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Umalusi’s presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 2009 / 10 Annual Report 14 October 2010 Dr Mafu S Rakometsi. Purpose / Mandate Summarised External Environment : Impact on Umalusi Organisational Performance per Unit Financial Information
Umalusi’s presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 2009 / 10 Annual Report 14 October 2010 Dr Mafu S Rakometsi
Purpose / Mandate Summarised • External Environment : Impact on Umalusi • Organisational Performance per Unit • Financial Information • Current Issues and Way Forward • Conclusion • Overview
Umalusi commenced with its new and extended mandate as a Quality Council for GFET on 1 June 2009. Umalusi’s mandate is determined by two Acts namely, the National Qualifications Framework Act of 2008; and the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act of 2001 amended in 2008. While it is now fully accountable for its new mandate its founding act, the GENFETQA Act no 58 of 2001 amended in 2008, allows for Umalusi to take on its mandate progressively subject to capacity. • Purpose / Mandate Summarised
Umalusi is tasked with the following: Qualifications • Develop and manage a sub-framework of qualifications in collaboration with SAQA and the other two QCs supported by the necessary policies and processes • Monitor and report on the adequacy and suitability of qualifications and standards in general and further education and training • Purpose / Mandate Summarised 2
Quality Assurance Develop and implement quality assurance policies that include: • Accreditation of private providers of education and training and assessment to offer qualifications on the GFET sub-framework of qualifications; • Quality assure assessments at exit points and certify learner achievement • Purpose / Mandate Summarised 2
Purpose / Mandate Summarised 3 Information Maintain a database of learner achievements and related matters; and submit such data in a format determined in consultation with the SAQA for recording on the national learners’ records database – this requirement has remained the same Research While Umalusi has always grounded its work in research this function was only formalised under the new and extended mandate, which requires Umalusi to commission and publish research on issues of importance to the development and implementation of the sub-framework
Advice and Collaboration Included in the amended mandate is the formalization of relationships which include: • Advice to the relevant Minister on matters relating to the GFET sub-framework of qualifications • Collaboration with the SAQA and other QCs in terms of the education and training system • Establishment of co-operative relationships with professional bodies • Advocacy of the sub-framework of qualifications • Purpose / Mandate Summarised 4
While maintaining the standard, routine quality assurance work, Umalusi has moved swiftly towards taking on all its new functions. However, the following aspects in the macro environment continue to impact on Umalusi: • The passing of the NQF Act in 2009; which has required changes in relationships and functions with bodies in the quality assurance landscape; • The amendment of the GENFETQA Act in 2008; which has required more capacity and a review of Umalusi’s positions and approaches; • The amendment of the Skills Development Act and the establishment of the QCTO with new approaches that impact on the work of Umalusi; • Amendment of the HE Act with approaches that impact on Umalusi’s work; • External Environment : Impact on Umalusi
The introduction of two new and high profile qualifications during this time, namely the National Senior Certificate to replace the old Senior Certificate, and the National Certificate: Vocational to replace the old National Technical Certificates, has had significant new work implications; • The splitting of the Education Ministry has placed Umalusi in the position of straddling the education and training system in respect of its quality assurance work, reporting lines and funding streams. This has effectively required the establishment of new and different relationships, and engagement with new priorities and demands. • External Environment : Impact on Umalusi
Umalusi believes that educational standards and quality are set and maintained through a combination of processes and interventions and designed its rigorous quality assurance regime for 2009/2010 to encompass the following: • Development of new qualifications (as identified); evaluation and benchmarking of existing qualifications and curricula (Intended curriculum) and issuing authentic certificates • Ensuring through external moderation processes, analyses and benchmarking that assessments at exit points are of an acceptable standard and that the examinations are conducted in a credible manner through verifying the national and provincial monitoring systems (Examined curriculum) • Umalusi’s Quality Assurance Regime 2009/2010
Ensuring that standardisation processes are reliable, consistent and standardisation decisions are upheld • Accrediting private institutions (schools, FET colleges and Adult Centres), and private assessment bodies to offer / assess the qualifications Umalusi certifies (Enacted curriculum) • Conducting research to inform and support quality assurance functions and to support “Advice to the Minister” • Umalusi’s Quality Assurance Regime 2009/2010
The role of QCC is to ensure and enhance the status and quality of the qualifications Umalusi certifies. Quality assuring the qualifications and their related curricula is QCC’s contribution to the overall quality of the certificate which Umalusi issues. This function also oversees the issuing and verification of certificates. (Qualifications: SC; NSC; N3; NCV 4; GETC: adults) • Qualifications, Curriculum & Certification Unit (QCC)
This function entails establishing, maintaining and improving standards and quality in assessment at exit points in General and Further Education and Training. In order to fulfil this function, Umalusi uses five key processes: • external moderation of question papers; • verification of monitoring the conduct of examinations; • external moderation of marking; • external moderation of continuous assessment; and • standardisation of assessment results. (Qualifications: SC; NSC; N3; NCV 4; GETC: adults) • Quality Assurance of Assessments Unit (QAA)
The evaluation and accreditation function is responsible for the accreditation and monitoring of private institutions offering the qualifications Umalusi certifies. The unit evaluates, • The ability of education and training providers to implement registered qualifications and approved curriculum that Umalusi certifies; and • The capacity of providers and assessment bodies to conduct practical, internal, and external assessment of learner achievement, leading to the issuing of registered qualifications by Umalusi. • Evaluation and Accreditation Unit • (E&A)
The mandate of the SIR unit is to conduct research as identified by the needs of the organisation and report on the key indicators of quality and standards in general and further education and training; the establishment and maintenance of databases; to lead statistical research and analysis; and to inform and provide statistical support for the work in other units. The SIR Unit also plays a role in organizational and professional development at Umalusi. • Statistical Information and Research Unit • (SIR)
Management Support Structures (MSS) Management Support Structures ensures that: • Strategic plans are in place and that the organisation carries out its remit • Corporate Governance • Advocacy of Umalusi’s work • Stakeholders relationships
Funding model: With the declining grant percentage Umalusi has proposed to DBE for a move from a certification fee to a Quality Assurance Levy or an increase in the certification fees • Reporting to DBE: has resulted in lack of consultation and unfunded mandates from DHET in the area of qualifications development, and review namely assessment and qualifications offered in FET colleges and adult education • Current Issues and the Way Forward
Consultative processes continue with the Departments of Basic and Higher Education, SAQA, QCTO and HEQC, and related stakeholders through the NQF Forum • Thanks to the Portfolio Committee Chairperson, Ms F I Chohan and her members for their support • Conclusion