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Looking back at your preliminary task ,what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ?
The Run Title for our film is in Bold White Text in Capitals , this made our film for professional as all other text is in the same colour , this also triggered strings to play loud and it the fact that it gives it sort of a climax within the film .However the titles on the prelim , was very boring and basic this shows our development with music and text , it also shows our professional development , expressing what we have learnt about the movies .The Prelim text had background acting this doesn’t give the title text the interest of the audience as they concentrating on what is going on .
In this prelim, I recorded with another group last year the titles are shown from 1:20-1:29.The font of the titles is simple and in the white , there are not any added effects to the text , which gives is a very dull look , this doesn’t give any hints to what genre it is based on, this doesn’t grab the audiences attention . In the Opening of our Youth Drama , the titles fade in and out , this helps create a sad and depressed ton , which helps convey sympathy for our victim . Before the title Sequence begins our production and distribution company is shown unlike the prelim , it just starts . This shows our understanding of the conventions of a youth drama
During our Prelim we had no close ups , this could over been used to convey how scared another student was , or perhaps how brave one was , these could have been used really effectively . The use of lighting was not good as this was unchanged and we could of used a dark setting , to convey more emotion. However in our film we used close ups of Loic’s eye to create sympathy and to show that he thought the lights were beautiful creating a nice vibe even though he was a victim close up of Loic packing was used to show his seriousness and The close up in Trafalgar Square had Loic looking upset , which created a upsetting vibe. We used lighting to our advantage even with natural light we used this through of time-lapse to demonstrate how time passes on his adventure , also in the bedroom we wanted to create dark and unnatural vibe , the dido light helped us with this .
The lack of mise en scene is obvious , it was recorded in a college / workplace as it has me walking through a corridor with a gun and has me integrating someone , as if it was normal of me to do so in a college , which it obviously isn’t . The Props were used well such as the rope and Gun , but did were not conventional due to the bomb . The light also does not help as you would be very unlikely to integrate someone in broad daylight in front of a window , this is quite a silly idea ,this didn’t help set the mood and tone , so it also added to making the film seem out of place.
As For our teen film the lighting helps the film progress , as it changes from day to night , we done this by checking for Sun down times. We also did not film whilst it was very sunny as we wanted to create a gloomy sort of vibe which allowed the Victim , to be literally under the weather and depressed. The Mise En Scene and Props used assisted the conventions as he was traveling with items you would need such as a phone and wallet and carrying a backpack to place it all in . The setting allows us to picture his journey and gives the idea that he has travelled far in search of a better life , this allows more sympathy to be given to our character .
I believe this over the shoulder shot is a marvellous shot ,as it shows the conversation between the man and the female and really allows us to see how she reacts to this conversation .
However in our opening we have a Low Angle shot looking above from at Loic shutting the window , filmed by myself by having to lie on the bed and film with great precision , A mid shot was first used to show him opening the window this helps see his actions from different perspectives and helps our title sequence , look more professional and flow that much better .
However these two action shots showing me taking of my jacket and opening the door perhaps could have been filmed in a different way . The positions of characters seem that bit dull and to create a more interesting pace and help it flow that much better , we could of perhaps experimented with our camera angels . There could have been a close up with my hand on the door to create more tensions and also make it easier to watch.
In my old groups prelim , as I sat down we used a tracking shot to follow my movement , this could have been done better as the camera as I sat down never tracked me properly as it jumped down and it could have been filmed with a set of better shots . When Loic Sat down we did this by having a shot of him walking and then showed him sitting and then this was followed by a close-up this allowed us to great a more better flowing film and this was more interesting to watch than a shot not filmed properly and in one shot .
High Angle shot of Loic walking in the rural area was used then followed of a wide shot of him walking this all obeyed the 180 degree rule , this was make sure this was in the right direction as we may confuse the audience .In the Prelim no high angle shots were used this makes it more boring and dragging as our shots were so similar , although match cuts were used , these were the only form of camera editing used , although we used close cuts and jump cuts to make the film flow that extra bit more .