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Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 1. au0to&j, au0th/, au0to&. fe/rw, oi1sw, h0negka, h0ne/xqhn.5.3. stratiw&thj, stratiw&tou, o(. keleu/w, keleu/sw, e0ke/leusa. Farisai=oj, Farisai/ou, o(. Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 1. 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; lao&j, laou=, o(.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 1 au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& fe/rw, oi1sw, h0negka, h0ne/xqhn.5.3 stratiw&thj, stratiw&tou, o( keleu/w, keleu/sw, e0ke/leusa Farisai=oj, Farisai/ou, o( Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 1 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; lao&j, laou=, o( eu0aggeli/zw, , eu0hgge/lisa, eu0hggeli/sqhn While Jesus was preaching the gospel to the people, the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bring him. WhileJesuswas preaching the gospelto the people, the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bring him. While Jesus was preaching the gospel to the people, the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bringhim. WhileJesuswas preaching the gospelto the people,the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bring him. While Jesus was preaching the gospel to the people, the Phariseeswere commanding the soldiers to bring him. While Jesus was preaching the gospel to the people, the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bring him. While Jesus was preaching the gospel to the people,the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bring him. While Jesus was preaching the gospel to the people, the Pharisees were commanding the soldiers to bring him. e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein to_n 0Ihsou=n tw~| law~| oi9 Farisai=oi e0ke/leuon tou\j stratiw~taj e0ne/gkai e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein to_n 0Ihsou=n tw~| law~| e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein to_n 0Ihsou=n tw~| law~| oi9 Farisai=oi e0ke/leuon tou\j stratiw~taj e0ne/gkai au0to&n. e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein to_n 0Ihsou=n tw~| law~| oi9 Farisai=oi e0ke/leuon tou\j stratiw~taj e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein to_n 0Ihsou=n tw~| law~| oi9 Farisai=oi e0n tw~~| eu0aggeli/zein to_n 0Ihsou=n tw~| law~| oi9 Farisai=oi e0ke/leuon
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 2 e1rxomai, e0leu/somai, h]lqon; au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& maqhth/j, maqhtou=, o(; au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; o!xloj, o!xlou, o( a)pe/rxomai, a)peleu/somai, a)ph=lqon keleu/w, keleu/sw, e0ke/leusa Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 2 AfterJesushad commanded the crowds to go away, his disciples came to him. AfterJesushad commanded the crowds to go away, his disciples came to him. After Jesus had commanded the crowds to go away, his disciplescame to him. After Jesus had commanded the crowds to go away, his disciples came to him. After Jesus had commanded the crowds to go away,his disciples came to him. After Jesus had commanded the crowds to go away, his disciplescame to him. meta_ to_ keleu=sai meta_ to_ keleu=sai to_n 0Ihsou=n tou\j o!xlouj a0pelqei=n oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= meta_ to_ keleu=sai to_n 0Ihsou=n tou\j o!xlouj meta_ to_ keleu=sai to_n 0Ihsou=n tou\j o!xlouj a0pelqei=n meta_ to_ keleu=sai to_n 0Ihsou=n tou\j o!xlouj a0pelqei=n oi9 maqhtai\ au0tou= h]lqon pro_j au0to&n.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 3 qe/lw, qelh/sw, h0qe/lhsa ble/pw, o!yomai, ei]don, w!fqhn; 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o( poreu/omai, poreu/somai, e0poreusa&mhn, e0poreu/qhn ou[toj, au3th, tou=to; kw&mh, kw&mhj, h9 Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 3 If we wish to see Jesus, let us go into this village. If we wish to see Jesus,let us go into this village. If we wish to see Jesus, let us gointo this village. If we wish to see Jesus, let us go into this village. If we wish to see Jesus, let us go into this village. ei0 qe/lomen ei0 qe/lomen to_n 0Ihsou=n i0dei=n ei0 qe/lomen to_n 0Ihsou=n i0dei=n poreuqw&meqa ei0 qe/lomen to_n 0Ihsou=n i0dei=n poreuqw&meqa ei0j tau/thn th\n kw&mhn.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 4 le/gw, , ei]pon, e0rre/qhn au0to&j, au0th/, au0to&; e1cesti, e1cestai lamba&nw, lh/myomai, e1labon, e0lh/mfqhn ou[toj, au3th, tou=to; i9ma&tion, i9mati/ou, to& Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 4 They said that it was lawful for them to take these garments. They saidthat it was lawful for them to take these garments. They said that it was lawful for them to take these garments. They said that it was lawful for them to take these garments. They said that it was lawful for them to take these garments. ei]pon ei]pon o#ti e1cesti au0toi=j ei]pon o#ti e1cesti au0toi=j labei=n ei]pon o#ti e1cesti au0toi=j labei=n tau=ta ta_ i(ma&tia.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 5 ble/pw, o1yomai, ei]don, w!fqhn dei= ui9o&j, ui9ou=, o(; a!nqrwpoj, a)nqrw&pou, o( pa&sxw, pei/somai, e1paqon; ou[toj, au3th, tou=to Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 5 They saw that it was necessary for the Son of Man to suffer these things. They saw that it was necessary for the Son of Man to suffer these things. They saw that it was necessaryfor the Son of Man to suffer these things. They saw that it was necessary for the Son of Manto suffer these things. They saw that it was necessary for the Son of Man to suffer these things. ei]don ei]don o#ti dei= ei]don o#ti dei= to_n ui9o_n tou= a)nqrw&pou ei]don o#ti dei= to_n ui9o_n tou= a)nqrw&pou paqei=n tau=ta.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 6 a)pe/rxomai, a)peleu/somai, a)ph=lqon o!xloj, o!xlou, o( 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; ou[toj, au3th, tou=to Farisai=oj, Farisai/ou, o( le/gw, , ei]pon, e0rre/qhn Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 6 AfterJesushad said these things to the Pharisees, the multitudes went away. AfterJesushad said these things to the Pharisees, the multitudes went away. After Jesus had said these things to the Pharisees, the multitudes went away. After Jesus had said these things to the Pharisees, the multitudes went away. After Jesus had said these things to the Pharisees, the multitudes went away. After Jesus had said these things to the Pharisees, the multitudes went away. meta_ to_ ei0pei=n meta_ to_ ei0pei=n to_n 0Ihsou=n tau=ta toi=j Farisai/oij, oi9 o!xloi meta_ to_ ei0pei=n to_n 0Ihsou=n tau=ta meta_ to_ ei0pei=n to_n 0Ihsou=n tau=ta toi=j Farisai/oij, meta_ to_ ei0pei=n to_n 0Ihsou=n tau=ta toi=j Farisai/oij, oi9 o1xloi a)ph=lqon.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 7 ei0mi/, e1somai maqhth/j, maqhtou=, o(; 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o( a!rxwn, a!rxontoj, o(; keleu/w, keleu/sw, e0ke/leusa a)pe/rxomai, a)peleu/somai, a)ph=lqon Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 7 On account of our not being disciples of Jesus, the ruler will command us to go away. On account of our not being disciples of Jesus, the ruler will command us to go away. On account of our not being disciples of Jesus, the ruler will commandus to go away. On account of our not being disciples of Jesus, the ruler will command us to go away. On account of our not being disciples of Jesus, the ruler will command us to go away. dia_ to_ h9ma~j mh\ ei]nai dia_ to_ h9ma~j mh\ ei]nai maqhta_j tou= 0Ihsou= dia_ to_ h9ma~j mh\ ei]nai maqhta_j tou= 0Ihsou=, o( a!rxwn keleu/sei dia_ to_ h9ma~j mh\ ei]nai maqhta_j tou= 0Ihsou=, o( a!rxwn keleu/sei h9ma~j a)pelqei=n.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 8 kh/russw, khru/cw, e0kh/ruca, e0khru/xqhn swthri/a, swthri/aj, h9; lao&j, laou=, o( 0 Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; dida&skw, dida&cw, e0di/daca, e0dida&xqhn maqhth/j, maqhtou=, o(; au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 8 After salvation had been proclaimed to the people, Jesus taught his disciples. Aftersalvationhad been proclaimed to the people, Jesus taught his disciples. After salvation had been proclaimed to the people, Jesus taught his disciples. After salvation had been proclaimed to the people, Jesus taught his disciples. After salvation had been proclaimed to the people, Jesus taught his disciples. meta_ to_ khruxqh=nai meta_ to_ khruxqh=nai th\n swthri/an tw~| law~|, meta_ to_ khruxqh=nai th\n swthri/an tw~| law~|, o( 0Ihsou=j e0di/dace meta_ to_ khruxqh=nai th\n swthri/an tw~| law~|, o( 0Ihsou=j e0di/dace tou\j maqhta_j au0tou=.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 9 pa&sxw, pei/somai, e1paqon ou[toj, au3th, tou=to o)fei/lw; proseu/xomai, proseu/comai, proshuca&mhn sw&zw, sw&sw, e1swsa, e0sw&qhn Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 9 When we suffer these things we ought to pray to the one who has saved us. When we suffer these things we ought to pray to the one who has saved us. When we suffer these things we ought to pray to the one who has saved us. When we suffer these things we ought to pray to the one who has saved us. When we suffer these things we ought to pray to the one who has saved us. pa&sxontej pa&sxontej tau=ta pa&sxontej tau=ta o)fei/lomen proseu/xesqai pa&sxontej tau=ta o)fei/lomen proseu/xesqai tw~| sw&santi h9ma~j.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 10 sw&zw, sw&sw, e1swsa, e0sw&qhn e0kei=noj, e0kei/nh, e0kei=no; w#ra, w#raj, h9 pisteu/w, pisteu/sw, e0pi/steusa, e0pisteu/qhn o1noma, o)no&matoj, to&; 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o( Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 10 We will be saved in that hour, because we have believed on the name of Jesus. We will be saved in that hour, because we have believed on the name of Jesus. We will be saved in that hour, because we have believed on the name of Jesus. We will be saved in that hour, because we have believed on the name of Jesus. We will be saved in that hour, because we have believed on the name of Jesus. swqhso&meqa swqhso&meqa e0n e0kei/nh| th=| w#ra|, swqhso&meqa e0n e0kei/nh| th=| w#ra|, o#ti e0pisteu/samen swqhso&meqa e0n e0kei/nh| th=| w#ra|, o#ti e0pisteu/samen ei0j to_ o!noma tou= 0Ihsou=.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 11 oi]koj, oi1kou, o( 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; ei0mi/, e1somai e0kei=noj, e0kei/nh, e0kei=no; kw&mh, kw&mhj, h9 ble/pw, o!yomai, ei]don, w!fqhn e1rxomai, e0leu/somai, h]lqon Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 11 Those who had come into that village saw that Jesus was in the house. Those who had come into that village saw that Jesus was in the house. Those who had come into that village saw that Jesus was in the house. Those who had come into that village saw that Jesus was in the house. Those who had come into that village sawthat Jesus was in the house. Those who had come into that village saw that Jesus was in the house. oi9 e0lqo&ntej oi9 e0lqo&ntej ei0j e0kei/nhn th\n kw&mhn ei]don to_n 0Ihsou=n ei]nai oi9 e0lqo&ntej ei0j e0kei/nhn th\n kw&mhn oi9 e0lqo&ntej ei0j e0kei/nhn th\n kw&mhn ei]don oi9 e0lqo&ntej ei0j e0kei/nhn th\n kw&mhn ei]don to_n 0Ihsou=n ei]nai e0n tw~| oi1kw|.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 12 au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& e0pistre/fw, e0pistre/yw, e0pe/streya, e0pestra&fhn a(marta&nw, a(marth/sw, h9ma&rthsa, h9marth/qhn lamba&nw, lh/myomai, e1labon, e0lh/mfqhn basilei/a, basilei/aj, h9; au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& a(marta&nw, a(marth/sw, h9ma&rthsa, h9marth/qhn qeo&j, qeou=, o( Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 12 Let us not sin, for Godwill not receive into his kingdom those who sin and do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receive into his kingdom those who sin and do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receive into his kingdom those who sin and do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receive into his kingdom those who sin and do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receive into his kingdom those who sinand do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receive into his kingdom those who sin and do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receive into his kingdomthose who sin and do not turn to him. Let us not sin, for God will not receiveinto his kingdom those who sin and do not turn to him. mh\ a(marta&nwmen mh\ a(marta&nwmen, o( ga_r qeo_j ou0 lh/myetai ei0j th\n basilei/an au0tou= tou\j a(marta&nontaj kai\ mh\ e0pistre/fontaj pro_j au0to&n. mh\ a(marta&nwmen, o( ga_r qeo_j ou0 lh/myetai mh\ a(marta&nwmen, o( ga_r qeo_j ou0 lh/myetai ei0j th\n basilei/an au0tou= mh\ a(marta&nwmen, o( ga_r qeo_j ou0 lh/myetai ei0j th\n basilei/an au0tou= tou\j a(marta&nontaj mh\ a(marta&nwmen, o( ga_r qeo_j ou0 lh/myetai ei0j th\n basilei/an au0tou= tou\j a(marta&nontaj kai\ mh\ e0pistre/fontaj mh\ a(marta&nwmen, o( ga_r qeo_j
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 13 e0kklhsi/a, e0kklhsi/aj, h9 diw&kw, diw&cw, e0di/wca, e0diw&xqhn ou[toj, au3th, tou=to; qeo&j, qeou=, o( stratiw&thj, stratiw&tou, o( proseu/xomai, proseu/comai, proshuca&mhn Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 13 Whilethese men were praying to God, the soldiers were persecuting the church. Whilethese menwere praying to God, the soldiers were persecuting the church. While these men were praying to God, the soldiers were persecutingthe church. While these men were praying to God, the soldiers were persecuting the church. While these men were praying to God, the soldiers were persecuting the church. While these men were praying to God, the soldiers were persecutingthe church. e0n tw~| proseu/xesqai e0n tw~| proseu/xesqai tou/touj tw~| qew~|, oi9 stratiw~tai e0di/wkon e0n tw~| proseu/xesqai tou/touj tw~| qew~|, e0n tw~| proseu/xesqai tou/touj tw~| qew~|, oi9 stratiw~tai e0n tw~| proseu/xesqai tou/touj tw~| qew~|, oi9 stratiw~tai e0di/wkon th\n e0kklhsi/an.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 14 qe/lw, qelh/sw, h1qelon le/gw, , ei]pon, e0rre/qhn ou[toj, au3th, tou=to; kw&mh, kw&mhj, h9 ei0se/rxomai, ei0seleu/somai, ei0sh=lqon Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 14 ble/pw, o!yomai, ei]don, w!fqhn; 0Ihsou=n, 0Ihsou=, o( And when they had entered into this village, they said that they wished to see Jesus. And when they had entered into this village, they said that they wished to see Jesus. And when they had entered into this village,they said that they wished to see Jesus. And when they had entered into this village, they said that they wished to see Jesus. And when they had entered into this village, they said that they wished to see Jesus. And when they had entered into this village, they said that they wishedto see Jesus. ei0selqo&ntej de\ ei0selqo&ntej de\ ei0j tau/thn th\n kw&mhn ei0selqo&ntej de\ ei0j tau/thn th\n kw&mhn, ei]pon o#ti qe/lousi i0dei=n to_n 0Ihsou=n. ei0selqo&ntej de\ ei0j tau/thn th\n kw&mhn, ei]pon ei0selqo&ntej de\ ei0j tau/thn th\n kw&mhn, ei]pon o#ti qe/lousi
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 15 ou[toj, au3th, tou=to; e1rxomai, e0leu/somai, h]lqon ble/pw, o!yomai, ei]don, w!fqhn e1rgon, e1rgou, to/; Xristo&j, Xristou=, o( Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 15 This woman came to see the works of the Christ. This woman came to see the works of the Christ. This woman came to see the works of the Christ. This woman came to see the works of the Christ. au3th h]lqe au3th h]lqe ei0j to_ i0dei=n au3th h]lqe ei0j to_ i0dei=n ta_ e1rga tou= Xristou=.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 16 au0to&j, au0th/, au0to& qerapeu/w, qerapeu/sw, e0qera&peusa, e0qerapeu/qhn fe/rw, oi1sw, h1negka, h0ne/xqhn 0Ihsou=j, 0Ihsou=, o(; Xristo&j, Xristou=, o( a!nqrwpoj, a)nqrw&pou, o( Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 16 The men were brought to Jesus Christ in order that he might heal them. The men were brought to Jesus Christ in order that he might heal them. The men were brought to Jesus Christ in order that he might healthem. The men were brought to Jesus Christ in order that he might heal them. The men were broughtto Jesus Christin order that he might heal them. The men were brought to Jesus Christ in order that he might healthem. oi9 a!nqrwpoi h0ne/xqhsan pro_j 0Ihsou=n Xristo_n i#na qerapeu/sh| oi9 a!nqrwpoi h0ne/xqhsan oi9 a!nqrwpoi h0ne/xqhsan pro_j 0Ihsou=n Xristo_n oi9 a!nqrwpoi oi9 a!nqrwpoi h0ne/xqhsan pro_j 0Ihsou=n Xristo_n i3na qerapeu/sh| au0tou/j.
Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 17 sw&zw, sw&sw, e1swsa, e0sw&qhn e0kklhsi/a, e0kklhsi/aj, h9 a)poqnh/skw, a)poqanou=mai, a)pe/qanon; dei= 9 au0to&j, au0th/, au0tou=; kefalh/, kefalh=j, h Chapter 22 Section 338 B, 17 Forthe church to be saved,its head must die. Forthe churchto be saved,its head must die. For the church to be saved,its headmust die. For the church to be saved, its head must die. For the church to be saved, its head must die. ei0j to_ swqh=nai ei0j to_ swqh=nai th\n e0kklhsi/an ei0j to_ swqh=nai th\n e0kklhsi/an a)poqanei=n dei= ei0j to_ swqh=nai th\n e0kklhsi/an a)poqanei=n dei= th\n kefalh\n au0th=j.