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Are You Looking To Boost Your Business? Or Want to Know the Secrets of your Competitors? Call Optigrise Technology in New Jersey! We know the right Solution.<br><br>Who We Are? Why Choose Optigrise Technology For Digital Services in the USA?<br><br>u2022tOptigrise SOR lead Agencies intend to offer complete Enterprise Solutions on IT landscape with Systems of Engagement (SOE), Systems of Record (SOR), and Systems of Interaction (SOI) or simply SoX service to Manage and Operate your Business Leads. <br>u2022tThe only aim of Optigrise's Digital experts is to achieve greater Business Profit for your business. <br>u2022tOptigrise Digital Transformation specialist can work with your enterprise to transform your digital capabilities and build digital services that are simpler, clearer, and faster to use. <br>
Cloud PracticeOverview << Optigrise.com >>
DigitalSBU Data, Analytics& InsightsServices AI &Cognitive Services DigitalIntegration Services CloudServices • CloudConsulting • CloudArchitecture • CloudMigration • Cloud NativeDev • Cloud Testing &Ops • AIConsulting • Data Science &Machine Learning • Conversational AI, NLP, Chatbot/VirtualAgents • Voice, Speech &Video • Data Warehouse& • BusinessIntelligence • ETL/ELT • Modern DataWarehouse • Big Data &Analytics • DataVisualization • DataMigration • DigitalIntegration • Architecture • APIGateway • Microservice • EAI andSOA FocusAreas ConsultingServices EngineeringServices ProfessionalServices
WhyCloud?…CloudisCXOstopprioritylist Cloud has clearly emerged as key building block for “DigitalTransformation” Core building block for both building superior customer experience, achieving operational efficiency and transforming/modernizing thecore Cloud is fundamental core element for being successful in AI, ML, Big Data, Mobility, IoT,Blockchain, AR/VR/MR and other new gentechnologies Worldwide public cloud service market will grow to $331.2B in 2022 -Gartner 70%oforganizations(surveyed)aremakingasignificantormoderateinvestmentin cloud – KPMG 2018 CIOSurvey Top investment priorities forCIO/CTO/CDO in 2019 – CIOMagazine
Benefits ofcloud StrategicAdvantage • DigitalTransformation • Cloud key enabler for digitaltransformation • Cloud provides compute/storage needsofBigData,AI/ ML and new gen technologies. • Improvesoperational efficiency. • Agility andFlexibility • Cloud services could becreated&deleted almost instantly, which provideshuge flexibility tobusiness • No upfrontcost, pay as you go model helpsexploration. • Time tomarket • Cloud reducesproduct development lifecycle significantly and so reduces time to marketsignificantly • Self servicereduces time andcost. • Computer & New TechnologyPower • Cloud provides unlimitedcomputing power (FPGA etc) required for AI, ML, Big data and other modernworkloads • Focus onCore • Focus on core business, ratherthan data center mgmt., h/w&servermgmt. • Focus on Apps that adds business value ratherthanh/w&DC. TacticalAdvantage • CostAdvantage • From CapEx toOpEx • Staggeredpayment instead ofone time • Pay as you gobilling, Pay only forusage. • Cost reduction onDC, • h/w, n/wetc. • Less staff, Lesssalary • Security &Risk Mitigation • All cloud providers are securitycertified, making cloud more secure than age old datacenters. • Supportsmultiple region andgeos. • LegacyModernization • Cloud migrationhelps in modernization of legacysystems. • Helpsinreductionof technicaldebts • Cloud helps in decoupled &better architecture. • Scale &Reach • Scale up & down basedon#ofusers • Autoscaling • Cloud provideselastic scale for peak time usage. • Reach toglobal audience. • AutomaticSoftware • Upgrade • Cloud platforms upgrades software versionsperiodically. • Periodically backsup • data. • Better inDR.
Cloud models, terminologies andvendors AI/ML &Cognitive Mobility IoT Big Data &Analytics AR/VR/MR Cloud Services Compute Storage Networking Database Messaging DBaaS (Database as aSvc.) MaaS (Messaging as aSvc.) BPaaS (Business Process as aSvc.) FaaS /Serverless (Function as aService) CaaS (Container as aSvc.) MBaaS (Mobility Backend as aSvc.) Cloud Service Models SaaS (Software as aService) PaaS /APaaS (Platform as a Service/Application Platform as aSvc.) IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) Cloud Vendors Cloud Deployment Models PublicCloud HybridCloud&MultiCloud PrivateCloud
Cloudofferings Cloud Testing &Ops Cloud Native AppDev CloudConsulting CloudArchitecture Cloud AppMigration CloudPlatforms–IaaS,PaaS/APaaS,SaaS,DBaaS,MBaaS CloudVendors–AWS,Azure,GoogleCloudPlatform,IBMCloud,Pivotal/PCF,Heroku
Cloudservices&workloads//Ourfocusarea • App &API: • CloudNativeApp(Container,Microservice,Serverless, DevOps) Development forCloud. • AppModernization&MigrationtoCloud • Mobile Backend and Web Servicedesign/build. • Data, Analytics andInsight: • DatabaseMigration-bothRelational&NoSQL • Data warehouse migration tocloud • DataLakeandAnalyticsplatformbuildusingboth Hadoop and Sparkplatform. • AI &Cognitive: • AI/ML ModelDevelopment • Chatbot/VirtualAgentApp/skilldesign&build • AI-ficationofexistingappsusingCognitiveAPIs. • IoT: • IoT Ingestion Layer and IoT Hubbuild. • IoTanalytics&visualizationlayerdev.
Cloud vendors & ourrecommendation • PublicCloud-AWSandAzurearetheleadersinCloudIaaS&PaaSwithGCPasdistant3rd. • PrivateCloud–VMware,OpenStackaretheleaders.AzureStack(Microsoft)comesw/hugepossibilities. Computing Trends: 2019 State ofthe Cloud Survey byFlexera We strongly recommend touse either AWS or Azure public cloud as cloudplatform. Note:WhethertouseAWSorAzuredepends onthe usecaseandwe wouldbeabletosuggestafterunderstandingtherequirement. Gartner’s2018MagicQuadrantforinfrastructure as aService
Cloud vendor comparison – AWS, Azure, GCP and IBMCloud 1 2 3 4
Cloud nativearchitecture Cloud NativePrinciples • Microservices,DomainDrivenDesign…boundedcontext,SOLID • Containerized …Container orchestration • ServiceMesh • Observability(Monitoring,Logging,DistributedTracing,…) • Scalability, Availability, DR… • DevOps,CI/CD • Automation • ImmutableInfrastructure//InfrastructureasCode • HybridCloud…avoidingcloudvendorlockin…hybridcloud managementplatforms • Serverless /FaaS Micro services Auto- mation Containers Cloud Native DesignPattern DevOps • 12 FactorApp • DistributedComputing • CQRS • CircuitBreaker • EventSouring • Pub/sub…queuebasedloadleveling • Sidecar /sidecarproxy • Anti corruptionlayer • Stranglerpattern • EventualConsistency What is Cloud Native? Cloudnativetechnologiesempowerorganizationstobuildandrun scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybridclouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify thisapproach. CloudNativeComputingFoundation(CNCF)
SuccessStory:Migrating LAMPstackwebapptoAWScloud.Buildingandlaunchinganewmobile appquicklytothemarket.Scalethemwhenuserinterestgrows,beingcostconscious. Client – US basedstartup. • BusinessChallenge: • The client is a small US based startup companyplanningtolaunch anewmobile application that allows consumers & serviceproviderstointeractrealtime. • Their architecture used a LAMP stack comprising ofopen source software. Like • many small start-ups they were confident that they will be the next big thing and expectsignificant,rapid,yetun-quantified growth in the next few months, but was cognitiveoftheirexpense.Theyneeded- • Auto scaling up &down • Disaster Recovery planning &archival strategy. • Manage useridentities • AbilityforServiceProviderstosend notifications toconsumer • Effective distribution ofload • A self-healinginfrastructure • Securityofdataatrestandintransit Solution: The solution was designed keeping in mindboth(1)re-usabilityofexistingweb app running on LAMP stack and (2) building a new mobile app quickly which wouldprovide superior experience. AWS public cloud and it’s various services including compute (EC2), storage (S3) and mobile services (Amazon Pinpoint, AWS AppSync, Amazon Cognito) were used. Amazon Aurora was used as database for replacing on-prem MySQL. The mobile app was built using React and React client APIs for AWS mobile services were used. API gateway was used for APImanagement. Business Outcome: The client was able to launch the new mobile app within 5 months – it increased the revenue by 20%, and the self service features reducedoperational cost and improved overall customer experience &satisfaction. The web app was migrated to AWS with minimum modification. The app downtime was limited to few hours. All required data was migratedsuccessfully.
SolutionArchitecture:MigratingLAMP WebApp+NewMobilebackendinAWS Tech Stack - EC2, AWS Mobile Services, API Gateway, Amazon Aurora,S3
Success Story: Modern, Microservice oriented cloud native systembuild Client – North America based TelecomGiant Solution: The solution required a 99% uptime, stringentSLAsalongwithCI/CDandsoAWS was used. The application was built using micro services and were deployed as containersasthiswouldprovidethehighest form of flexibility along with CI/CD and DevOps. The solution was built using Java/Spring with Amazon Aurora as database, which has sub-second response time.ToimprovetheperformanceRedis cache layer was used. Amazon’s ECS Containerorchestration,managementand mesh solutionwas used. BusinessOutcome: Using micro service styled architectureallowedtheclientthe choice of using different data stores (polyglot persistence) and different languages/stack for middletier–thisallowedthemto reuse as muchcode as possible. This reduces the build cycle significantly. The first MVP of the appwasdesignedwithin9months and was deployed to production ontime. BusinessChallenge: The telecom giant wanted to build a new age, modern website for their customer, which would increase customer retention . This website would be used by millions of customerstocompareplans,selecta particular plan and to pay for the same. This website is the primary interaction channel used by the customers,soitneeded99.9%uptime and stringent SLA guarantees. Quick buildtime,agilityandCI/CDwerealso keycriteria.
SolutionArchitecture:Microservice&ContainerizationfornewCloudNativeAppSolutionArchitecture:Microservice&ContainerizationfornewCloudNativeApp ECS (Elastic Container Service), ECR, ELB, CloudFront, S3, Aurora,ElastiCache
POV - Micro service + Containerization Architecture usingKubernetes Tech Stack - EKS / Managed Kubernetes Service, ECR, ELB, CloudFront, S3, ElastiCache, RDS (MSSQL)
Success Story – Re-architecting Omni channel customer interaction platform on AWS usingnative services &components Client– LargeInsuranceMajorinEuropeundergoingdigitaltransformation. Solution: Thesolutionrequiredacloudproviderwho has strong offering across Compute, Storage, App hosting, Database (NoSQL) , API Management, and AI/ML/Cognitive Services. We chose AWS as it met all the needs. NodeJs/Express&Angularwaschosenas theappframework.Forthewebappsand web APIs AWS Lambda and API gateway was used, along withS3 as storage. DocumentDB was used for storing data with a Redis caching layer. AWS Lex /Alexa were used for chatbot/voice skill as Cognitive Layer. Nodejs/Express was used aswebbackend,whileAngularwasusedas BusinessOutcome: A basic web front end and Alexa skill was developed through aPOC within 1.5months. InIteration1,ThefirstcutMVPfor theomnichannelsolution includingwebfrontendandAlexa skillwasdevelopedwithin3 months. Theresultsmetthebusiness demand and was highly appreciated. In Iteration 2 more features were added,followedbyamobileappin Iteration3. BusinessChallenge: This large Insurance Major in Europe was undergoing digital transformation focused on customer experience and cost reduction. Typical to insurance industry,theclienthadgrownoverthe last few decades with acquisition and mergers. This caused the company to have multiple web apps, mobile apps fortheirproducts.Thecompany wantedtobuildasingle“omni- channel” platformacross interactions, buildvoiceenabledskills.Infuturethe platform should support Watch / Wearableappsand/orotherchannels.
SolutionArchitecture–UsingServerlessforomnichannelcustomerexperienceSolutionArchitecture–UsingServerlessforomnichannelcustomerexperience Tech Stack - Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, AWS Machine Learning Services,DocumentDB
SuccessStory:Modernization&MigrationofLegacy.NETappstoAzure Tech Stack - .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Azure, Azure App Service (Web App), AzureSQL Database BusinessProblem: Theclientisatelecommajor,whohadaportfolioof80+ internal apps running in their datacenter. 50+ of these appswerewritteninolderversionsof.NETrangingfrom .NET 2.x to .NET 4.5. These apps used SQL Server as Database.RestoftheappswerewritteninJava,Pythonor NodeJs. As part of their "move to cloud" strategy, client wanted to re-host/modernize/re-architect the apps and move them tocloud. Solution: After analyzing the requirement in detail Azure public cloud was chosen (client had expertise in .NET/Microsoft stack, user friendliness of Azure Web App, Azure’s AD integration etc). .NET Apps were migrated to .NET Core. Azure App Service (Web App) was used as PaaS and web hostingplatformasitcanhostnotonly.NETapps,butalso Node, Python, Java and Golang apps. The database was migrated from on premise SQL Server to Azure SQL Database. BusinessOutcome: Most of the .NET apps were migrated to Azure without significant development effort. The migration was quick and ontime, without much downtime. Based on the successinnextphaseJava/Python/Nodeappsweretobe migrated. SQLDatabase AzureActive Directory App Service RedisCache CosmosDB Static Content Database AzureCDN BlobStorage Activeregion Georeplication Standbyregion TrafficManager SQLDatabase AzureDNS App Service RedisCache CosmosDB Database
Cloudadoptionchallengesandhowwecanhelp Source-TheStateofCloudAdoptionSurveyby CIOMagazineandDeloitte