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Child Development Permit Leaflet (CL-797) . Requirements for all permit levels including alternative options may be accessible via the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website at www.ctc.ca.gov. . Child Development Permits. AssistantAssociate TeacherTeacherMaster TeacherSite SupervisorProgram Director.
1. Child Development Permits
2. Child Development Permit Leaflet (CL-797)
Requirements for all permit levels including alternative options may be accessible via the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website at www.ctc.ca.gov.
3. Child Development Permits Assistant
Associate Teacher
Master Teacher
Site Supervisor
Program Director
4. Child Development Assistant Permit 6 units of ECE/CD coursework
Complete (HERO) or ROP Programs in CD Related Occupation
5. Child Development Associate Permit 12 units of course work in ECE/CD, including the core areas and 50 days of experience in an instructional capacity in a child care and development program
Possess a National Child Development Associate (CDA) credential
6. Child Development Teacher Permit 24 units of course work in ECE/CD, including the core areas; 16 semester units in general education and 175 days of experience
AA degree in ECE/CD including 3 units of supervised field experience in an ECE setting
7. Child Development Master Teacher Permit 24 units of course work in ECE /CD, including the core areas; 16 units in general education; 6 units in one area of specialization; 2 units in adult supervision and 350 days of experience
BA degree; 12 ECE /CD units and 3 units of supervised field experience in ECE
8. Child Development Site Supervisor Permit 24 units of course work in ECE/CD, including the core areas; AA degree or 60 units; 6 additional units in administration and supervision and 350 days of experience including 100 days supervising adults
BA degree; 12 ECE/CD units and 3 units of supervised field experience in ECE
9. Child Development Site Supervisor Permit cont. Valid Administrative Services Credential; 12 more units in ECE/CD and 3 units of supervised field experience in ECE
Valid MS Credential or SS Credential in Home Economics; 12 more units in ECE/CD coursework and 3 units of supervised field experience in ECE
10. Child Development Director Permit 24 units of course work in ECE/CD including the core areas; BA degree; 6 more units in administration and supervision; 2 semester units in adult supervision and 1 year site supervisor experience
11. Child Development Director Permit cont. Valid Administrative Services Credential; 12 more units in ECE/CD coursework and 3 units of supervised field experience in ECE
Valid MS Credential or SS Credential in Home Economics; 12 more units in ECE/ CD coursework; 3 units of supervised field experience; 6 additional units in administration
12. Child Development Director Permit cont. Masters Degree or higher in ECE, Child Human Development or closely related Field
13. Early Childhood Education (ECE) Child Development (CD) Course Work All ECE/CD course work must be:
Associate or higher degree-applicable
From a regionally-accredited college or university
Completed with a grade of “C” or higher
Up to twenty-five percent of units may cover
school-age content
14. Core Course Work Child/human growth and development
Child, family and community or child and family relations
All core courses must be at least three semester or four quarter units
15. General Education Course Work Associate or higher degree-applicable
From a regionally-accredited college or university
Completed with a grade of “C” or higher
GE Course Work Guide located on the CIG
Remedial course work is not acceptable
16. General Education Course Work Requires sixteen semester units with at least one course in each of the following areas:
17. Teaching Experience
Must be verified on a Verification of Experience form or letterhead
Must clearly specify days worked and employment dates
*Full-time experience is defined as at least three hours worked in any one day
18. Master Teacher Specialization
Units must form a concentration in a specific area
- Infant and Toddler Care
- Bilingual and Bicultural Development
- Children with Exceptional Needs
- Preschool Programming
- Parent/Teacher Relations
- Child Health
- Specific areas of developmentally appropriate curriculum
19. Supervised Field Experience A lab, practicum, field experience or internship in which the student works with preschoolers and is supervised by either someone from the college or university or a designee
20. Administration and Supervision
Two courses; one introductory and one advanced course, or two courses of different topical content covering issues such as program planning, budgeting and personnel administration
21. Adult Supervision or Mentoring Class Helps candidate develop knowledge and skills needed for effective communication and supervision of adults
22. School-Age Emphasis Authorization Authorizes holder to provide services authorized by the corresponding permit plus provide service in care, development and instruction of children in before-school, after-school, and other school-age child care programs
23. School-Age Emphasis Authorization Requirements:
Completion of one-half of the corresponding permit’s required ECE/CD units in school-age course work
24. School-Age Emphasis Authorization School-age course work:
Covers the developmental, social and academic needs of children and youth ages birth through fourteen.
25. Home Day Care Experience The hours spent running a home day care may be counted toward the experience requirement for all permit levels
26. Requirements:
Small or large Family Child Care Home License issued by the Department of Social Services
Form CL-878 from the applicant with dates of the experience
Supporting letters or form CL-877 from parents verifying attendance in family child care program
29. Home Day Care Experience for Site Supervisor and Program Directors The hours spent running a home day care may be counted toward the supervision experience requirements for both permit levels
30. Requirements:
Large Family Child Care Home License issued by Department of Social Services
Program Directors must have held the Large license for one program year
Form CL-878 from the applicant with dates of the experience including supervisory duties
Supporting letters or form CL-877 from parents verifying attendance in family child care program
Alternative to course-by-course transcript evaluation for each permit
Child development program and course content is reviewed and approved to meet the specific requirements for a child development permit
Available for all six types of child development permits
Verification of Completion (VOC) Program
32. VOC Program Purpose
Speeds up issuance of CD Permits
Fewer applications returned
Assures CTC will accept courses
No transcripts required except for auditing
33. VOC Process
Child Development Application Processing Guidebook located on CIG
Provides information about CTC-approved Child Development Permit Verification Programs
34. VOC Participants
Any regionally-accredited California college or university with CTC-approved Child Development Permit Verification of Completion Program
Program is voluntary
35. Program submits a brief description of college or university and child development program
Program submits description of course work and student advisement process How the VOC Process Works
36. CTC staff:
Reviews the proposal
Requests additional material for clarification or notifies the program and college president of approval How the VOC Process Works
37. Approved programs verify the appropriate course work for a permit has been completed by providing a signed Verification of Completion form with each application
Applications can be submitted to CTC by the approved program, CDTC or the applicant
How the VOC Process Works
38. Advising Students Help students determine what permit levels to apply for
Provide form 41-4
Be sure all areas of form are completed:
Personal Information
Permit Level
Character and Fitness Questions
Oath and Affidavit
39. Advising Students
Only Livescan fingerprints are acceptable, using form 41-LS
Make sure “FIRST TIME” box on form 41-4 is checked
Form 41-4 incorporates all character and identification questions
Leaflet CL-271 provides fingerprint information
40. Fee Details Current application processing fee of $55 payable to CTC
DOJ and FBI Livescan fingerprint fees paid directly to the Livescan operator (service fee may also be charged)
41. Applications Submitted Through Child Development Training Consortium Pays application processing fees for eligible applicants
Reimburses first-timers for fingerprint processing fees
Forwards application to CTC
42. Child Development Questions
Permit Questions: credentials@ctc.ca.gov
VOC Process Questions: childdev@ctc.ca.gov