Obesity By: Ashley Hernandez
Why I chose this topic? • The reason I chose this topic is because I already knew a lot about it, and I feel like its important to let people know that you should never make fun of anyone who is obese because there have been suicides of people making fun of heavy weight people and its not right.
Summary of the project. • My project will show what obesity is, what causes it, who does it affect the most, and a graph about kids, women, men, and all adults in the U.S that are obese.
What is obesity? • Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive fat that’s stored in the body. Being obese mean’s that he or she has to much fat stored in there body that’s what causes them to gain the weight and make them look huge.
What cause’s it? • At it’s simplest obesity can develop if a person’s calorie’s intake the food he or she exceeds the amount of calories used it can also be cause by people NOT working out.
Who does it affect the most? • Obesity can be more affected on women then men. Because men tend to work out more then women. Women just tend to have a lot of stress in themselves which makes them eat. And guy’s like to work out a lot and stay fit. • .
In My Community • This project is to bring awareness to my community of unhealthy living. • It will show that living healthy could be a reachable goal.