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Black gums are not complicated to treat or harmful as you think. Even though it is harmless, it leaves one with unattractive appearance or smile. Modern technologies in Dentistry have empowered to shade or lighten the dark colored gums with gum whitening treatments. For more information, reach us at https://www.suryadentalcare.com/.
8 Factorsbehinddarkgums Gum color varies for each person. In general, our gums appear pink in color. Few people havegumswithtinyreddishdotsordarkpink.Incontrast,purple,blackcoloredgumsalso appearforsomepeople.Youmayalso noticesuch persons.Right? If you have such black gums, don’t neglect it because it may be a warning sign of any seriousdental disease underlying the gums. Similarly, don’t scare or worry regarding the black-colored gums. Black gums are not causedonlybydentaldiseases.Manyunknownfactorsarerelatedtoblackgums. OurDentistsinSuryaDentalCarehavelistedtheminthispost.Letus see. Melanin Melanin is the natural substance present in our body. It provides the color of our skin. If a person has a high concentration of melanin in his/her body, it is common that their gums alsoappeardarkliketheirskin.Iftheblackgumsoccurasaresultofthegeneticeffect, itwill notcausepain oranyissues. Bruises Gum injuries occur with hard brushing or flossing and while biting hard substances that damage the gum tissues and others. When there is a wound in the gums, it appears red and at times black or brown. Such black gums caused due to injuries will go off after healing. AmalgamTattoo
Dental bridges, crowns and filling materials are made by blending certain metals. The mixtureisknownasamalgam.Whiletreatingcavities,thediseasedtoothisfilled withdentalfillingmaterialsthatinclude amalgam. If the amalgam particles dislodged in or around the filled tooth, it will cause dark spots on the gum regions around the tooth. It makes the gum appear dark or black in color. Such amalgamtattooswill cause anycomplicationsor lead to seriousinfections. Smoking Youmaynoticethelipsofsmokersappearpurpleincolor.Itisduetothenicotinepresent in cigarettes.The same isalso a reason behind blackgums. Melanocytes is the melanin-producing cells present inside our body. When a person consumes nicotine while smoking, it induces more melanocytes which in turn produces higher levels of melanin. It causes dark spots, patches on the gum.If a person smokes frequently,thedarkpatcheswill extend alloverthegumtissuesandturnitasblackgum. Quit smoking is the only solution to overcome black gum disease and restore healthy gums Medication Medications or drugs which we take to get rid of infections like chlamydia are effective to stainourgums.Likewise,medicationslikeminocyclineandothersthatcontainantimalarial agentsare also powerfulto cause gumdiscoloration. If you encounter such black or dark colored gums due to medication, consult your Doctor toreplace it. EruptionHematoma While the teeth are erupting, a cyst is formed in the underlying region. Sometimes, few drops of blood mixed with the cyst. This condition is known as Eruption Hematoma. The eruption cystwith bloodappearsdark.Itmakes the gumlooksblackincolor. Itisnormalandyoudon’tneed toworryaboutthis.Itwillgooffoveraperiodoftime. AcuteNecrotizingUlcerative Gingivitis It is a kind of gum disease that occurs due to poor oral hygiene that leads to breed up of bacteria in the mouth. The infection produces a black colored biofilm on the gums by deposition ofthe deadcellsoverthe gumlayer.Thisendsindarkgums. Itssymptomsincludebadbreath,gumbleedingandothersymptomsthatindicate gingivitis.Professionaldentalcleaningdoneatthedentalofficeis requiredtocurethis. Healthissues
As mentioned earlier, black gums occur as a side effect of various diseases or health infections.Mostcommoncomplicationsthatareassociatedwithdarkgumsareasfollows: Oral Melanoacanthoma – The cause of this condition is still unknown. Researchers believethatthefrictioninthemouthcausedduetojawmovementsisthereason.Itmakes differentpartsofthe mouth including gums appear dark. Addison’sdisease–Itisaseriousconditionthataffectsouradrenalglands.Thisinturn, affects the normal functioning of our body. Hyperpigmentation arises as an effect of this disease and produces dark patches in various parts including gums. It can be identified with symptomslike pale-coloredspotson the skin,dehydration,etc. Thrombocytopenia – This is a condition that arduous the blood clotting process. It takes advantage ofaninjuryinthe gumtissuesandinheritsthe gumwounds. Blue Nevus – Similar to Oral Melanoacanthoma, the base cause of this disease is also notidentified.Itproducesasmallmoleinthe gumsthatlookslikeswellingandmakesthe gums look discolored. A Dentist can easily diagnose this condition by seeing the size and color ofthe mole. Melanotic Macule – This causes dark colored patches in various parts of our body includinggums.Itmaycauseduetogeneticdisordersforsomepeople.Somepeople are affected bythisdiseasewhen theybecome older. Conclusion Black gums are not complicated to treat or harmful as you think. Even though it is harmless, it leaves one with unattractive appearance or smile. Modern technologies in Dentistry have empowered to shade or lighten the dark-colored gums with gum whitening treatments.