1. Overview of the New Banner Online Help Jesse Piersol, Banner Information Development
2. 2 The Bookshelf is a library of Banner PDF manuals organized to provide easy navigation throughout the doc set. The Bookshelf is distributed on the ActionWeb. Institutions can download the files to a central location for easy access by Banner users. In the past, the Bookshelf could be linked to Banner. Some search features of the Bookshelf do not work in a web environment, however, so the Bookshelf button will not be available in Banner 7.0. We are recommending that users access the Bookshelf outside Banner where they can use the full text search feature.
Dynamic Help is context-sensitive help stored in the database for forms, blocks, and fields. Historically, Functional Consultants wrote Dynamic Help. Unfortunately, there were no content standards. One field may have a detailed description. Another may have only a "comment on column." Dynamic Help has not been consistently written or updated. Today, a lot of the Dynamic Help is incomplete and out-of-date. Additionally, the interface is clumsy and outdated (character based).
Another version of context-sensitive help was delivered in Banner 4.0. This version of online help provided form, windows, block, and field information using a more modern, GUI based interface. The goal was to design and deliver comprehensive online help for all Banner forms, fields, and procedures. We eventually delivered online help for approximately 200 Banner forms (10%). The disadvantage of this type of OLH was that it was Windows-based and not compatible with INB.
The Bookshelf is a library of Banner PDF manuals organized to provide easy navigation throughout the doc set. The Bookshelf is distributed on the ActionWeb. Institutions can download the files to a central location for easy access by Banner users. In the past, the Bookshelf could be linked to Banner. Some search features of the Bookshelf do not work in a web environment, however, so the Bookshelf button will not be available in Banner 7.0. We are recommending that users access the Bookshelf outside Banner where they can use the full text search feature.
Dynamic Help is context-sensitive help stored in the database for forms, blocks, and fields. Historically, Functional Consultants wrote Dynamic Help. Unfortunately, there were no content standards. One field may have a detailed description. Another may have only a "comment on column." Dynamic Help has not been consistently written or updated. Today, a lot of the Dynamic Help is incomplete and out-of-date. Additionally, the interface is clumsy and outdated (character based).
Another version of context-sensitive help was delivered in Banner 4.0. This version of online help provided form, windows, block, and field information using a more modern, GUI based interface. The goal was to design and deliver comprehensive online help for all Banner forms, fields, and procedures. We eventually delivered online help for approximately 200 Banner forms (10%). The disadvantage of this type of OLH was that it was Windows-based and not compatible with INB.
3. 3 Basic Info about the New Online Help What it is:
HTML-based help system that runs in a web browser
Available for all Banner forms*
Includes form, field, and task help
*Help not available for certain security-restricted forms.
The 7.0 Bookshelf will be available in the spring of 2005.
Dynamic Help is being delivered with Banner 7.0. In an effort to promote the new online help, however, Dynamic Help is being minimally maintained for Banner 7.0. Rather than spending time maintaining outdated Dynamic Help, comprehensive documentation is being developed in the user guides. This content will be reused in the new online help.
New online help for Banner 7.0 is what we want to demo today. This online help will be available for all Banner forms. It will include form, field, and task help. It will be context-sensitive from Banner. There will also be easy navigation to online help for other forms. It is also accessible via the web.The 7.0 Bookshelf will be available in the spring of 2005.
Dynamic Help is being delivered with Banner 7.0. In an effort to promote the new online help, however, Dynamic Help is being minimally maintained for Banner 7.0. Rather than spending time maintaining outdated Dynamic Help, comprehensive documentation is being developed in the user guides. This content will be reused in the new online help.
New online help for Banner 7.0 is what we want to demo today. This online help will be available for all Banner forms. It will include form, field, and task help. It will be context-sensitive from Banner. There will also be easy navigation to online help for other forms. It is also accessible via the web.
4. 4 Basic Info about the New Online Help How it is accessed:
Online Help button on toolbar
Online Help option in Help menu
Help Center link on main menu
How it is delivered:
Downloaded from the ActionWeb
The 7.0 Bookshelf will be available in the spring of 2005.
Dynamic Help is being delivered with Banner 7.0. In an effort to promote the new online help, however, Dynamic Help is being minimally maintained for Banner 7.0. Rather than spending time maintaining outdated Dynamic Help, comprehensive documentation is being developed in the user guides. This content will be reused in the new online help.
New online help for Banner 7.0 is what we want to demo today. This online help will be available for all Banner forms. It will include form, field, and task help. It will be context-sensitive from Banner. There will also be easy navigation to online help for other forms. It is also accessible via the web.The 7.0 Bookshelf will be available in the spring of 2005.
Dynamic Help is being delivered with Banner 7.0. In an effort to promote the new online help, however, Dynamic Help is being minimally maintained for Banner 7.0. Rather than spending time maintaining outdated Dynamic Help, comprehensive documentation is being developed in the user guides. This content will be reused in the new online help.
New online help for Banner 7.0 is what we want to demo today. This online help will be available for all Banner forms. It will include form, field, and task help. It will be context-sensitive from Banner. There will also be easy navigation to online help for other forms. It is also accessible via the web.
5. 5 Delivery Schedule Infrastructure for Help included in 7.0 software release
Content for Help delivered in Spring 2005
Future updates delivered 2 months after major releases
6. 6 Accessing Online Help from a Form
7. 7 Accessing Online Help from a Form
8. 8 Features of Online Help
9. 9 Features of Online Help
10. 10 Features of Online Help
11. 11 Finding What You’re Looking for…
12. 12 Finding What You’re Looking for…
13. 13 Finding What You’re Looking for…
14. 14 Accessing the Help Center
15. 15 Accessing the Help Center
16. 16 Accessing Help Center from Main Menu
17. 17 Accessing Help Center from Main Menu
18. 18 Frequently-asked Questions Can the new Online Help be customized?
Not easily, and any changes will be overwritten with the next release of Help. SunGard SCT recommends using Local Help within Banner to maintain any custom documentation.
Where can I get column information?
SCT Dynamic Help, Local Dynamic Help, and Item Properties (choices available from the Help pull-down menu in Banner) all display column information when it is available.
19. 19 Frequently-asked Questions