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OptraSCANu2019s digital cytology imaging solution will assist pathologists and cytologists to<br>scan, index, and analyze the cytology slides. Driven by artificial intelligence and machine<br>learning technology the solution reduces the time needed to examine and assess the<br>a colossal number of samples individually<br>Contact us at-info@optrascan.com<br>Visit-https://www.optrascan.com/solutions/cytosia
Improving Pa�ent Outcomes With Affordable and Easy To Implement Digital Pathology Solu�ons OptraSCAN’s Cytology Imaging Solu�on OptraSCAN’s digital cytology imaging solu�on will assist pathologists and cytologists to scan, index, and analyze the cytology slides. Driven by ar�ficial intelligence and machine learning technology the solu�on reduces the �me needed to examine and assess the colossal number of samples individually CytoSiA – cytology image analysis solu�on, offers a plethora of features to effec�vely screen liquid-based cytology slides, and pap smears to differen�ate between normal and abnormal cervical cells. In addi�on to the cells, infec�ons could be further categorized as reac�ve, endometrial, ac�nomyces, candida, clue cells, trichomonas vaginalis, and herpes. It also helps in the iden�fica�on of en��es including blood, inflamma�on, and lubricant OptraSCAN’s advanced cytology solu�on aims to reduce the workload of pathologists, increase, and improve their efficiency OptraSCAN Inc. CA, USA +1 (408) 524-5300 OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900 info@optrascan.com www.optrascan.com @OptraSCAN
An ISO 13485 cer�fied company OptraSCAN systems are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are for research use only in North America OptraSCAN’s Digital Cytology Imaging Solu�on Extended Depth Of Field: OptraSCAN’s extended depth of field algorithm generates a single, en�rely focused composite image to screen an en�re image effec�vely, easily, and systema�cally. Advantages Rela�vely smaller file size than mul�plane images Quicker to acquire Effec�ve and easy naviga�on for accurate interpreta�on, sharing and archiving Z-Stacking Technology: Stack of images is generated at different focal planes along the z- axis Viewing so�ware enables the user to navigate, zoom up and down the different planes to detect the three-dimensional regions in focus Can scan up-to 7 layers Features Of OptraSCAN’s Volume Scanning Technology: Fully automated mul�layer scanning at different focal depths. Automated and User configurable focal intervals for Z stacking Ideal for Rapid On-site evalua�on for adequacy of cytology sample (Rapid on-site evalua�on (ROSE) OptraSCAN Inc. CA, USA +1 (408) 524-5300 OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900 info@optrascan.com www.optrascan.com @OptraSCAN
An ISO 13485 cer�fied company OptraSCAN systems are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are for research use only in North America OptraSCAN’s AI & ML- based Image Analysis Solu�on for Cytology Biomarker Automated computa�on of sample adequacy for the whole slide cytology image. Iden�fica�on of abnormal cells and other en��es based on morphological features and AI based classifica�on. Iden�fica�on of reac�ve, endometrial, ac�nomyces, candida, clue cells, trichomonas vaginalis, and herpes en��es. Iden�fica�on of en��es including blood, inflamma�on, and lubricant. Iden�fica�on of Infec�ons & Abnormal Cells Faster iden�fica�on of abnormal cells OptraSCAN Inc. CA, USA +1 (408) 524-5300 OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900 info@optrascan.com www.optrascan.com @OptraSCAN
An ISO 13485 cer�fied company OptraSCAN systems are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are for research use only in North America Iden�fica�on of Abnormal Cells Iden�fica�on of Infec�ons (Ac�nomyces) Iden�fica�on of HSIL OptraSCAN Inc. CA, USA +1 (408) 524-5300 OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900 info@optrascan.com www.optrascan.com @OptraSCAN