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The College Tutor. Emma Vaux Associate Medical Director JRCPTB CMT PD, Oxford Deanery RCP Tutors meeting October 5 th 2010. What is a college tutor?. Hands on Educational role overseeing a group of (usually) Core Medical Trainees Local representative of RCP
The College Tutor Emma Vaux Associate Medical Director JRCPTB CMT PD, Oxford Deanery RCP Tutors meeting October 5th 2010
What is a college tutor? Hands on Educational role overseeing a group of (usually) Core Medical Trainees Local representative of RCP Professionally responsible to RCP Close liaison with Deanery Accountable for their educational management performance to the Deanery and Trust
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Representatives from 13 deaneries responded Every deanery does something different in majority the College tutor (CT) is seen as the local CMT lead at trust level Expectation of role of CT at the local level is very variable in majority organizes local teaching programmes at CMT level most participate at ARCP some do eportfolio review some organize rotas some do face-to-face a few expected to be educational supervisors to the CMT trainees arrange MRCP teaching pastoral support All CMT level
Very few CTs have any involvement at ST3+ GIM trainees Support for a local GIM ‘champion’; a number of deaneries have a GIM STC representative at each trust already, not the CT Overall opinion suggests CT are in a well placed position to be a local GIM champion, in addition to their CMT role….although current workload with CMT, lack of recognition of time and remuneration, and CTs without dual accreditation seen as potential stumbling blocks EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Another role? RA for Service Quality - the emphasis of the recommendations is to reflect the importance of liaison with local physicians as the starting point to safeguard and champion patient safety and high standards of care. ‘Local professional links with hospitals would be crucial to developing effective local clinical networks. It was felt that the College should re-engage College Tutors in more general issues other that CMT, linked to the work of RAs. Consideration should be given to developing College Tutors as the local link in each Trust with RAs for Service Quality, and the means by which advisers disseminate information to the hospital level. This should be facilitated by a defined role which Tutors can carry out in support of service issues.’
Should the role evolve? ? GIM champion ? Stronger link with RA and Trust ? Other roles
Purpose of survey Ask the college tutors what they think of their value to the trust, deanery and college, and how they currently link with regional advisors, quality and education, How might their role develop with the changing NHS Present at College Tutor day October 5th Enable debate
The survey Email all college tutors to participate N= 277 Survey monkey 10 questions 104 replies 38% response rate
Which organisation do you feel your college tutor role has most value with? RCP RCP TRUST DEANERY TRUST DEANERY MOST VALUE LEAST VALUE • Most value with trust
Which organisation do you feel values your college tutor role the most?
Current role teaching MRCP
current Career CMT Pastoral CMT
Summary – what CT does now CT see most value sitting with their Trust, and least value with RCP But no real sense of which organisation values the role the most CT role in job plan of approx 2/3rd – i/3rd PA and 1/3rd SPA Primarily CMT role
Summary…..what might the CT do? CT = ‘physicianly’ role within a trust liaising with trainees whatever the grade And acting as a link between RCP & fellow consultants Probably a willingness to undertake responsibilities such as PACES examiner recruitment Increased liaison with RA A feeling there should be a direct link between RCP and trust and not just via deanery Patient safety and quality How that looks is for debate Sense not an enthusiasm for formal reports
Debate –rewriting the job description? What are the essential, and desirable, roles of the college tutor? Should the college tutor have a: Physicianly role for all grades within a Trust - advice training, careers? Formal link between RCP and physicians? A responsibility for PACES examiner recruitment within their Trust? Formal liaison with the regional Advisor - be the lynch pin for RA Trust conversations, local quality and patient care, Trust annual report? 3. How could the CT role value be enhanced? How should this look?