1. IC2 - Executive ManagementCareer Development Workshop Masters of Science and Technology Commercialization Bruce E. Moore CPC
Sr. Career Advisor
The Ford Career Center
McCombs School of Business
The University of Texas at Austin
3. Workshop Overview Self Assessment - Product Re-Development
Opportunity Evaluation – Research & Information Gathering
Strategic Resume – Collateral Sales Material
Pro-Active Interviewing – The Product Presentation
Overview of Case Interviewing
Self Directed Search Strategies – Identifying customers, networking, resource development
Question & Answer
4. Self Assessment Tools Career Leader
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Strong Interest Inventory
Self Directed Search
The Brinkman Method
5. Opportunity Evaluation Research & Information Gathering
Job postings on company web sites
Internet web sites; Wetfeet, Vault, Hoovers, Monster.com etc.
Business Journals (national by city)
Trade Magazines, Newspaper Articles
Networking Events, Industry Presentations, Trade Shows, Informational Interviews
Libraries, Professional Associations, University Faculty, etc
6. General Resume Format & Content How many different types of resume formats are their?
What works best for the situation?
Goal, communicate the key info as directly as possible without raising red flags. (Chronological vs. Functional)
Think of building Sections (5)
7. Resume Section I The Heading:
Bruce E. Moore CPC
2000 Fair Oaks Circle
Austin, Texas 78758
Home: 512.232.7818 Cell:512.2836.3774
8. Resume Section II Education:
Education: The University of Texas at Austin
IC2 Institute - Master of Science & Technology
Commercialization (MSSTC)
Career Focus: Information Technology
Graduation Date: May 2003
Southern Methodist University
Bachelors of Science, Electrical Engineering
Graduated: May 1987
9. Resume Section III Career History
Career History:
10/94 – Spacely Sprockets (brief description optional) Austin, TX
Present Position Title, (02/01-Present) Position Title, (03/99-02/01)
* 1st bullet point should target one of the 6-8 key skills in order of what you perceive to be the most desired component. Each bullet point should not be more than 3 lines, 4 at the most. KISS!
* Look for was to quantify and qualify your bullet points, using; $, %, #, brand names. Don’t just tell your reader “what you did” but also tell them how you did it and what the RESULTS were.
10. Resume Section IV Professional Affiliations & Accomplishments
* National Association of Sprocket Manufactures
* Make sure that there is a “Fit Piece” for what you
put in this area. If it doesn’t somehow related,
you may want to leave it out.
11. Resume Section V Personal
* Not too PERSONAL!!!, hobbies, accomplishments that might be unique etc. that might help you create an “emotional hook” …etc!
12. Student Resume Exercise
Take a copy of your resume and turn it over.
Now, pretend that you’re writing 6 to 8 key requirements (bullet points) that you’re relatively sure your “Dream Job” is going to require. Job Description Points!
Allow 2 minutes to complete before next slide
13. Student Resume Exercise Without turning your resume over, pass it to your right so you have someone else’s resume other than your own.
Read the “Position Qualifications” carefully and try and remember what you’re going to be looking for in the resume. Once we begin reviewing the resume, you may turn the resume over from time to time to check the qualifications against the resume content.
When I say go, for the next 30 seconds I want you to turn over the resume and begin reviewing it as I discussed and use your pen or pencil to put a check mark beside all the points in the resume that relate directly to the list of qualifications. 30 Seconds… “GO”!
14. Student Resume Exercise Questions:
How many people easily found 2 or 3 of the key requirements? 4 or more? Anyone find all of them?
Where were they located on the page? Top, Middle or Bottom.
Did you have to sift through a lot of info to find the “Key Info” you were looking for?
Pass resumes back to their owners.
15. From General Resume to “Strategic Resume”!
How can we develop a morestrategic resume ?
16. Strategic Resume Development The Process:
Review all research materials and define the 6-8 key skills your target opportunity requires.
Mental Gymnastics!
Who’s Perspective? Hind sight is 20/20
Lay out the format sections for your resume (5 Sections)
17. Sample Resume Review
Overhead Projection if available.(Preview and discuss my sample resume)
18. Key Resume Take Aways People spend very little time when initially screening a resume? (Seconds not minutes!) Help them see the fit!
Put your resume together from your readers perspective, not yours!
Try and keep it to a single page. (You can have an expanded version for future contact or when you actually get into the interview) Target Marketing!
19. Key Resume Take Aways Look for ways to differentiate yourself and demonstrate your skills and abilities, not just talk about them, i.e., put together a “Position Requirements – Professional Skills Analysis sheet using PowerPoint or Excel” “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”!
Always look for ways to quantify and qualify, Details = Credibility!
20. Key Resume Take Aways Try not to sell the same skill in multiple bullet points, it will only dilute your message and potentially confuse your reader. “Less is More”! Kiss…again!
21. 10 Minute Break
Please be back in 10 minutes or less, We have lot more to “uncover”!
22. Interview Models & Types General Conversational
* Behavioral
* Case
Group/Team Interviews
Interviews requiring presentations
23. Behavioral Interviewing What is the Major Premise for Behavioral Interviewing?
Your perspective and frame of mind are extremely important. Pro vs. Re-Active!
You are a Product Manager, your are also the Product and the Resume is your PowerPoint
The more Strategy, the better the results! Break down of the process, “Case Approach”
24. Behavioral Interviewing Strategic Behavioral Interview Model
WHAT... are the 3 MOST important things to accomplish in an interview?
A. Establish Rapport
B. Establish Credibility
B. Connect the Dots
HOW... Do we accomplish all 3 in a situation where we have little or no control?
2 Key Tools!
Image (Packaging)
a. Verbal & Non-verbal
25. Behavioral Interviewing 1st Impressions are extremely important. The first 5-10 seconds. So don’t create barriers to entry?
Interview Communication Model(Dry Erase or Chalk Board)
26. Behavioral Interviewing Anyone have questions that they have typically gotten in a past interviews that they are not sure they have the “best” answer for?
List of typical interview questions in handouts
Is interviewing any different from auditioning? Not really!
27. The Case Interview Types of Case Interviews.
Brain Teasers
Market Sizing
Supply Chain/Operations
Financial Analysis
Business Strategy etc.
28. Case Interviews
Why do they ask case questions?
What do you think they are looking for?
What are they “really” looking for?
29. The Case Interview What are the 2 most important things to accomplish in a Case Interview?
Answer:A. Establish & Maintain “Credibility”B. Build Rapport
30. Sample Case Question
French Fry Vending Machines?(Interactive Class Activity, Read andquickly work through the sample case)
31. SAC Case Framework Strategic Approach to Case(The SAC Model)
Isolate all the facts and questions to be answered, each on a separate line.
Restate facts and questions to “client” to confirm accuracy and get buy in.
Go to fact 1 and begin asking probing questions to gain insight and understanding of each fact.
Work through each fact in order. (Do not skip facts, do not plug in frameworks etc. to early)
Working through facts will lead you back down your list to the question or questions to be answered.
32. SAC Case Framework If you see a classic framework that fit’s use it, however they are most likely looking for “original work” so don’t feel like you have to use the 4P’s, 4C’s, S.W.O.T., Value Chain Analysis, Cost Revenue Analysis etc
Depending on the complexity of the case and the amount of time you have it’s often best to work from macro to the micro and Keep it simple!
Answer the questions and then summarize and if there is more time you can suggest other potential components to consider, or close the case.
33. Case Interview Tips Don’t be thrown by the interviewer’s questions or lack of providing answers. Realize that there are numerous good approaches and answers. The interviewer just wants to see how you process information, deliver solutions and handle stress.
Be concise. If asked for the “top two” issues, confine your response to two items only. Avoid going into too much detail. The more explicit your thinking, the better.
Provide logical back-up for your answers. Be sure to explain what case facts led you to a conclusion, and how you reasoned from those facts to your conclusion.
34. Case Interview Tips (cont.) Don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions. If you don’t understand the case facts, you will find it difficult to ace the interview.
Remember common sense goes a long way. And finally, try to relax in the process and project a sense of confidence, but not cockiness.
If the interviewer won’t or give answers to your questions then you have to make assumptions. Be sure to make your assumptions know and keep it simple.
Use pen and paper if you want…A picture is worth a thousand words.
35. Self Directed Search The key is NETWORKING!
Planning the work as if it were a project, using your project management skills, organizing the info in a contact management database etc., and planning the work and working the plan.
2 key’s to Success
Increase your number of contacts (opportunities)
Compress the amount of time from initial contact to meeting or interviewing
Other components and potential resources
Recruiting Firms, Headhunters, Agencies, Outplacement Firms
Retained Search Firms
Contingency Search Firms
Staffing Firms, Contracting Firms
Employment Agencies & Outplacement Firms
36. IC2 - Executive Management Career Development Workshop
Questions & Answers?Workshop handouts are available