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Turning Point: The Schism of 1054. Hagia Sophia in Constantinople Today. Turning Point. Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople vs. Pope Leo IX and Cardinal Humbert . Review: Councils. Nicaea (323): Trinity and ChristConstantinople (381): Expands on the SonEphesus (431): Alexandrian ChristologyChalcedon (451): Refutes Heresy, Affirms Nicaea.
1. Defining Moments in the Christian HistoryBrandon Bayne
The Schism of 1054
2. Turning Point: The Schism of 1054
3. Turning Point Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople
Pope Leo IX and Cardinal Humbert
4. Review: Councils Nicaea (323): Trinity and Christ
Constantinople (381): Expands on the Son
Ephesus (431): Alexandrian Christology
Chalcedon (451): Refutes Heresy, Affirms Nicaea
5. Review: Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Father all-governing
Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son
of God, begotten from the Father before all time,
Light of light, true God of true God,
begotten not created, of the same essence as the Father, through whom all things came into being,
Who for us and because of our salvation came down from heaven,
6. Review: Nicene Creed Was incarnated by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary and became human,
Was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
Suffered and was buried,
And rose the third day according to the Scriptures,
Ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of the Father,
And will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead.
(From Chalcedon, 451)
7. Review: Christology Who was Jesus? God, Man, or both?
If both, then how?
If God, how does he relate to the Godhead?
8. Review: Christologies Arians (Jesus = Creature)
Ebionites (Jesus = man, not fully divine)
Docetist (Jesus only seemed human)
Gnostic (Jesus = Spirit, not man)
Eutyches (Incarnate Jesus had only one nature)
Nestorians (Christ has two distinct natures)
Orthodox/Chalcedon: Fully divine, became a man, begotten (not made), with Two Natures in perfect union at all times.
9. Review: Trinity Orthodoxy (Nicea): One God who exists in 3 persons:
-same substance (homoousion)
Father begets Son and Holy Spirit
Mary bears Jesus by the Holy Spirit
10. Review: Trinity What does “begotten” mean?
Arians: Creative act of Creator to Creature
Athanasius: Flowing forth from the Being of God
11. Review: Trinity Question in the Western missionary encounters:
If Father begets Son and the Holy Spirit is agent of his birth, then is Christ equal? Isn’t he a creature of the other two (i.e. Arian position)?
Answer: Filioque added to Nicene Creed
Father and the Son beget the Holy Spirit.
13. The Growing Divide “East and west were becoming strangers to one another… From the start Greeks and Latins had each approached the Christian Mystery in their own way. The Latin approach was more practical, the Greek more speculative; Latin thought was influenced by juridical ideas, by the concepts of Roman law, while the Greeks understood theology in the context of worship and in the light of the Holy Liturgy. When thinking about the Trinity, Latins started with the unity of the Godhead, Greeks with the threeness of the persons; when reflecting on the Crucifixion, Latins thought primarily of Christ the victim, Greeks of Christ the Victor; Latins talked more of redemption, Greeks of deification; and so on” (Timothy Ware, The Orthodox Church, 56). (Evangelical turned Orthodox Bishop)
14. The Growing Divide Clement I
(c. 96 From Rome to Ephesus)
“Roman Christianity
No Demons
No gifts of Spirit
No focus on Second Coming
“At home in the world”
15. Tertullian of Carthage vs. Clement of Alexandria
16. Diverging Paradigms West
Define Orthodoxy East
Circumscribe Orthodoxy
17. Diverging Paradigms: Greek and Latin Practical vs. Mystical
Precision vs. Ambiguity
Define Orthodoxy vs. Circumscribe Orthodoxy
18. Greek Orthodoxy 3 Cappadocian Fathers (Basil of Caesarea
Gregory of Nyssa
Gregory of Nazianzus
Stress Trinity
Preserve Myster
Rely on Spirit
19. 2 Capitols, 2 Histories 4th Cent.: Creation of new capital: Constantinople
5th/7th Cent.: Barbarian Invasions
7th Cent.: Islam controls Mediterranean and most of North Africa (division)
20. The Growing Divide
21. Church and State In the East the Emperor was nearly Pope, preaching and organizing councils
In the West the Pope was nearly emperor,
ruling the church, crowning kings, and providing for
social and political organization
22. The Fall of Rome: Internal Pressures
23. The Fall of Rome: Internal Pressures
24. Contributing Reasons for the Fall Difficulty and Decay of large borders
Tax problems
Too much diversity
Social Net (huge poverty and huge dole)
Poor leadership and internal strife
Christianity (Gibbon vs. Augustine)
25. The Fall of Rome: External Pressures
26. The Fall of Rome: External Pressures Burgundians, Visigoths, Goths, Vandals, Franks, Lombards, Suevi, Norse, and Huns press upon the Empire from the North and East
Goths defeat/kill Valens at Battle of Adrianople 378AD
Goths sack Rome in 410
Huns and Vandals invade West in 450’s
Last Emperor (Romulus Augustus) deposed in 476
Lombards control Rome after 550 AD
27. Barbarian Kingdoms: Bishops Guard Civilization
28. Barbarian Kingdoms: Bishops
29. Barbarian Conversions
Clovis (and therefore all of the Franks) converts to Christianity at Christmas 496
Recarred I (and therefore all of the Visigoths) converts to Catholicism from Arianism in 589
31. Barbarian Kingdoms Pope Leo III crowns Charlegmagne, the Frankish King, the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD, incites anger in the East
32. The Splintering Debates Easter (2nd Century): dating of the celebration
(Pope Victor 189 – 198)
33. The Splintering Debates
34. The Splintering Debates Eventually, the Church at the 2nd Council of Nicaea (787) permitted the veneration, rather than the worship of images. Shows the reality of the incarnation.
35. The Splintering Debates
36. The Splintering Debates The Photian Schism (858-867).
37. The Splintering Debates Celibacy: The Western church begins to enforce clerical celibacy in the 10th century, while Eastern clergy are still allowed to marry
Ritual: Leaven vs. Unleavened bread, form of the liturgy, etc.
38. The Rise of the Papacy
39. The Rise of the Papacy
40. The Rise of the Papacy A. Primus entre Pares “First Among Equals”
B. Vicar of Peter --? Vicar of Christ (Pius XII)
C. Pluralism -?Absolutism/Plenitudo Potestatis
D. Rome begins to rule unilaterally on doctrine and practice in West
E. Gregorian Reforms: Centralization and Bureaucracy
41. The Rise of the Papacy
42. The Advance of Islam The Prophet:
Mohammed and his Encounter with Monotheism
Probably encountered Nestorians in Arabia (heretics always spread)
43. The Advance of Islam: The Spread Damascus (635)
Jerusalem (638)
Alexandria (643)
North Africa (711)
Iberia (711)
Asia Minor/Turkey (718)
44. The Advance of Islam
45. Advance of Islam: The Response Charles Martel defeats Moors at the Battle of Tours (732)
Reconquista of Spain (711 – 1492)
46. Advance of Islam: Response
47. Advance of Islam: Response
48. The Dawn of the Crusades
49. Dawn of the Crusades 8 major and many minor military expeditions between the late 11th and late 13th Centuries, but actually didn’t completely end until the 16th Century.
Response to the Rise of Islam, especially the Seljik Turks
50. Dawn of the Crusades Background and Rationale:
Penitential Pilgrimage
51. Dawn of the Crusades
52. Attitudes Toward War No War (Justin Martyr, Origen, Sermon on the Mt.)
Just War (Augustine, Luther, Mk. 12:17)
Holy War (OT, Jn. 2:15, Mt. 10:34, Lk. 22)
53. Dawn of the Crusades Bernard of Clairvaux:
Apostle of Love or Hate?
Famous Cistercian Ascetic
Calls for fighting for the land of “King Jesus” and defense of the cross against heretics of Islam
54. Dawn of the Crusades
55. The Fourth Crusade Cause: Crusaders called to Defend Constantinople
Location: Constantinople
Backers: Venetian Merchants
Dates: 1214-1261
Outcome: Crusaders rule a “Latin Constantinople”
-sack Hagia Sophia
-horrible massacres
56. The Fourth Crusade
57. The Fourth Crusade
58. The Fourth Crusade There was never a greater crime against humanity thane the Fourth Crusade. Not only did it cause the destruction or dispersal of all the treasures of the past that Byzantium had devotedly stored, and the mortal wounding of civilization that was still active and great; but it was also an act of gigantic political folly. It brought no help to Christians in Palestine.
-Steven Runciman
59. The Legacy of Schism The Development of Eastern Orthodoxy: (Russia, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, and Americas)
The Witness of Disunity
Attempts at Reconciliation
60. Legacy of Schism Joint Statement on Orthodox-Catholic Relations
Communications after Vatican II in 1960’s
Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I make joint declaration on December 7, 1965
“Regret offensive words, gestures”
“Remove from memory excommunication”
“Deplore later vexing events and rupture of communion”