport companies to see what ideas would work specifically in Southend. The Police would be very pleased to hear from anybody who would like to move this issue forward.
Slide 17:Housekeeping Priorities
Town Centre Management Partnership solution to cleansing issues First Aid Millennium Makeover Finally, the Partnership outlined its priorities under the “housekeeping” banner.Finally, the Partnership outlined its priorities under the “housekeeping” banner.
Slide 18:Establish Town Centre Management Company in accordance with guidelines of SBTP Town Centre submission
Town Centre Management Improve litter cleansing at peak times Improve standards of cleansing of cliff gardens as it is not of the same standard compared to the adjoining roads Rubbish bins for the seafront A Partnership solution to Cleansing Issues The establishment of a Town Centre Management Company in accordance with the guidelines of the Partnership’s Town Centre submission. As you know, the report produced by the Town Centre Scrutiny was accepted by Council, and one of the recommendations is to review the issue of Town Centre Management. A number of choices were suggested for consideration including a stand-alone not for profit company. The current Town Centre Manager is looking at different options for town centre management. Cleansing Issues Bins on the seafront area were doubled in number last year in response to traders’ concerns. The High Street agreement with traders concerning cleansing has led to improvements which have been seen by the Council and traders alike. Cleansing by Cory is undertaken throughout the day in the High Street. The establishment of a Town Centre Management Company in accordance with the guidelines of the Partnership’s Town Centre submission. As you know, the report produced by the Town Centre Scrutiny was accepted by Council, and one of the recommendations is to review the issue of Town Centre Management. A number of choices were suggested for consideration including a stand-alone not for profit company. The current Town Centre Manager is looking at different options for town centre management. Cleansing Issues Bins on the seafront area were doubled in number last year in response to traders’ concerns. The High Street agreement with traders concerning cleansing has led to improvements which have been seen by the Council and traders alike. Cleansing by Cory is undertaken throughout the day in the High Street.
Slide 19:Ensure there is a coordinated “First Aid” strategy for the seafront
First Aid Repeat annually Millennium Makeover The Partners wanted to see a coordinated First Aid strategy for the seafront. First aid of the seafront is undertaken by Pier and Foreshore staff and St John Ambulance. All Pier and Foreshore permanent staff are fully trained. The Pier and Foreshore Office and St John Ambulance agree a timetable for cover each year. Due to a lack of volunteers St John Ambulance has less resources these days although they have fulfilled their agreed obligations this year. First Aid cover is monitored daily by Pier and Foreshore staff and reviewed periodically pre and post season. The Partnership wanted to see an annual repeat of the Millennium Makeover. This was not deemed to be an appropriate strategy as there is a danger that it can encourage people to dump their waste knowing it will be cleaned up. But innovative approaches have been taken, including an annual project called Alley Attack, and the continuation of the Wipe Out Grafitti initiative which is ongoing (telephone 345484). The Partners wanted to see a coordinated First Aid strategy for the seafront. First aid of the seafront is undertaken by Pier and Foreshore staff and St John Ambulance. All Pier and Foreshore permanent staff are fully trained. The Pier and Foreshore Office and St John Ambulance agree a timetable for cover each year. Due to a lack of volunteers St John Ambulance has less resources these days although they have fulfilled their agreed obligations this year. First Aid cover is monitored daily by Pier and Foreshore staff and reviewed periodically pre and post season. The Partnership wanted to see an annual repeat of the Millennium Makeover. This was not deemed to be an appropriate strategy as there is a danger that it can encourage people to dump their waste knowing it will be cleaned up. But innovative approaches have been taken, including an annual project called Alley Attack, and the continuation of the Wipe Out Grafitti initiative which is ongoing (telephone 345484).
Slide 20:Conclusion
Let’s keep on moving forward together In conclusion, I think the Partnership and Council should be pleased with the progress that has been made on the issues important to local business. There are of course, still issues that the Council and the Partnership will not necessarily agree on, but by the continued working between the two bodies, common ground can often be found. In conclusion, I think the Partnership and Council should be pleased with the progress that has been made on the issues important to local business. There are of course, still issues that the Council and the Partnership will not necessarily agree on, but by the continued working between the two bodies, common ground can often be found.